
  • 网络Regional health planning
  1. 中国区域卫生规划监督与评价的Logicmodel(逻辑模型)研究

    Developing a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Health Planning in China : a Logic Model Approach

  2. 优化区域卫生规划夯实合理配置医院基础

    To optimize regional health planning and rationalize the distribution of hospital

  3. 中国区域卫生规划政策评价研究

    The Evaluation on the Policy of Regional Health Planning in China

  4. 区域卫生规划政策实施效果不佳的制度经济学解释

    Economic Explanation to the Failure of Regional Health Planning in China

  5. 医疗卫生行业竞争态势的形成与区域卫生规划的矛盾分析

    Analyzing the contradiction between medical industry competition and regional health planning

  6. 设计区域卫生规划评价体系的原则

    Design Criteria and Principles for a Regional Health Planning Evaluation System

  7. 从社会整体发展的角度制定区域卫生规划

    Establishing regional health planning from he viewpoint of social unitary development

  8. 实施区域卫生规划,合理配置卫生资源;

    Implementing regional health plan and reasonably allocating health resource ;

  9. 金华市区域卫生规划实践的案例研究

    The Practice of Regional Health Planning a Case Study in Jinhua City

  10. 结合区域卫生规划和社区卫生服务因地制宜深化医疗机构改革

    Combining with Regional Health Plan and Community Health Services , Deepen Medical

  11. 区域卫生规划监督和评价框架的构建

    Building The Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of Regional Health Planning

  12. 探讨《新疆维吾尔自治区卫生资源配置标准》对区域卫生规划的指导作用。

    To discuss the guidance action for regional health planning .

  13. 加快实施区域卫生规划;

    Speed up the implement of area sanitary plan ;

  14. 这就表明新增卫生资源必须符合区域卫生规划,重点投向农村和社区卫生等薄弱环节。

    This will require additional health resources comply with the regional health planning .

  15. 评价实施区域卫生规划后对卫生资源配置公平性的影响;

    To evaluate the effect on equity of the standards of resource allocation ;

  16. 分析相关利益集团对区域卫生规划的意向;

    To Analyze the attitudes of stakeholders to RHP ;

  17. 论区域卫生规划评价工作中的几个问题

    Several issues in the evaluation of regional health planning

  18. 实施区域卫生规划加强全行业管理

    Implementing regional health planning and strengthening health enterprise management

  19. 加强区域卫生规划建设促进卫生事业发展

    Strengthen the construction of regional health planning and promote the development of health service

  20. 关于区域卫生规划的若干思考

    Considerations on health policy of regional health planning

  21. 德国等九个发达国家区域卫生规划的经验与启示

    Experience and inspiration on regional health planning in Germany and other eight developed countries

  22. 区域卫生规划编制的工作程序

    The Work Procedure Drawing up Regional Health Program

  23. 区域卫生规划与医疗机构改革

    Regional health planning and medical institution reform

  24. 区域卫生规划是政府推进医疗机构改革的一个关键切入点。

    Regional health planning is the key of medical institution reform leaded by the government .

  25. 评价区域卫生规划实施所取得的进展;

    To evaluate the progress of RHP ;

  26. 为进一步实施区域卫生规划提供相关政策建议。

    To provide policy recommendation to RHP .

  27. 区域卫生规划与医院集团

    Regional health planning and hospital group

  28. 推进区域卫生规划。

    To develop regional health program .

  29. 可以为区域卫生规划工作提供决策参考依据。

    They can provide decision information to the ongoing work of regional health planning in China .

  30. 医疗保险改革促使区域卫生规划职能和内涵的演变;

    Changes in the functions and connotations of regional health planning as induced by MI reform .