
jūn shì hé zuò
  • military cooperation
  1. 为日本灾情最严重的地区提供服务的仙台机场(SendaiAirport)是灾后美日军事合作最突出的象征。

    The most notable symbol of U.S. - Japanese military cooperation in the wake of the disaster is Sendai Airport , which serves the most severely affected area in the country .

  2. 拜登副总统将在东京会见日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan),讨论地区安全问题、在阿富汗的军事合作和全球经济复苏。

    The vice president will meet in Tokyo with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to discuss regional security issues , military cooperation in Afghanistan and the global economic recovery .

  3. 从ADB协定看太平洋战争爆发前英美在远东的军事合作

    The ADB Agreement and Anglo-American Military , Cooperation in the Far East before the Pacific War

  4. 对奥巴马(Obama)政府来说,与日本改善防务关系是美国重返亚洲的重要组成部分。在这一战略的指引下,美国还与澳大利亚和菲律宾等传统盟友、以及越南等昔日敌人扩大了军事合作。

    For the Obama administration , the improved defence ties with Japan are an important part of its pivot to Asia which has also seen the US expand military co-operation with allies such as Australia and the Philippines and former enemies such as Vietnam .

  5. 澳大利亚向其介绍了达尔文计划,并解释说这是在1951年签署的ANZUS条约之下长期存在的军事合作的延续。

    His hosts briefed him about theDarwinplan , explaining it as continuation of a longstanding military partnership under the ANZUS Treaty signed in1951 .

  6. 印度对外军事合作的特点及其影响

    Impact of India 's Foreign Military Technical Cooperation and its Character

  7. 我们是作为朋友而不是作为盟国来进行军事合作的。

    We pursue military cooperation , as friends rather than allies .

  8. 中国和尼泊尔已同意加强双边关系与军事合作。

    China and Nepal have strengthen bilateral ties and military cooperation .

  9. 1590年1595年的战争是瑞典鞑靼军事合作对抗露西亚的最高潮。

    The war of1590-1595 was the high point of the Swedish-Tatar military cooperation against Russia .

  10. 7月份,日本与菲律宾签署了一份加强军事合作的五年协议。

    In July , Japan and the Philippines signed a five-year agreement to strengthen military co-operation .

  11. 新加坡与美国的军事合作关系

    Military Cooperation between Singapore and USA

  12. 俄罗斯通知北约,它决定停止与北约的国际军事合作,直到另行通知为止。

    Russia has notified NATO that it is halting international military cooperation with the alliance until further notice .

  13. 中国与巴基斯坦有广泛的军事合作,但是他们并没有能够将他们捆绑在一起的正式军事同盟关系。

    China and Pakistan have substantial military cooperation , but they have no formal military alliance binding them together .

  14. 美国和澳大利亚宣布,针对加强亚太地区安全扩大军事合作。

    The United States and Australia have announced expanded military cooperation aimed at bolstering security in the Asia-Pacific region .

  15. 我可以再次向你确认,在查韦斯总统此次国事访问过程中,双方没有谈到军事合作问题。

    I could confirm again that military cooperation has never been discussed during President Chavez 's state visit to China .

  16. 在此后整个冷战时期,俄罗斯与印度保持较为紧密的军事合作关系。

    In the following times , throughout the Cold War , Russia and India maintained a relatively close military cooperation .

  17. 他谈到,邻国应采取更多行动,与喀布尔方面打造一种“政治及军事合作伙伴关系”。

    He talked of the neighbouring states doing more to forge a " political and military partnership " with Kabul .

  18. 中英两国在世界反法西斯战争中是坚定的盟友,英国为中国人民抗日战争提供了经济援助和军事合作,给予了宝贵的支持。

    Britain was a staunch ally of China , offering us economic assistance and military cooperation during our resistance against Japan .

  19. 中国国防部长表示说,美国防长的回访有望促成中美之间的军事合作机制。

    The Chinese Defense Ministry says Panetta 's trip this time is expected to help establish a mechanism for more bilateral military contact .

  20. 而太平洋战争前后两国军事合作关系则是两国友谊的具体体现。

    And the military cooperation between the two countries around the Pacific War is a concrete manifestation of the friendship between the two countries .

  21. 他们指的是军事合作附件,卫生方面,以及美国军队通过俄罗斯向阿富汗方面运输军事补给的通行权。

    They pointed to side agreements on military cooperation , health , and transit rights across Russia for American military supplies bound for Afghanistan .

  22. 欧盟以制裁进行威胁,美国也撤回数百万美元的援助及军事合作资金。

    The European Union has threatened sanctions , and the United States has withheld millions of dollars in aid and funds for military cooperation .

  23. 凤凰卫视:您如何看待美澳双部长会议签署一系列军事合作协议?

    Phoenix TV : Australia and the United States signed a number of military cooperation agreements during AUSMIN . What 's your comment on this ?

  24. 文章从有关政治合作、军事合作、组织合作的主张入手进行了归纳整理。

    The article classified from the relevant claims in the second kuomintang-chinese communist cooperation on political cooperation , military cooperation , and organization of the cooperation .

  25. 上周俄罗斯与中国在北京就两国军事合作进行了会谈,会后宣布了海军演习计划。

    This plan to hold naval exercises was announced in Beijing last week , after a Russian-Chinese meeting devoted to military co-operation between the two countries .

  26. 白宫发言人约翰德罗说,鉴于北约本身的行动,俄罗斯中止与北约军事合作的决定并没有什么意义。

    Given NATO 's own action , White House Spokesman Gordon Johndroe says Russia 's decision to end military cooperation with NATO does not mean much .

  27. 遭到海啸严重破坏的仙台机场是灾后美日军事合作的一个象征。

    The airport , which was severely damaged by floods , serves as a symbol of U.S. - Japanese military cooperation in the wake of the disaster .

  28. 朝中社谴责了美国与韩国上周达成的军事合作协议,以及两国将持续至4月30日的年度联合军演。

    It condemned both a military co-operation deal agreed last week by the US and South Korea , and their annual joint exercises which continue until April 30 .

  29. 俄罗斯中止了与北约的一切军事合作,在此之前北约外长表示,北约和俄罗斯的关系取决于俄罗斯是否从前苏联加盟共和国格鲁吉亚撤军。

    Russia has stopped all military cooperation with NATO after alliance foreign ministers said future ties depend on Russia pulling back troops in the former Soviet republic of Georgia .

  30. 我们知道,人们越来越担心朝鲜与缅甸之间的军事合作,我们也对此事非常重视,希拉里昨日在曼谷说。

    We know that there are growing concerns about military co-operation between North Korea and Burma , which we take very seriously , Mrs Clinton said in Bangkok yesterday .