
  • 网络AND SYNCHRONOUS;Synchronism
  1. 进行了FES系统加速储能试验和与电网同步运行控制试验,给出了试验测试结果。

    This paper also presents studies on experiments of the FES system storing energy and synchronous operation with power system .

  2. 本实用新型供机车、客车在制造或维修时使用,安全可靠,确保传动的可靠性和同步运行。

    The utility model is safe and reliable in making and mending engines and cars and can maintain the reliability and synchronous running of the transmission .

  3. γ模拟器与EMP模拟器同步运行可行性研究

    Investigation on feasibility of γ simulator and EMP simulator synchronous operation

  4. 用ARM嵌入式控制器实现主、从电机的同步运行和烘房温度的控制;

    We achieve the control of the master and slaver AC motor synchronization and temperature of the drying oven by the ARM embedded controller .

  5. 算法可运行于一种非常简单的并行计算模型上,它由k个同步运行的处理机构成,其中1≤k≤N,N为要处理的元素个数。

    The algorithms are designed to be executed on a very simple model of parallel computation which consists of k processors , where 1 ≤ k ≤ N.

  6. 编制了并行系统控制VC软件,实现了工作台三维运动与送粉器及激光系统的精确同步运行。

    The VC + + control software that is programmed realizes accurate synchronous operation of 3D machine tool , synchronous feeder and Laser system .

  7. STD工控机在港口混匀取料机行车同步运行中的应用

    The Application of STD Computer in the Synchro - running Motors Which Is Used for Port Machine Taking - up Materials for Mixing

  8. 该模型从发动机控制模块(ECM)里取得有用的信息,与发动机同步运行。

    This model deprived usable information from the engine control model ( ECM ) . And it would operate synchronously with the engine .

  9. 在系统与监控器的优先同步运行下,讨论了具有强迫事件的DES的事件反馈控制;

    This paper introduces the event feedback control theory of discrete event systems with forced events in the setting of concurrency by prior synchronization .

  10. γ-EMP组合模拟器的关键问题是实现γ模拟器与EMP模拟器的准确同步运行。

    A key technology of γ EMP assorted simulator is the synchronous operating between the γ simulator and the EMP simulator .

  11. VRM也可以与其他服务器中的VRM二审程序同步运行,以确保数据的备份。

    The VRM can be synchronized with a second instance of VRM running on another server to provide backup .

  12. 西门子TXP系统同步运行机制的研究分析

    Research on how to Synchronize Siemen 's TXP System

  13. ADEOS支持多个并发操作系统同步运行。

    ADEOS supports multiple concurrent operating systems running simultaneously .

  14. 根据烘房传动系统的要求,设计了三种同步运行控制系统硬件方案,并选择了以PLC作为算法控制器,采用变频器驱动交流异步电机的低硬件成本方案。

    According to the requirement of the drive system , three hardware projects of synchronization control system have been designed , and the project made up of PLC , varying frequency adjustable speed controller and AC asynchronous motor has been adopted for its low device cost .

  15. 上位机和PLC之间的通讯采用了当今比较流行的以太网通讯方式,由于对通讯的实时性要求比较高,在软件实现方面采用了多线程技术,并采取可行的方法保证了线程的同步运行。

    The communication between the home computer and PLC adopts Ethernet communication mode which is popular used now . Since it needs to communicate in real time , adopt multithreading technique in the software programming and take available methods to assure the synchronization of the thread .

  16. 基于该硬件方案,建立了烘房位置同步运行控制系统的仿真模型,对PID、模糊控制、模糊-PID以及滑模变结构控制算法进行了仿真研究,仿真研究的结果为控制算法的设计提供了参考。

    Based on this hardware project , simulation models have been established , and the PID , fuzzy control , fuzzy-PID and sliding mode variable structure control arithmetic have been researched , the simulation result gives references to the arithmetic design of position synchronization control system .

  17. 最后进行了SCES系统与电网同步运行控制试验、停电供电控制试验和故障恢复再同步控制试验。

    This paper also presents studies on experiments of the SCES system ' synchronous and re-synchronous operation with power network when the grid has fault or is recovered .

  18. 首先,优化了基于Nutch的分布式网络爬虫系统,实现了爬虫系统的并行化同步运行方式,提升了爬虫处理性能。

    Firstly , we optimize the distributed web crawler based on Nutch system by a synchronous operational architecture . This improvement can enhance the efficiency of the web crawler .

  19. 微机化调度集中系统同步运行的自律问题

    Autonomy in the Synchronization of Micro Computerized Centralized Traffic Control System

  20. 步进电动机自同步运行超前角的控制

    The Control of Lead Angle in Step Motor Self-Synchronization Operation

  21. 写作是生产文化产品的行为过程,其变革,是向着创新文化的发展方向而同步运行的变革。

    Its change is the change towards the development of creative culture .

  22. 在上次数据库同步运行时有一个不匹配项。

    There is a mismatch in the database 's last consistent time .

  23. 多油缸同步运行智能控制的探讨

    Research on Intelligent Control System of Several Hydraulic Cylinders ' Synchronous Operation

  24. 一种全数字直流调速控制器解决电机同步运行的方法

    A Kind of Full Digital DC Speed Controller Solving Engine Synchronism Operation Method

  25. 基于DSP+FPGA的多轴数字交流伺服同步运行控制系统

    The numerical-axis AC servomotor turning synchronous control system based on DSP + FPGA

  26. 在简要介绍了故障诊断的原理和方法的基础上,详细介绍一种基于知识库的在线故障诊断专家系统的实现方法,该系统与模型和控制同步运行

    The system with the modle and control synchronizing operation

  27. 电力系统稳定破坏后的系统非同步运行分析(一)

    Asynchronous operation analysis of power system after failure to maintain stability ( part ⅰ)

  28. 非经典切片优化的同步运行时检验方法

    Non-classical Slicing Optimization Runtime Verification Approach for Synchronization

  29. 长行程多油缸同步运行精度的测试研究

    Study of test on the synchronous running accuracy for long stroke multi - cylinder

  30. 本文介绍一种控制多台脉冲X光机同步运行的新型同步机。

    This paper introduces a new synchronizer , which can control several flash X-ray devices .