
  • 网络Media Advertising;Advertising;Mass media;Media
  1. 加拿大首屈一指的广告杂志Stimulus对公司经理们的一项调查表明,他们已从媒体广告转向促销活动。

    A survey of executives conducted by Stimulus , Canada 's leading advertising journal , revealed a shift from media advertising to sales promotion .

  2. 虽然Twitter与Facebook在全世界争夺社交媒体广告业务,但在亚洲,Twitter还面临其他竞争对手,比如腾讯(Tencent)旗下的聊天应用微信(WeChat)、以及日本的聊天应用Line。

    While Twitter competes with Facebook for social media advertising spending across the world , in Asia it faces other rivals in the form of chat apps such as Tencent 's WeChat and the Japanese service Line .

  3. 正因为网络媒体广告要比电视和广播广告更有效,所以相对来说网赚还是比较简单的一种创业方式。

    Running a business is easier on the Internet since it is a better advertising3 medium than radio or television .

  4. 本地社交媒体广告,即那些恰好出现在你的Twitter和Facebook信息流之中的广告,在2013年爆炸式增长。

    Native social media ads the ones that appear right in your Twitter and Facebook streams exploded in 2013 .

  5. 媒体广告买家指出,即便Facebook和谷歌占据主导地位,广告业的版图仍非常复杂,因此品牌需要借助一切可能获得的帮助。

    Media buyers argue that even with Facebook and Google 's dominant position the advertising landscape is complex so brands need all the help they can get , " says one .

  6. 据媒体广告位购买代理机构星传媒体集团(StarcomMediaVestGroup)说,大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)、其旗下的奥迪(Audi)以及戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)等汽车企业都购买了央视的广告位。

    Car companies , such as Volkswagen AG , VW 's Audi arm and Daimler AG , all bought spots , according to media buying agency Starcom MediaVest Group .

  7. 在过去18个月内,大张旗鼓的媒体广告,以及网上app店的成功,尤其是苹果(Apple)可提供10万多种免费或廉价app的网店,推动美国智能手机的销量大幅增长。

    Heavy media advertising , coupled with the success of online app stores , especially Apple 's which now offers over 100,000 free and low-cost apps , has helped fuel the surge in US smartphone sales over the past 18 months .

  8. 例如,coach会依靠亚洲明星帮忙宣传自己的发布式,不过,它的媒体广告宣传仰仗的还是好莱坞女演员凯特柏斯沃兹(katebosworth)。

    Coach , for example , will be relying on Asian celebrities to help promote its launches but is counting on a Hollywood actress , Kate Bosworth , to lead its media advertising campaign .

  9. 为提高其海外知名度,该公司最近数周启动了一个平面及在线媒体广告宣传活动,其中包括大力宣传它为法拉利(ferrari)提供的服务。

    To raise its profile overseas , the company in recent weeks has launched a frontline print and online media advertising campaign , touting among other things work it does for Ferrari .

  10. 目前市场上除了传统的消息类广告和语音广告,流媒体广告、游戏广告、移动电视广告、二维码广告、WAP站点广告也逐渐增多。

    Currently on the market In addition to traditional advertising and voice messaging advertising , streaming media , advertising , game advertising , mobile TV ads , two-dimensional code advertising , WAP site , advertising is also on the rise .

  11. 在StumbleUpon这样网站上购买按点击次数付费广告及社会媒体广告就可以为你的带去周末流量。

    Pay per click advertising and social media advertising on sites like StumbleUpon can bring in traffic on the weekends .

  12. 本文分析了媒体广告在创建品牌时的局限性,并以德国美极(Maggi)公司为例,阐述了超越告创建品牌的主要方法和原则,对于企业富有效力地创建强势品牌有一定的借鉴意义。

    This essay analyses the limitations of medium advertisement in the establishment of brand . Taking German Maggi Corporation as an example , it expounds the main ways and principles , which certainly has some referential meaning for the enterprises to establish the powerful brand efficiently .

  13. 媒体广告对旅游业的贡献分析

    Analyses on the contribution to tourism industry made by media advertising

  14. 向品牌要效益:媒体广告经营的觉醒

    Ask Brand For Benefit : The Wake Of Media Ads management

  15. 我们必须立刻进行媒体广告企划。

    We need to get right on the media advertising plan .

  16. 嵌入式媒体广告终端软件系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Software System on Embeded Media Advertisement Terminal

  17. 浅析流媒体广告的现状及发展趋势

    The analysis of current status and trend of Stream Media Advertising

  18. 失语、失范:媒体广告的现实困境

    On the Dilemma of the Mass Media for Poor-quality Advertisements

  19. 超越媒体广告创建品牌的方法

    The Method of Establishment of Brand - Surpassing Medium Advertisement

  20. 碎片化背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究

    Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment

  21. 单一的传统大众媒体广告形式涅盘。

    A single traditional mass media advertising forms will disappear .

  22. 中国电视媒体广告经营的现状、问题及对策

    The Conditions , Problems and Strategies for Advertising Operation in Chinese TV Medium

  23. 公众对不同媒体广告态度的调查研究

    The Investigation on Attitude of Local Public Toward Advertising

  24. 目前,媒体广告在市场中占有不可替代的地位。

    At present , media advertising occupies an irreplaceable position in the market .

  25. 大部分的钱去媒体广告。

    Most of the money went to media advertizing .

  26. 有相关的销售经验或媒体广告经验;教育背景也可。

    Related sales or media advertising experience or education .

  27. 电视媒体广告营销策略研究

    The Research on the Strategy of Television Advertisement Management

  28. 大众媒体广告存在性别角色定型是一种具有国际普遍性的现象。

    Gender stereotypes in advertisements is a universal phenomenon .

  29. 自卖自夸:媒体广告,广告媒体

    Every Potter Praises His Own Pot : Media of Ad , Ad Media

  30. 透过媒体广告,特别是电视,广告提供给消费者大好机会。

    Through the media , particularly television , advertising gives people a chance as consumers .