
  • 网络road network;highway network
  1. 将遗传算法应用到交通公路网络规划,寻找满足多个约束条件的多路径方案。

    GA is used in traffic road networks plan firstly for finding multiple constrained paths .

  2. 运用拓扑学原理研究汶川与唐山地区公路网络的稳定性

    Study on the Stability of Road Networks in Wenchuan and Tangshan Region Using Topology Theory

  3. 基于GML的公路网络模型

    Road Network Model Based on GML

  4. 本文首先简单介绍了OGC互操作规范及GML规范,然后详细阐述了GML30的主要模式,论述了GML空间数据建模的框架、规则和步骤,最后提出了基于GML的公路网络模型。

    In this paper , the GML specifications are briefly introduced . The main XML schemas of GML 3 0 and the GML modeling framework , rules and steps are presented . And a GML based road network model is developed .

  5. 基于遗传算法的交通公路网络规划研究

    The Study of Traffic Highway Network Planning Based on Genetic Algorithm

  6. 辽宁中部城市群高等级公路网络发育程度评价

    Assessment on Highway Network Development Level of Central Liaoning Urban Agglomeration

  7. 广义费用及其在公路网络分配中的应用

    Abroad sense cost and it 's application in highway network distribution

  8. 基于遗传算法的公路网络设计的双层优化模型

    Highway Network Design Using Bi-level Programming Model Based on Genetic Algorithm

  9. 长江三角洲公路网络的可达性空间格局及其演化

    Spatial Structure and Evolution of Highway Accessibility in the Yangtze River Delta

  10. 基于单元重要性分析的公路网络布局方案优化

    Layout Scheme Optimization of Road Network Based on the Component Importance Analysis

  11. 公路网络规划方式选择模型研究

    To study the method choose model in road network planning

  12. 湖北省公路网络结构优化理论研究

    The Structure Optimization Theory Research of Hubei 's Highway Net

  13. 基于公路网络的区域物流中心区位的选择

    The Choice of Logistics Center Location Based on the Regional Highway Network

  14. 中国干线公路网络联结的城市通达性

    A Study on the Urban Accessibility of National Trunk Highway System in China

  15. 城市公路网络的连通可靠性分析

    The Passing Reliability Analysis for City Highway Networks

  16. 基于栅格的公路网络建模技术及其应用

    Grid-based Road Network Modeling Technology and Its Application

  17. 形成了巨大的公路网络,与此同时我国公路经营企业也随之发展壮大起来。

    Formed a huge highway network , Meanwhile our road management enterprises grow up .

  18. 中原城市群公路网络建设与城市化水平相关性研究

    Relationship between Level of Urbanization and Highroad Network Connectivity of the Central Plain Cities

  19. 一类公路网络检查站寻址的问题

    Location Problem of Survey Station in Road Network

  20. 城市公路网络系统最佳可行流及其可靠性

    Furthest-Flow with Reliability of City-Roda Network System

  21. 第二部分就公路网络规划的理论和方法进行了论述;

    In part 2 , the theories and approaches for road network programming is discussed .

  22. 公路网络可达性研究

    Study on Accessibility of Highway Network

  23. 地方公路网络也没有跟上新建高速公路的快速发展。

    Local road networks also haven 't kept up with the rapid spread of new expressways .

  24. 首先,本文考虑了欧氏空间和公路网络两种距离模型。

    First of all , the paper considers both Euclidean space and road network distance matrixes .

  25. 关于研制公路网络规划、管理及工程可行性研究一体化系统的构思

    The Framework of Developing the Integrated Systems of Highway Network Planning , Management and Engineering Feasibility Study

  26. 本文重在研究公路网络运输中的最短路问题。

    The application of shortest path problem in the transport network is mainly studied in the paper .

  27. 城市公路网络经济

    Urban Highway Network Economy

  28. 公路网络的度分布遵循指数分布,且网络中还存在着群落。

    The degree distribution of the road network follows exponential distribution and the community structures exist in this network .

  29. 利用可达性评价模型,计算1984&2004年公路网络演变过程中带来的可达性变化,并对2025年湖南高速公路网络可达性进行模拟。

    Based on the " shortest path matrix ", the author calculated the accessibility of the highway network in Hunan province in1984,1993,2004 and2025 .

  30. 为此,提出了实时信息的生成算法,包括随机公路网络的生成,实时交通信息的生成和随机客户需求的生成等。

    This paper presents an information generation algorithm , including stochastic road network generation , real-time traffic information generation , and stochastic customer demand generation .