
  • 网络I.O.U.S.A.;IOUSA
  1. 目前,联邦政府债务占美国GDP的74%,除了二战前后的7年,这是该比率有史以来的最高水平。

    At its current level of 74 % , the ratio of federal debt-to-GDP is at its highest ever , except for seven years around World War II .

  2. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)警告,如果不采取紧急措施控制日益上升的公共债务,美国经济可能陷入“双底衰退”。

    Barack Obama warned that the US economy could head into a " double-dip recession " unless urgent steps were taken to rein in mounting public debt .

  3. 与之相反,美国联邦政府通过提高负债率(其债务占美国GDP的比例从2008年的72%升至目前的102%)来抵消居民和金融业借贷的萎缩。

    Conversely , the federal government leveraged up ( with debts rising from 72 % of GDP in 2008 to 102 % of GDP today ) to offset this decline in borrowing from households and the financial sector .

  4. 在这种对未来的设想中,随着透支过度的贷款者偿还其债务,美国的储蓄会增加。

    In this vision of the future , American saving would rise as overstretched borrowers repaid their debts .

  5. 对于家庭债务,美国已经实行了按揭贷款重组方案,但这些做法被广泛认为并不成功。

    In the case of household debt , the US has implemented programmes for mortgage restructuring but these are not widely seen as successful .

  6. 在管理地方政府债务时美国也有其自身的特色,设立了专门的债务管理委员会。

    In the management of local government debt of the United States also has its own characteristics , the establishment of a dedicated debt management committee .

  7. 螺旋上升的债务使得美国和英国无力承担“选择之战”,对于大额采购项目缩减方案的搜索行动也开始启动。

    Spiralling government debt in America and Britain means that " wars of choice " are no longer affordable and the search is on for cuts in big procurement programmes .

  8. 亚洲也是越来越沦陷于美国的债务之中美国的资金来自亚洲,而亚洲会将收入的一部分投资在美国。

    Asia , too , is addicted to American debt , in so far as this finances imports from Asia , which then invests some of the proceeds back in America .

  9. 这家陷入困境的国际保险集团启动了资产剥离计划,以偿还美国政府的债务。美国政府上个月向该集团提供了850亿美元的贷款额度,令其免于破产。

    The troubled international insurance group has kicked off a divestment programme to repay the US government , which saved it from collapse last month by extending an $ 85bn credit line .

  10. 即使没有通胀风险,当前美国的财政政策还存在另一个固有的潜在威胁:通过公共部门债务为美国经济提供的融资大增。

    Even absent the inflation threat , there is another potential danger inherent in current US fiscal policy : a major increase in the funding of the US economy through public sector debt .

  11. 答案在于这些家庭债务与美国抵押贷款的主要区别。爱尔兰的家庭债务(与英国的家庭债务一样,其相对于收入的比例也高于美国)为浮动利率。

    The answer lies in the chief difference with US mortgage loans : Irish ones ( like British ones which are also at a higher ratio to income than in the US ) are floating rate .

  12. 相比之下,同样积累了大量私人债务的美国和英国,被视为信用评级不容易受到下调,因为穆迪认为,这两国经济更为灵活和高效。

    In contrast , the US and UK , which have also built up large levels of debt in the private sector , are considered safe from downgrades because their economies are considered much more flexible and efficient .

  13. 政府正式接管这两家企业并非不可能,它们的债务总额将近美国国内生产总值(gdp)的40%。

    A formal government takeover of these entities , whose total liabilities are close to 40 per cent of US gross domestic product , is not out of the question .

  14. 追求债务最小化是美国在大萧条期间GDP下降46%、货币供应量(主要由银行存款构成)减少30%的主要原因,在这次全面的资产负债表衰退之后,日本于1990年也陷入了类似的衰退。

    The shift to debt minimisation is the main reason the US lost 46 per cent of its GDP and 30 per cent of its money supply - which is made up mostly of bank deposits - during the Great Depression , the last full-blown balance sheet recession before Japan fell into one in 1990 .

  15. 麦康奈尔表示,不断上涨的债务已经使美国经济窒息。

    McConnell said crushing debt is the U.S. economy .

  16. 他还说,金融债务不止是美国一个人的事。

    The financial debt is not a problem for the US , Krugman said .

  17. 希腊的债务危机使美国和世界的投资者信心动摇。

    Greece 's debt crisis has shaken investors in the United States and worldwide .

  18. 但在他们削减债务时,美国消费者很可能会比平常花钱更少。

    But US consumers might well spend even less than is usual as they deleverage themselves .

  19. 因此,尽管是一个净债务国,美国仍能产生巨额收入盈余。

    So , despite being a net debtor , the US generates a big income surplus .

  20. 债务上限是美国国会对美国的借款数额设定的法律限制。

    The debt ceiling is the legal limit set by Congress on how much money American can borrow .

  21. 美国人摒弃了通过辛勤劳动和节俭来构筑美国梦的理念,而是把债务当作构筑美国梦的砖瓦。

    US citizens abandoned the idea of building the American dream on hard work and savings and instead used the cement of debt .

  22. 现在越来越多的经济学者认为,美联署只有等欧洲债务危机及美国高齐失业率问题解决后,才开始加息。

    A growing number of economists now believe the Fed won 't start to boost rates until next year given the European crisis and high unemployment .

  23. 若未能提高债务上限,美国财政部从今天起将缺乏足够资金支付全部账单。

    Failure to raise the debt ceiling would have meant that the Treasury Department would have lacked sufficient funds to pay all of its bills starting today .

  24. 从20世纪70年代的拉美国家债务危机到美国次贷灾难,正如我们看到的一样,这种局面导致了对不良信用的过度借贷。

    This results in over-lending to bad credits , as we have seen from the Latin American sovereign loans crisis in the 1970s to the US subprime woes .

  25. 作为世界最大的债务国,美国陷入经济衰退所处的处境和日本不同,日本拥有大量的国内储蓄。

    As the world 's biggest debtor , America headed into this bust in a very different position from Japan , a creditor nation rich in domestic savings .

  26. 为了商讨一个预算折中方案以提高国家的债务上限,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马再次与国会领导人召开会议。

    US President Barack Obama has convened with congressional leaders once again , in an effort to negotiate a budget compromise to raise the country 's debt ceiling .

  27. 从冰岛债务危机到美国债务危机,再到欧洲债务危机,债务危机的爆发开始更加频繁,更加凶猛。

    From the Iceland debt crisis to the debt crisis in the United States , and the European debt crisis , debt crisises become more frequent and ferocious .

  28. 不过,他们警告称,鉴于人们对欧元区债务危机以及美国经济形势令人失望的担忧,并购领域的复苏仍将较为缓慢。

    However , they cautioned that the recovery in M & A would continue to be slow amid concerns over the eurozone debt crisis and disappointing US economic conditions .

  29. 自2008年以来,中国的债务增速和美国、欧洲、日本和韩国陷入严重衰退前的速度不相上下。

    Since 2008 , debt in China has grown at a pace similar to the U.S , Europe , Japan and South Korea before they fell into deep recessions .

  30. 换言之,从现金流的角度看,巴西消费者的债务负担是美国消费者的两倍,而后者还被普遍视为在过度举债。

    In other words , the Brazilian consumer has twice the debt load from a cash flow perspective than a US consumer who is still widely regarded as being over-leveraged .