首页 / 词典 / good


  1. leveloff变平,弄平,达到平衡,稳定下来到达1000米高度时,驾驶员便做水平飞行。

    On reaching 1000 meters , the pilot leveled off .

  2. 越符合上述所言,你便做得越成功。

    The better the fit , the more successful you will be .

  3. 两个女孩未成年便做了母亲,靠救济度日;

    Two of the girls became teenage mothers and live on welfare .

  4. 汤姆从床上一跃而起之后,便做健身操。

    After jumping out of bed , Tom did his setting-up exericises .

  5. 从那一刻起,我便做了一个重大决定。

    It was in that moment that I had made a major decision .

  6. 我不清楚,或者树本来喜欢被拍下来便做了这个姿势。

    I don 't know maybe the tree just likes having its picture taken .

  7. 要复元需要很长的时间,我们在这里能做到甚麽便做。

    It will be a long recovery and we are doing what we can here .

  8. 很少有什么人被捕,便做得出这样的推断。

    You could not invariably assume this to be the case when people were arrested .

  9. 他于是对阿里说了几句阿拉伯话,阿里便做了一个服从的表示,退后了几步,但仍旧站在附近。

    He then said something in Arabic to ali , who made a sign of obedience and withdrew , but not to any distance .

  10. 22岁的郑晓(音译)就读于复旦大学法律系大四年级。在武汉时,他便做了一晚的沙发客。

    Zheng Xiao , 22 , a senior majoring in law at Fudan University , found a couch in Wuhan , where he stayed for one night .

  11. 妈妈的工作忙,所以抽不出时间管我,她便做什么事都让我自主,相信着我什么都能做好。

    Mother 's job is busy , so I can 't afford the time , she will do tube what I believe what I independent can do .

  12. 在这种情况下,乐施会的工作就是要让人看见,我们说得出便做得到,而且我们真心希望他们改善生活。

    As such , Oxfam 's job has been to help people see that we do what we say we will , and that we are genuinely interested in them being able to improve their lives .

  13. 我们身处一个十分萧条的经济环境中,学费和生活成本都上涨了,人们正在寻求支付大学学费的其他方式,于是便做了‘糖宝’。

    We are in a very recessive economy , tuition costs and costs of living have increased and people are finding alternative ways of funding a college education , in this case becoming a sugar baby .

  14. 这时,皇帝由于徒劳的等待而感到疲倦了,他以演员的敏锐感觉出,庄严的时刻拖得过长而开始丧失其庄严意,便做了个手势。

    Meanwhile the Emperor , weary of waiting in vain , and with his actor 's instinct feeling that the great moment , being too long deferred , was beginning to lose its grandeur , made a sign with his hand .

  15. 由于年龄太小,不宜经常上戏院,又因为经济拮据,支付不起业余表演的大笔费用,姑娘们于是充分发挥才智需要是发明之母需要什么,她们便做什么。

    Being still too young to go often to the theater , and not rich enough to afford any great outlay for privateperformances , the girls put their wits to work , and necessity beingthe mother of invention , made whatever they needed .

  16. 一到那儿他们便开始做实验了。

    On arriving there , they set about doing the experiment .

  17. 当一个人受制于自己感情时,他便不能做自己的主人。

    When a man is a prey to his emotions , he is no this master .

  18. 他和贝尔很投缘,并且很快两人便合伙做生意了。

    He hit it off with Bill and soon the two of them run a business together .

  19. 早在几天前我便决定做一些沉闷又繁琐的家务事。

    I decided a few days ago that I would embark on some dull yet obsessive homekeeping .

  20. 4岁时她便立志做一名设计师,并开始自己制作衣服。

    At age four , she decided that she would become a designer and started to make her own clothes .

  21. 无论是体育运动还是你的工作,你练习的越多,你便会做的越好。

    Whether it is sports or the trade craft of your job , the more you practice , the better you get .

  22. 自第一次参与世界杯(1958年)起,我便一直做着这样一件事:捍卫和推广巴西。

    From the first World Cup that I played ( in1958 ) I 've been doing this : I defend and promote Brazil .

  23. 未得到神的吩咐便去做,与拒绝听从神的吩咐是一样的错。

    It is as wrong to act without a word from God as it is to refuse to act when He does speak .

  24. 在数学课程方面,孩子们应该不用纸笔便能做多位数乘除法。

    In math curriculum , children will be expected to do multiplication and division with large numbers without the use of pen and paper .

  25. 你呢,无论找到什么便去做你的快乐的游戏,我呢,却把我的时间与力气都浪费在那些我永不能得到的东西上。

    With whatever you find you create your glad games , I spend both my time and my strength over things I never can obtain .

  26. 显然,提着一个篮子又重又不方便,导致我们在购物时不经过慎重思考,便匆忙做决定。

    Apparently , the weight and inconvenience of carrying a basket influences us to make hasty decisions when buying products rather than carefully considering each purchase .

  27. 经由一个阶段的教受教养实践,闭于基于网络的校际合做教习,降出了三阶段模式便合做准备、合做实行、合做评价。

    After a period of teaching practice , we put forward a three-staged designing mode on interuniversity collaborative learning including cooperative preparation , cooperative fulfillment and evaluation ;

  28. 如果你是石头,便应当做磁石;如果你是植物,便应当做含羞草;如果你是人,便应当做意中人。

    If you are a stone , be adamant ; if you are a plant , be the sensitive plant ; if you are a man , be love .

  29. 有一天,留在家里的公主和便雅明做了一顿非常丰盛的饭菜,等着哥哥们回来后一起坐下来开心地又吃又喝。

    One time the two of them had prepared a good meal at home , and so they sat together and ate and drank and were ever so happy .

  30. 老船夫忍不住去问,本以为是老大唱的,却得知:老大讲出实情后便去做生意。

    Lao Chuanfu could not wait to ask , he thought it was singing , but he heard that : after Tianbao tell the truth he went to do business .