
  • 网络public company;Private Company
  1. 该访问是美国公众公司会计监督委员会(pcaob)官员对拥有在美国注册客户(包括satyam)的印度审计师事务所进行的一系列访问之一。

    The visit was one of a series conducted by officials from the public company accounting oversight board to Indian auditors with clients registered in the US , including Satyam .

  2. 新兴市场公众公司财务报告架构:改革与启示

    Public Company Financial Reporting Regime in Emerging Markets : Reforms Revelations

  3. 美国学者Berle和Means于1932年系统地分析了在公众公司中存在的公司所有与公司经营相分离的现象后,在经济学和公司法学中都产生了重大的影响。

    In 1932 , Berle & Means systematically identified the separation of corporate ownership and management in public corporations .

  4. 特别在当前全国性OTC市场(非上市公众公司股权交易市场)的建设已成为国家资本市场下一步发展目标的背景下,准入制度的探索就更具有现实意义。

    Specially under the background that the construction of National OTC Market ( Non-listed companies ' stock exchange market ) has become the next development target of national capital market , the study on access system has the more practical significance .

  5. 第二部分首先指出了我国公司股票场外IPO和非上市公众公司新股发行信息披露标准的缺失,然后集中评述了我国代办股份转让系统这一主要场外交易市场的持续披露规则。

    Part two argues that there lacks a disclosure standard for the IPO of unlisted securities and Secondary Public Offerings by unlisted public companies , then gives comments on the continuous disclosure regime of the Stock Transfer Agent System , which is the principle OTC market in China .

  6. 由公众公司审计委员会直接雇请会计师委员会;

    Public Corporation Audit Committee can directly employ the Accountant Committee .

  7. 国有商业银行上市:从政府所有到公众公司

    State Commercial Banks ' Getting Listed-from State Ownership to Public Ownership

  8. 政治家们也在伸开双臂迎接公众公司以外的其它形式。

    Policymakers have embraced alternatives to the public company , too .

  9. 第一章主要对非上市公众公司及信息披露的相关概念进行解析。

    Part one analyzes the concept of unlisted public company .

  10. 议代理非上市公众公司股份转让行为

    On Agent Behavior of Share Transfer in Non-listed Public Company

  11. 公众公司是创新和就业制造生态系统中的组成部分。

    Public companies are parts of an ecosystem of innovation and job creation .

  12. 公众公司一直以来展现出了惊人的韧性。

    Public companies have shown an extraordinary resilience .

  13. 家族势力砥砺公众公司

    The Difference Between Family Power and Public Company

  14. 然后,提供了世界范围内的公众公司的一些治理模式。

    Then , offers some governance modes of public company in the whole world .

  15. 公众公司也起到了培养大众资本主义的作用。

    Public companies also foster popular capitalism .

  16. 公众公司要公布年度报告,召开股东大会,对市场分析家进行解释。

    Public companies produce annual reports , hold shareholder meetings and explain themselves to analysts .

  17. 公众公司会计监管委员会的职责

    Duties of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board

  18. 设立公共和政府机构被称为公众公司会计监督委员会。

    The Establishment of a public and government agency called the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board .

  19. 非上市公众公司信息披露制度及其完善

    A Study on the Chinese Securities ' Disclosure Regime for Unlisted Public Companies and Its Improvement

  20. 相较之下,公众公司对于自身问题的管理就相形见拙,尤其是其中三个问题。

    In contrast , public companies have got worse at managing their problems , three in particular .

  21. 本文对近十年来美国公众公司外部董事薪酬结构变化的背景、内容与结果进行了研究。

    This article is to study the structure change of outside directors ' compensation at US public companies .

  22. 我怀疑过一些公司的创始人将公司上市变成公众公司的动机。

    In some listings , I have questioned the motives of the founders in taking the company public .

  23. 即使现在,美国公众公司的利润依然和过去60年间一样丰厚。

    Even now , American listed companies are as profitable as than they have been for 60 years .

  24. 家族公司占亚太地区公众公司的大约一半,印度公众公司的三分之二。

    Family businesses account for about half of Listed Companies in the Asia-Pacific region and two-thirds in India .

  25. 公众公司数目下跌一定程度上是因为互联网泡沫这一个别事件。

    The fall in the number of listed firms owes something to the dotcom bust , a one-off event .

  26. 本文的研究思路是围绕着公众公司财务报告架构这条主线展开的。

    This dissertation focuses on public company financial reporting regime , and takes it as the core clue of researches .

  27. 上市公司信息披露是公众公司向投资者和社会公众全面沟通信息的桥梁。

    Listed companies to disclose information to the public investors and the public full information as a bridge of communication .

  28. 完善的信息披露制度是证券场外交易市场与非上市公众公司发展的基本前提。

    The advanced disclosure regime is the foundation for the development of the OTC markets and the unlisted public companies .

  29. 作为一家这样的公众公司,怎样保证财务信息披露的及时性、准确性和完整性成了首要的问题。

    As a public company , how to ensure to publish the financial information timely , accurately and completely becomes a priority .

  30. 研究表明,国有控股上市公司经营者变更的激励模式与国际公众公司相近。

    This paper concludes that uppermost decision-maker 's turnover incentive mode of State-holding Corporation is close to that of international public company .