
  • 网络renunciation;renuciation
  1. 这是因为我们还未真正生起出离心的关系。

    Why is that ? That 's because we haven 't really generated the mind of Renunciation ( from this mundane world ) .

  2. 在Excel文档中构建出离心风机在空调箱中的性能分析模型,用真实的空调箱性能数据对模型进行了验证。

    A performance analysis model for a centrifugal fan in the AHU was built in an Excel file . The test data of several AHU products was used to verify the model .

  3. 生病是一种特殊的修持法门,有助于培养我们的出离心和慈悲心。

    Falling ill is a special approach in cultivation , conducive to our heart of transcendence and compassion .

  4. 小乘并不自私而是厌离心强,真正的菩萨一定是建立在出离心上。

    Theravada teaching is not egoistic but has a intense will to transcend , on which based the genuine cultivation of Bodhisattva .

  5. 这样,通过分析振动信号在高频区域与低频区域的分布特征,可以准确地诊断出离心泵初始阶段的汽蚀故障。

    Then , through analyzing the distribution characteristics of vibration signal in the high frequency and low frequency domain , the diagnosis of the early-stage cavitation for centrifugal pumps can be realized .

  6. 为了达到涅盘&佛教中最高、最引人向往的境界,佛陀的信奉者必须完全打消自我,生起出离心。

    In order to attain Nirvana , the highest possible and most desirable state in the religion , adherents of Buddha were required to completely extinguish their ego , free themselves from aversion and desire .

  7. 四大叶斜桨的流体动力性能大出口角离心泵叶轮内部清水流动测量

    Flow measurements of water inside a centrifugal pump impeller with large blade discharge angle

  8. 根据瞬时最小势能原理建立了该结构的有限元动力方程,并首次推导出其离心力载荷公式。

    The dynamic finite element equations of the structure are established through the application of the minimum instantaneous potential energy principle .

  9. 针对常规离心式分离器进行结构改进,开发出新型离心式气液分离器。

    Aiming at the improvement on the structural of the ordinary centrifugal separator , a new centrifugal separator for gas-liquid separation was developed .

  10. 采用子结构联立迭代法,求出在离心力场中基本重复扇区的动平衡位置及相应的切线刚度阵。

    A basic repetitive sector domain of a blades-disk coupled structure is divided into three substructures : a blade , a splitter and a disc sector .

  11. 利用二维激光测速计系统准确地测量了大出口角离心泵输送清水时最优和小流量工况叶轮内部流动。

    Water flow in a centrifugal pump impeller with large blade discharge angle and small wrap angle is measured under the conditions of the optimal efficiency and under loading respectively by using two dimensional Laser Doppler Velocimeter ( LDV ) .

  12. 在最优和小流量工况下,利用二维激光多普勒测速计分别测量了大出口角离心泵叶轮输送粘油时的内部流动,分析了内部流动特征。

    Flows of viscous oil in a centrifugal pump impeller with large discharge and small wrapping - of blade are meased by using a two-dimensional laser Doppler velocimeter at the best efficiency and Part-loading points , respectively , and the features of the flow are analyzed .

  13. 硬度HRC在48.5~51之间。其次,根据螺旋套零件图纸,设计出了适合离心铸造的外层金属型模具,通过添加螺旋套金属型内衬和树脂砂型内衬,用于制造螺旋套。

    The HRC hardness range is from 48.5 to 51 . Secondly , according to the drawing of scroll cover , the external permanent-mold is designed to be used to centrifugal casting .

  14. 大出口角叶轮离心泵输送粘油性能计算

    Performance computations of centrifugal pump with large blade discharge angle for handling viscous oils

  15. 两个离合器均会表现出轻微的离心力过度补偿。

    Both clutches display slight centrifugal force overcompensation .

  16. 本文通过试验,研究了由一个带双出风道的离心风机和一层筛子组成的双风道清选装置。

    In this paper the cleaning apparatus made of a centrifugal fan with double channel and one screen was researched at the stand .

  17. 本研究是在已经开发出国产真空离心压力牙科铸钛机的基础上,研制一种专用的高精度纯钛冠桥包埋材料。

    In the earlier research a type of vacuum-centrifugal-pressure dental titanium casting machine had been constructed . The purpose of this study was to develop a special investment for precise titanium crown and bridge .

  18. 论文工作内容如下:1.根据相似理论,推导出了结构离心模型动力试验的相似关系;按照相似关系进行模型设计和制作。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . The similarity relationship of dynamic centrifuge test is derived out on the basis of similarity theory . Model is designed and made based on the similarity relationship .

  19. 单级单吸卧式离心泵泵体的吸入室及吐出管设计卧式离心铸造铸铁气缸套的黑斑缺陷及对策

    Design of Suction Room and Press-out Pipe of the Casing for the Single-stage Single-suction Horizontal Centrifugal Pump

  20. 应用一种新的透平机械叶片反问题优化设计方法设计出某一型号离心压缩机叶片。

    Certain type of Centrifugal compressor blade are designed using counter-problem method of a new turbo machinery blade .