
  1. 你能帮我学语文吗?让我试试看。

    Can you help me with Chinese ? Let me try .

  2. 我向中小学语文双语教学泼冷水

    Dampen The Enthusiasm Of Bilingual Education In The Elementary Chinese Education

  3. 第一次后悔没有好好学语文。

    The first time I regret not to learn literary well .

  4. 中小学语文诗歌教学的实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection of Chinese Poets Teaching in Middle and Primary School

  5. 阅读教学是中小学语文教学中极其重要的领域。

    Reading education is an extremely important area of Primary language teaching .

  6. 然而,一直以来社会各界对中小学语文教育的质疑与批评,却从未间断。

    However , doubts and criticism are never ended for Chinese philology teaching .

  7. 中小学语文教育与现当代文学研究

    Education in Primary and Middle Schools and Research of Modern and Contemporary Literature

  8. 中小学语文书法教育文化价值的建构设想

    Construct Assumption of Culture Value for Junior and Senior School Chinese Pencraft Education

  9. 纵观目前中小学语文课堂,学生的问题意识淡泊。

    Generally , students'problem consciousness is weak in current junior or senior Chinese class .

  10. 中小学语文教材中的古诗词语例释

    Words Interpretation of Classical Poems in the Chinese Textbook of Primary and Secondary Schools

  11. 读经书和中小学语文教学中的汉语现代化

    Reading Confucian Classics and Chinese Modernization of Chinese Teaching in Middle and Primary School

  12. 在黉舍我学语文、数学、英语和其它科目。

    At school , I study Chinese , maths , English and other subjects .

  13. 莲意象是中国古典文学中芳草意象的典型代表,对莲意象的分析与归纳,有举一反三的作用,给中小学语文教材中其他的芳草意象以启示。

    Lotus image is the typical representative of grass imagery in Chinese classical literature .

  14. 在化知为德的背景下探讨中小学语文教学中的德育渗透问题是基于语文学科自身所具备的知识性、思想性、人文性和工具性等特点。

    Chinese has the characteristics of the intellectual , ideological , cultural and instrumental .

  15. 中小学语文教材整体感知刍议

    A Probe into the Whole Conception of Chinese Teaching Materials for Primary & Secondary School

  16. 中小学语文教育信息资源网的建设构想

    Study on the Construction of Middle and Primary School Chinese Education Information and Resources Network

  17. 本文主要从可操作性的层面上,论述在新课改中小学语文教师角色的重新定位。

    This paper will therefore discuss the new role of Chinese teacher in Curriculum innovation .

  18. 语言的性质与中小学语文教学

    Essence of Language and Ch in ese Teach in g in the Primary and Middle School

  19. 那么中小学语文教育中有没有最高效的教学呢?

    Then in the elementary and middle schools language education has the most highly effective teaching ?

  20. 语言来源于生活,在生活中可以学语文。

    Language originates from life .

  21. 中小学语文教师亟待提升儿童文学的素养

    Attainment of Children 's Literature in Teachers of Chinese in Primary and Middle Schools Be Urgently Improved

  22. 农村中小学语文课程改革实验的观照与反思&新邵县语文课程改革研究

    On the Observation and Introspection of the Chinese Course Reform for Primary and Middle Schools in the Countrysides

  23. 写作是人类特有的一种重要认知活动,也是中小学语文教学中的一个重要组成部分。

    And writing teaching is one of the important parts of language teaching in elementary and secondary schools .

  24. 商务版近代中小学语文教科书探究(1904年-1937年)

    On the Commercial Version of Chinese Textbook in Primary and Middle School of Modern Times ( 1904-1937 )

  25. 第四部分对加强中小学语文教育本体价值提出了一些对策和建议。

    Certain countermeasures and suggestions is put forward to improve Chinese noumenon education for primary and middle students .

  26. 在教学方法革新方面,突出基础和实用,淡化理论色彩,加强语言实践训练,联系中小学语文教学实际和社会语言运用。

    As for teaching method reform , to stress the foundation and practicality and weaken theory is stressed .

  27. 诚然,同样是汉语教学,中小学语文教学历史悠久,有着丰富的经验。

    True , in primary and middle school Chinese teaching has a long history and a wealth of experience .

  28. 丰富语言积累,是我国历代学语文的优良传统。

    Enrich the language backlog , is the good tradition that our country in the past learn the language .

  29. 古诗教育与人格陶冶中小学语文教材中的古诗词语例释

    Classical Poems Education and Personality Cultivation Words Interpretation of Classical Poems in the Chinese Textbook of Primary and Secondary Schools

  30. 新课程实施以来,中小学语文阅读教学依旧深陷困境,遭到诟病。

    Since the implementation of the new curriculum , in secondary chinese reading teaching of is still in deep trouble .