
hé tonɡ jià ɡé
  • contract price
  1. 赢得建筑工作的承包商得抽出合同价格的百分之二的回扣给黑手党

    Contractors winning construction jobs had to kick back 2 per cent of the contract price to the mafia .

  2. 虽然经过数月谈判,中国钢铁制造企业与力拓及必和必拓(bhp)仍未能就2008-09年度的合同价格达成一致。

    The steelmakers have failed to agree a 2008-09 annual contract price with Rio and BHP Billiton despite months of talks .

  3. 但是随着谈判进行,对合同价格起决定作用的现货价格(SpotPrices)开始上涨。

    But as talks continued , spot prices , a determinant of contract prices , began to rise .

  4. 因而,本周传出的浦项制铁(posco)与阿塞洛-米塔尔(arcelormittal)同意将煤炭合同价格提高两倍的新闻有助于必和必拓。

    The news , therefore , this week that steelmakers Posco and ArcelorMittal have reportedly agreed to a tripling of coal contract prices helps BHP .

  5. 必和必拓和力拓是继巴西淡水河谷(Vale)之后,中国最大的两家铁矿石供应商。这两家英澳矿业集团希望将更多铁矿石在现货市场出售,因为现货市场价格可能是合同价格的两倍。

    The Anglo-Australian mining groups , the two biggest Chinese iron ore suppliers after Vale , want to sell more on the spot market , where prices can double those of contract prices .

  6. 目前,全球占主导地位的铁矿石生产商力拓、必和必拓以及巴西淡水河谷(Vale),正与中国和其它买家就铁矿石合同价格进行紧张谈判。

    The latest figures come as Rio , BHP and Brazil 's Vale , the world 's dominant iron ore producers , are locked in tense negotiations with Chinese and other buyers over contract prices .

  7. 以中国宝钢(baosteel)为首的钢铁制造商与矿业公司之间的谈判将于未来两周启动,谈判内容是从2008年4月开始为期一年的铁矿石长期合同价格。

    The negotiations between the steelmakers , led by Baosteel of China , and the mining companies are set to start in the next two weeks and cover the price for long-term contracts for the year starting in April 2008 .

  8. 巴西国家石油公司前经理韦尼娜•韦洛萨达方茜卡(VeninaVelosadaFonseca)在不久前的电视采访中含泪称,她曾在2008年就虚报合同价格问题提醒过数位高管,其中包括当时主管天然气和能源部门的格拉卡斯•福斯特。

    Venina Velosa da Fonseca , a former Petrobras manager , said during a tearful television interview last month that she had warned several directors of inflated contracts in 2008 , including Ms Gra ç as Foster who was head of the gas and energy division at the time .

  9. 您可以按合同价格扣除佣金开发货票。

    You may invoice the goods at contract price less commission .

  10. 在铁矿石合同价格谈判中,这种板块方面的运气是有关系的。

    This landmass lottery matters when negotiating iron ore contract prices .

  11. 水电建设项目合同价格调整的理论与方法研究

    Theory and Measure for Adjusting Contract Price of Hydropower Project

  12. 建设工程合同价格条款设置

    How to set-up contract price clause for a construction project

  13. 管理酒店商务合同价格体系。

    Manage the corporate contract rates program for the hotel .

  14. 包括构成合同价格的所有费用。

    Include all costs for conformation in the contract price .

  15. 建材价格波动时施工合同价格调整方法的研究

    Study on Method of Construction Contract Price Adjustment under Building Materials Price Fluctuate

  16. 合同价格中已经包括了包装费用。

    Packing charge is included in the contract price .

  17. 应计利息要加到债券交易合同价格中。

    Accrued interest is added to the contract price of a bond transaction .

  18. 差额最后按合同价格计算。

    We 'll calculate it according to contracted price at a later time .

  19. 合同价格按含油量同比例增减。

    The contract price should increase or decrease in proportion to the oil content .

  20. 获得任何此类费用,并将之加在合同价格中。

    Payment of any such cost , which shall be added to the contract price .

  21. 预先确定的合同价格预先确定的值,事先规定的值

    Contractual prices established in advance predetermined value

  22. 高速公路施工中合同价格的调整

    Contract price adjustment of expressways under construction

  23. 真正让人不解的是,为什么会存在全球统一的铁矿石合同价格?

    The real mystery is why there is a global contract price for iron ore at all .

  24. 遵守此类规定所需费用应视为已包含在合同价格中。

    The costs of such compliance shall be deemed to have been included in the contract price .

  25. 合同价格应以合同协议中指定的一种或几种货币支付。

    The contract price shall be paid in the currency or currencies named in the contract agreement .

  26. 管理这种风险的有效办法,就是合同价格调整。

    It is the effective measure to manage such a risk by means of adjusting the contract-price .

  27. 水利水电工程施工合同价格调整中价格指数的确定

    Determination of Price Index During The Procedure of Adjusting Price in Construction Contract of Hydraulic or Hydroelectric Project

  28. 这对不同生产商的影响是不一样的,影响的大小取决于运费率和合同价格的精确组合。

    The impact on the individual producers will differ depending on the exact combination of freight rates and contract prices .

  29. 铁矿石季度合同价格的上涨不仅会推高钢价,还会压缩钢铁制造商的利润率。

    The increase in the quarterly contract price will either push up steel prices or dent steelmakers ' profit margins .

  30. 随着现货与远期价格双双升高,矿商们开始要求大幅提高年度合同价格。

    As both spot and forward prices increase , the miners are demanding a sharply higher price for the annual contracts .