
  • 网络At the subway station;In a Station of the Metro
  1. 在地铁车站

    In a Station of the Metro

  2. 是的。但我想在地铁车站可能拿到免费的。

    Yes , but I think we can get it free at the subway station , at the token booth .

  3. 探讨冰蓄冷空调技术在地铁车站空调中的应用

    On application of ice-storage air-conditioning technique in the air-conditioning of metro station

  4. 逆作法机械化挖土技术在地铁车站施工中的应用

    Top - Down Mechanized Earth Excavation Technique Applied to Construction of Subway Station

  5. 防水冷镦直螺纹钢筋连接在地铁车站中的应用

    Application of water proof cold forging steep screw steel connection in metro station

  6. 纤维混凝土在地铁车站结构自防水施工中的应用

    Application of fabric concrete for self-waterproof of structure in construction of subway stations

  7. 地下连续墙在地铁车站深基坑工程中的应用

    Application of underground continuous wall in the basic pit engineering of subway station

  8. 双机抬吊法在地铁车站桥梁吊装施工中的应用环形单轨双葫芦吊车

    Application of Double-Crane Lifting Method to Erection of Bridge Girder in Metro Station

  9. 冰蓄冷空调系统在地铁车站应用的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on the Application of the Ice-storage Air-conditioning System in the Metro Station

  10. 价值工程在地铁车站扩建设计方案比选中的应用

    Applications of value engineering in scheme comparisons of a subway station extension project designs

  11. 高压细水雾灭火系统在地铁车站公共区的应用研究

    Study on the Application of High Pressure Water Mist Fire-extinguishing System in Metro Stations

  12. 膨润土复合防水毯在地铁车站基坑结构防水中的应用

    Application of bentonite composite waterproofing carpet in structural waterproofing of foundation pit of subway station

  13. 钻孔咬合桩受力变形规律及在地铁车站设计施工中的应用研究

    Research on the Principle and Design of Borehole Cast-in-place Pile and the Construction in Deep Excavation Next to Metro Station

  14. 并在地铁车站与火车站之间留出发展空间,满足铁路及市政远期建设要求。

    We also leave development room between subway station and railway station to meet the demand of railway and long term municipal construction .

  15. 在地铁车站盖挖法施工中,临时路面体系和中间立柱是结构竖向承载的主要构件。

    During the covered excavation of metro station , the temporary pavement system and the columns are the main components for bearing the vertical load .

  16. 通过算例对比,计算分析了三种不同约束条件下结构中的温度应力,得到在地铁车站设计中应合理设置伸缩缝和沉降缝的结论。

    By comparing the calculations under three different restraint conditions for thermal stress fields , it is concluded that expansion joints and settlement joints are to be set up .

  17. 利用木垛火模拟地铁火灾的演化过程,在地铁车站出入口的缩尺度模型中进行模拟实验。

    A series of simulation experiments , carried out on the scale model of subway station passageway are described , in which wood crib fires are used as the evolvement process of subway fire .

  18. 新型临时路面系统在深圳地铁车站施工中的应用

    Application of a new temporary road surface system to station construction in Shenzhen metro

  19. 因此,如何在提高地铁车站空调舒适性的同时,降低空调系统的能耗,是一个迫切而又意义重大的事情。

    For this reason , improving the subway station air-conditioning comfort and electric power consumption of air-conditioning system is a urgent and significant thing .

  20. 案例研究结果还表明地铁车站疏散能力存在上限,在进行地铁车站设计与列车运行计划制定的过程中应充分考虑这一限制因素。

    Moreover , the upper limit of evacuation capability from metro stations should be seriously considered by operators and engineers for the securities and operations of transportation .

  21. 附加防水层在上海地铁车站工程结构中的防水作用既是有限的,又是必不可少的,在车站综合防水体系中起着辅助防水的功效。

    Although the role of waterproofing in Shanghai Subway stations an additional waterproof layer plays is limited , its auxiliary effect in the comprehensive waterproofing system is absolutely necessary .

  22. PBA洞桩法在地铁暗挖车站中的应用

    Application of " PBA " in Covered Cut of Metro Station

  23. NTR工法在地铁暗挖车站工程中的应用

    Application of a New Tubular Roof Method in Excavation Work of a Subway Station

  24. 我在荷兰公园地铁车站。

    I 'm in the Holland Park tube station right now .

  25. 公共汽车站在哪里?地铁车站在哪里?

    Where is the bus stop ? Where is the subway station ?

  26. 单侧模板支撑体系在地铁明挖车站施工中的应用

    Application of one-side formwork supporting system in construction of open-cut subway station

  27. 在一个地铁车站我碰巧见到他。

    I chanced across him in a metro station .

  28. 我曾在一个地铁车站遭遇追击。

    I was once chased through a tube station .

  29. 《在一个地铁车站》的意象内涵剖析

    Probing into the " images " in the poem in a station of the metro

  30. 钢轨劲性水泥土搅拌桩墙在天津地铁既有线车站改扩建工程基坑中的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Application of Rigid Rail-Cement-Soil Mixing Piles in Foundation Pit of Rehabilitation Project of Existing Station of Tianjin Metro