- 名historical comparative linguistics

Historical Comparative Linguistics : From Morphology to Gene
The traditional methods and theories are based on Structuralism and historical comparative linguistics .
The development of positivism philosophy brought about experimental linguistics and historical comparison linguistics ;
Based on the historical comparative linguistics , the article discusses the evolution process of Chinese .
What is comparative-historical linguistics ?
To distinguish cognate words from loanwords with phonetic laws is a basic method of historical linguistics .
Comparison of historical linguistics reveals the common language of objective laws through longitudinal comparison and crosswise comparison .
In the twentieth century the theories of linguistics experienced turns three times : from historical comparative linguistics to traditional structuralism ;
Linguists are trying to explore the law of language all the time from the historical comparative linguistic to modern linguistics .
A HISTORICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MODERN WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRY BETWEEN CHINA AND JAPAN On the pattern revolution of the historical comparative linguistics
Part IV of this article introduces the style and research methods that the relationship between word analysis of historical comparative linguistics vision .
Linguists have given an accurate and theoretic study of the general language , which has helped the prosperous development of general linguistics .
To understand the development of linguistics must start from historical comparative linguistics and structuralist linguistics , which can outline the development of linguistics in Europe and the United States .
His research is based on the research of traditional Chinese phonology , and comprehensively applies the Western modern phonetics , dialectology and historical linguistics into the study of Ancient Chinese phonology , having made brilliant achievements .
The development of the historical comparative linguistics ( HCL ) in the middle of Nineteenth century presented the diversified research patterns , the fringe ones of which were etymology , linguistic paleontology and classic philology , the main one of which was the naturalism school .
Historical and comparative linguistics : The study of ongoing changes that have undergone is sometimes called historical and comparative linguistics .
It is historical in the sense that it deals with the historical development of individual languages .
And it is very important to the discipline construction of the historical linguistics by extracting the historical time section which the language material may test .