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láo xīn
  • to be worried;work with one's mind;to labor mentally;work with one's brains or mind
劳心 [láo xīn]
  • (1) [to labor mentally; work with one's brains or mind]∶动脑筋

  • (2) [to be worried]∶费心思,忧心

  • 劳心苦思

劳心[láo xīn]
  1. 一位前车主还劳心劳力地绘制了壁纸。

    a previous owner had gone through the effort of painting the wallpaper .

  2. 起码来说,我们不必再为波因特港工程劳心费力。

    At least we don 't have to worry about Harbour Pointe any more .

  3. 而且省却了供应商劳顿、劳力、劳心的烦恼。

    And this invitation also makes you dispensing with worry both body and mind .

  4. 这是很艰难的工作,非常的劳心劳力,也非常的耗费时间。

    It 's hard work , and it 's labor-intensive , and it 's time consuming .

  5. 规则7:在你出生前,你父母的生活还未像现在这般劳心劳力,单调无趣。

    Rule 7 : Before you were born , your parents weren 't as boring as they are now .

  6. 拉维一直为追求大刀阔斧的重组共和党、使其能以政党利益为重的梦想而劳心劳力。

    Mr Rove was obsessed by pursuing his dream of a rolling Republican realignment , subordinating everything to party politics .

  7. 至关重要的是,如果你要在这光辉灿烂和劳心劳力的一年里过好,请不要耗尽自己,折磨你的神经。

    It 's vital if you 're to survive this brilliant but demanding year without exhausting yourself and fraying your nerves .

  8. 你总是劳心费神的去追求一个又一个目标,却对当前拥有的一切从不用心去欣赏和珍惜。

    By always chasing after another " there ", you are never really appreciating what you already have right " here " .

  9. 他们不想劳心费神地进行直接控制,所以他们不会购买多数股权,而会投资基础设施。

    They don 't want to bother with outright control , so they won 't buy a majority stake , but will plough money into infrastructure .

  10. 然而正是这样的人,整月整年,劳心劳力,拿出全部精力培植着花木,美化我们的生活。美就是这样创造出来的。

    But it is precisely people like these who toil year after year , devoting all their energies to growing flowers and trees to beautify our life .

  11. 为何有的人在其工作或专业中造诣非凡,而有的人在他的一生中劳心劳力,却没有做或完成任何值得花精力去做的事?

    Why is one man a genius in his work or profession while the other man toils and moils all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile ?

  12. 通过原因分析我们可以看出,并不是这样的,辅导员工作实际是一件既劳心又劳力的工作,想做好并不容易。

    Through the analysis we can see that , not so , counselors work is actually an exacting work , want to do a good job is not easy .

  13. 游戏融益智、动作、策略于一体,唯有合理利用技能方可克敌制胜,体味此劳心劳力游戏之精髓!

    Financial puzzle games , action and strategy in one , the only rational use of skills in order to defeat the enemy , savor the essence of this dedicated game !

  14. 他们集中精力寻找创造他们想要的生活的途径,而不是为一些无关紧要的事情劳心伤神。

    Instead of focusing on what they don 't have to achieve / attract love / move forward -- they choose to focus on solutions to create the life they want .

  15. 他那神色疲惫的脸上刻满了忧虑的皱纹,再加上他那个性坚毅的轮廓,一望便知他是一个惯于劳心而少劳力的人。

    His thin face , deeply furrowed by care , and the bold outline of his strongly marked features , betokened a man more accustomed to exercise his mental faculties than his physical strength .

  16. 日常工作中,为办成各种事情而劳心费力,让他备感受挫。他说:我每周一都会带着好心情来上班,但到了周五夜里,我就会痛恨这个国家。

    I come into work on Monday in a good mood , he says of his frustration with the daily battle to get things done . But by Friday night , I hate this country .

  17. 后来我干完活感到放松,不想再做劳心费神的心智练习,我读历史、小品文、评论和传记;晚上我读小说。

    Later on , when my work is done and I feel at ease , but not inclined for mental exercise of a strenuous character , I read history , essays , criticism or biography ;