
  • 网络release height
  1. 我国的运动员的标枪出手高度与国际先进水平相比要低一些,出枪点与身体重心几乎在同一垂面上,很少有选手的出手点能超越身体重心。

    The release point is lower than the world class ' and it is almost in a perpendicular with the cg or a little backer than the cg .

  2. 结果显示.我国优秀男子链球选手掷球时,球速增量较小.影响了出手高度。

    The results show that in the release phase of the elite male Chinese throwers , a minor hammer velocity increment is found , which affects the height of the release .

  3. 出手的高度、角度、速度是影响投篮命中率的主要因素。

    The height , the angle and the speed of shooting are the main factors influencing the percentage of successful shots .

  4. 铅球出手速度、出手高度与世界优秀选手存在显著性差异。

    The shot delivery speed , angle , pushing height and the excellent athlete of the world exist significant differences .

  5. 最后用力阶段铅球出手速度、出手高度与世界优秀运动员的参数比较呈非常显著性差异,铅球出手角度与世界优秀运动员的参数比较呈显著性差异。

    Finally forceful stage , the release speed and angle of delivery have very highly significant with foreign athletes , the angle of delivery have significant differences .

  6. 研究认为:从理论的层面上,如果出手初速度和出手高度固定不变,不考虑其它因素的条件下,出手角度41°~42°最为理想。

    In the abstract , the most advantageous throwing angle is about 41 °~ 42 °, if the throwing speed and height are fixed and without regard to other elements .