
kè guān
  • objective;detachment;disinterest
客观 [kè guān]
  • (1) [objective]

  • (2) 在意识之外,不依赖精神而存在的,不依人的意志为转移的

  • 可望他以完全客观的立场来对待这问题

  • (3) 指按事物本来面目去考察,与一切个人感情、偏见或意见都无关

  • 他对人并不客观

  • (4) 包含在对象中的,构成对象的,具有对象性的

  • 客观现实

客观[kè guān]
  1. 只要涉及他,我就难以做到保持客观。

    I find it difficult to be objective where he 's concerned .

  2. 显而易见,必须采用更为客观的描述方法。

    Plainly , a more objective method of description must be adopted

  3. 她的建议似乎是客观公正的。

    Her advice appeared to be disinterested .

  4. 这些结果能客观地衡量吗?

    Can these effects be objectively measured ?

  5. 要在本周末完成这一切,这在客观上是办不到的。

    It 's just not physically possible to finish all this by the end of the week .

  6. 我们必须像外科医生拿手术刀时一样冷静客观,不受任何感情影响。

    We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife

  7. 他没有客观证据表明正在发生什么不同寻常之事。

    He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening .

  8. 客观来说,这部传记很是令人气愤。

    It is , in its way , a maddening biography .

  9. 作为中立的观察员,我的分析应该客观。

    As an impartial observer my analysis is supposed to be objective

  10. 我很想听听你对此事的客观见解。

    I would really like to have your objective opinion on this .

  11. 行文冷静客观,一针见血。

    It is written in a detached , precise style .

  12. 退一步,客观地看待这个问题。

    Stand back and look objectively at the problem .

  13. 当然,人们会认为科学家们理所当然是公正客观的。

    Scientists , of course , can be expected to be impartial and disinterested

  14. 工党经济学家哈利·谢金认为要客观看待成本。

    Labor economist Harley Shaekin argues the cost needs to be viewed in perspective

  15. 我们并无实际、客观、科学的证据支撑我们的信仰。

    We have no real , objective , scientific evidence for our belief .

  16. 让客观公正的第三方看一下你的成果会有助益。

    It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work

  17. 这有助于他们从所面临的问题中跳出来,变得更客观一些。

    It helps them detach themselves from their problems and become more objective .

  18. 撇开那些情绪化的争论不谈,下面只说客观事实。

    Emotional arguments aside , here are the facts .

  19. 我没有客观地看问题。

    I let things get out of perspective .

  20. 后现代主义者声称不存在客观事实。人们凭什么要相信他们呢?

    Postmodernists say there is no objective truth . Why should anyone believe them ?

  21. 他已经冷静了一段时间,能更加客观地看待所发生的事情。

    He has had time to cool down and look at what happened more objectively

  22. 她的导论是客观公正的典范,是对爱尔兰历史的生动概括。

    Her introduction is a model of fairness , a lively summation of Irish history .

  23. 记住要客观看待事物。

    Remember to keep things in perspective

  24. 他们被要求对这些陈述作所谓“客观”的评价。

    They 're asked to make objective , in inverted commas , evaluations of these statements .

  25. 你的编辑角色很重要,因为你能够客观地审视作品。

    Your role as editor is important , for you can look at a piece of writing objectively .

  26. 任何井然有序的社会都需要一套客观公正、为大家所接受的规则。

    An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society .

  27. 不能把客观原因与主观原因平列起来分析。

    We should not put subjective reasons on a par with objective reasons in our analysis .

  28. 他试图对形势有个客观的看法。

    He tried to take an objective view of the situation .

  29. 做任何事都要遵循客观规律。

    We must hold by the objective laws to do anything .

  30. 不要把你的错误都归咎于客观原因。

    Don 't attribute all your mistakes to objective causes .