
  • 网络Housing cooperative;housing co-operative
  1. 本文在阐述温州个人集资建房运作模式的基础上,指出该运作模式与传统的住宅合作社制存在许多不同的地方,同时也存在许多法律上的困惑,引发了许多争议。

    This paper sets forth the operating pattern of individual co-operative housing in which many legislative puzzles remain , and points out the difference between the pattern and the traditional housing co-operative .

  2. 鼓励住宅合作社和集资建房。

    Encouraging house construction through residential house coops and with funds raised by individuals .

  3. 解决这一矛盾的最佳选择之一,是以组织住宅合作社发展集资合作建房为过渡形式。

    One of best solution is to found some dwelling cooperatives as its transitional forms to concentrate funds .

  4. 住宅合作社通过政府政策优惠、职工自我管理,提供了适应居民支付能力的住房,解决了低收入者的住房问题。

    The coops , relying on government favorable policies and the self-management of employees , provide afFORdable houses FOR low and medium income families .

  5. 鼓励住宅合作社和集资建房。法务省准备通过个人集资筹集资金。

    Encouraging house construction through residential house coops and with funds raised by individuals . The Judicial Ministry prepared to raise investment from individuals .

  6. 因此,国家应从战略高度,通过立法,规范住宅合作社的行为,以推进实现住宅商品化、社会化的进程和人均一间房的居住目标。

    So , China should restrict the behavior of dwelling cooperatives by laws , push the process of dwelling commercialization and socialization and reach the aim that one owns on house .

  7. 本文对我国经济适用住房的供应不足与对其开发建设积极性低的矛盾问题提出了创造性的建议,并且还对我国今后大力发展具有悠久传统的住宅合作社提出了合理的规划设计。

    In this paper , the writer put forward a creative idea is to solve the conflict between the supply of affordable housing shortage and low motivation for its development and construction , and also to develop the housing co-operatives system which has a long tradition .