
  • Customer Demand;Customer Requirement
  1. 解决方案建议(Solutionproposal):基于客户需求,您需要为数据仓库项目或解决方案提出建议。

    Solution proposal : Based on the customer requirements , you create proposals for a data warehousing project or solution .

  2. XP使您能够充满信心地应对不断变化的客户需求,即使在项目生命周期后期也是如此。

    XP empowers you to respond confidently to changing customer requirements , even late in the project life cycle .

  3. 基于Web源的客户需求获取及分析方法

    Methodology of exploring and analyzing the VOC based on extensive web data source

  4. MC模式下基于本体的客户需求映射方法

    Mapping of Customer Need Based on Ontology in Mass Customization

  5. 面向MC配置设计的客户需求交互系统及其实现研究

    Realization of Customer Requirement Interaction System for Configuration Design of Mass Customization

  6. 它提供一组公共API来访问LotusQuickr中的内容以及构建适合于客户需求的解决方案。

    It provides a set of public APIs to access content inside Lotus Quickr and build solutions appropriate to customers'need .

  7. 从本质上讲,LotusDomino环境为了满足客户需求而变得更加复杂了。

    In essence , the complexity of the Lotus Domino environment has increased to keep up with the needs of our customers .

  8. 面临日趋激烈的市场竞争环境,如何进一步深化信息技术的应用使公司能赢得更多的市场并适应不断变化的客户需求成为摆在CD工程公司面前的一个重要课题。

    In the current intense competition environment , how to intensify the application of information technology to adapt the quick change of customer demand and win more contracts becomes a big issue for CD company .

  9. CRM系统强调从客户需求偏好的角度来制定企业的市场营销、销售和服务流程,体现了顾客是上帝的市场竞争理念。

    CRM system emphasizes customer preferences from the point of view of developing business marketing , sales and service processes , the concept of " customer is God " concept of market competition .

  10. 本文描述了使用Linux-HA完成的复合应用程序的HA实现,它基于我们在客户需求方面的丰富经验。

    This article describes our HA implementation for a composite application using Linux-HA , based on our experience with a customer 's requirements .

  11. 业务分析师根据新的客户需求对WBM模型进行更新。

    The business analyst starts to make updates to the WBM model based on new requirements from the customer .

  12. 论文在深入分析MC环境客户需求特点的基础上,提出了客户需求获取分解及处理的方法并建立了一套完整的形式化需求语义模型。

    Based on in-depth analysis of customer demand characteristics in MC environment , method of requirement elicitation , decomposition and conversion was proposed and a complete set of formal semantic model was built as well .

  13. 在分析我国铁路客户需求的基础上,结合铁路现状,提出了2种呼叫中心的解决方案:ACD方案和微机方案。

    According to the demand of the clients and the actual status of railway , two solutions of call center , ACD and PC , are put forward .

  14. ERP将客户需求、企业内部的制造活动以及供应商的制造资源整合在一起,体现了完全按需生产的思想。

    The theory of Enterprise Resources Planning ( ERP ) combines the customer 's demands , the internal manufacturing activities of the company , and the manufacturing resources of the suppliers together , represents the idea of " Manufacturing On Demand " .

  15. 最后在库存实行ABC管理的基础上,零售商采取周期订货策略,在每个零售商处的客户需求是随机的且服从一定的概率分布。

    At last , based on ABC analysis in the inventory , we assume that stores perform periodic review and order strategies . We also assume that customer demand at each store is random and follow certain distribution .

  16. 然后在演绎后的4C营销理论框架下提出了以客户需求,客户成本,客户便利和客户信任为中心的营销策略,并对以上的策略如何实施进行了详细阐述。

    Then under the deductive 4C theoretical frame , to form the 4C-centered marketing tactics which cares about customer demand , customer cost , customer convenience and customer trust .

  17. 动态配置技术对这类系统的组成构件和体系结构的在线演化提供了有效支持,从而使之能够紧跟技术的发展,实现多样的QoS控制,满足客户需求的变化和适应复杂而不断变化的环境。

    With the effective support from the technology of dynamic reconfiguration , these systems can evolve online , so that they can follow the development of technology , implement QOS control , meet various requirements of customers and adapt to complicated and changeable environment .

  18. 从B2C电子商务模式下物流配送作业的具体实施过程上研究,B2C电子商务模式下的物流配送具备小批量多次数、商品需求多样化、客户需求个性化的特点。

    On the other hand , from the operation of logistics distribution based on B2C Electronic Commerce to study , the characters of B2C Electronic Commerce are small batch big frequency , merchandise demand diversification and customers demand individuation .

  19. 其后,融合4Ps营销组合与4Cs营销组合设计了江苏入境旅游营销组合策略:基于客户需求的产品组合策略对江苏入境旅游产品的定位、品种和布局等特色设计进行了系统归纳;

    Then it combined 4Ps and 4Cs and designed the Inbound Tourism Marketing Mix Tactics for Jiangsu Province . The Products Combination Tactics based on Client Needs concluded the characteristic design for positioning , variety and arrangement of the tourism products in Jiangsu .

  20. 基于模糊客户需求信息的设计检索技术的研究

    Research on technology of design retrieval based on fuzzy customer requirement

  21. 基于客户需求的整体橱柜产品配置设计系统研究

    Product Configuration Design System of Kitchen Cabinet Based on Customer Demands

  22. 评估帮助厂商了解详细的客户需求。

    The assessment helps the vendor understand the client needs in detail .

  23. 客户需求是多种多样,且不断变化着的。

    Customer demand is various and changing all the way .

  24. 基于目的价值的客户需求建模研究与实证

    Modeling and empirical analysis of customer demand based on aim-value

  25. 采用相关的算法模拟客户需求的动向。

    And using relevant algorithms simulated customer demand trends .

  26. 面料,材质,款式根据客户需求设计生产。

    Fabric , material , style according customer demand to designed and manufactured .

  27. 以客户需求为核心,以客户满意为目标。

    To customer demand as the core , customer satisfaction as the goal .

  28. 基于客户需求的机电产品企划方法研究

    Research of Planning Method of Mechanical and Electrical Products Based on Customer Demand

  29. 产品中心:供应铝壳电芯,根据客户需求订货。

    Production center : Provide aluminium shell battery , order by the customer'demands .

  30. 准备一些通用的问题,去帮助我们收集客户需求。

    To provide generic questions helping to collect the requirements from our client .