
  • 网络Office screen;office partition
  1. 此外公司还可以提供办公屏风和卫生间隔断。

    In addition the company also can supply office screen and bathroom screen .

  2. 缔造了国内家私行业中办公屏风,钢木家具开发、产的权威地位!

    Now we have built up the authority in the research & production of workstation , steel-wood furniture in domestic furniture market .

  3. 成千上万的塑料唱片、果汁盒、矿泉水瓶,甚至是保龄球道,变成了办公桌、屏风、灯具和会议室大圆桌。

    Mountains of vinyl records , juice boxes , water bottles , and even bowling lanes became desks , dividers , lamps , and conference room tables .

  4. 专业生产现代办公休闲台、办公桌椅、屏风高隔以及办公配套厨卫家具等多系列产品。

    Professional production of modern office casual tables , office furniture , screens supporting high-separated kitchen and office furniture and many other products .

  5. 产品涵括办公桌、会议桌、文件柜、沙发、转椅、办公椅、屏风、办公屏风系列产品。

    Product includes desks , conference tables , filing cabinets , sofas and swivel chairs , office chairs , screens , office screens series of products .