
  • 网络EMP;EMSP;Enterprise Management Platforms EMP;CEMP.Net
  1. 立足于企业管理平台与信息平台相匹配的选型方法,是工程机械行业集团企业进行ERP选型的一种很好的评价工具。

    It is a good evaluation tool to construction machinery group corporations .

  2. ERP是一种先进的企业管理平台,生产计划管理系统是ERP系统一个重要的模块。

    ERP is an advanced enterprise management platform , Produce Planning Management System is an important module of ERP .

  3. 该Rails插件只对我们的智能客户端可用,而智能客户端又依次被我们的企业管理平台使用。

    The Rails plug-in is a plug-in made available only to our Smart Client which in turn is used by our Enterprise Management Platform .

  4. RM-Manager与FiveRuns企业管理平台无缝地集成在一起,来监控和管理Rails应用内以下框架领域的产品性能

    RM-Manage integrates seamlessly with FiveRuns Enterprise Management Platform to monitor and manage the production performance of the following framework areas within Rails applications

  5. 基于LAMP的科技型中小企业协同管理平台研究

    Study on Cooperative Management Platform for Technological SME Based on LAMP

  6. NET环境中基于SaaS模式的企业信息管理平台的研究

    An Enterprise Information Management Platform Based on SaaS in the . NET Environment

  7. 石化企业HSE管理平台设计与实现

    HSE Management System Design and Realization in Petro-chemical Enterprise

  8. 在研究现有身份认证和单点登录技术的基础上,论文给出了在企业信息管理平台中利用用户统一管理和Kerberos认证协议的机制实现单点登录的模型;

    Fourthly it provides a model of implementing SSO by concentrative user management and Kerberos mechanism in Enterprise Information Management Portal after it researches Identity Authentication and Single Sing-on .

  9. 基于信息技术的企业战略管理平台理论与方法

    The Theory and Approach of IT-Based Enterprise Strategic Management Platform

  10. 施工企业物资管理平台开发应用探索

    Development and Application of Material Management Platform in Construction Enterprise

  11. 复杂产品制造企业管理信息化平台关键技术研究

    Study on key technologies of the management informationization platform for complicated products manufacturer

  12. 面向网络化制造的中小企业协同管理平台研究

    Research on collaborative management platform of small and medium-sized enterprises for networked manufacturing

  13. 基于ShatePoint的企业知识管理平台设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Enterprise Knowledge Management Platform Based on Share Point

  14. 企业管理开发平台中的定制技术研究

    The researches of custom technique in the management and developing terrace of enterprise

  15. 施工企业协同管理平台建设

    Construction of Cooperative Management Platform of Construction Enterprise

  16. 基于B/S,C/S综合架构的化工企业管理信息平台的开发与研究

    Research of B / S and C / S Based Management Information System Platform of Enterprise

  17. 本文所取得的初步成果是设计并开发了河北邮政企业信息化管理平台。

    The result obtained in this paper is to design and develop the " HEBEI Postal Enterprise Information Management platform " .

  18. 仔细分析建筑企业信息化管理平台的总体结构和层次结构,保证企业内部管理和同外界环境的衔接兼顾。

    When building the platform , we must analyze the general structure and hierarchical structure to guarantee the inner need and cohesion with the outside environment .

  19. 主要讨论企业管理开发平台中的定制技术。包括窗体的定制和流程的定制技术。

    The research of custom technique in the management and developing terrace of enterprise is mainly discussed in this article , including the custom technique of window and procedure .

  20. 在当前锂电池行业迅速发展和市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,公司需要借助企业战略管理平台,对公司目前的产品技术创新进行梳理调整和重新规划,提高产品竞争力,以实现公司可持续发展。

    When facing the rapid growth of lithium battery industry and furious competition of the market , the company needs to reconstruct and reschedule the product technology innovation strategy to edge the competitive advantage and to achieve sustainable grow and development .

  21. 基于J2EE的多Agent企业信息集成管理平台的研究与开发

    Research and development of a multi-agent-based integrated information management platform for the enterprises based on J2EE

  22. 中小型制造企业物流管理ASP平台模式与实施技术研究

    Research on ASP-based Platform Mode and Implementing Technology of Logistics Management for Small and Middle Manufacturing Enterprises

  23. 基于BS结构的企业人力资源管理平台

    The Human Resource Management System of Enterprise Base on BS Structure

  24. 本文主要介绍了基于SNMP、syslog等网络管理协议和SLA服务管理的企业客户端网络管理平台项目的实现过程。

    This paper mainly introduced , based on SNMP , syslog etc network management protocol and SLA service management , enterprise client network management platform project implementation process .

  25. 供电企业综合信息管理平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Information Platform in Electric Power Company

  26. 乳品企业构建信息化管理平台研究

    Research on Creating Information Platform of Milk Product Enterprise

  27. 炼化企业质量信息管理平台的构建

    The Structure of the Platform of the Petrochemical Enterprise Quality Information Management System

  28. 作为一个企业级编码管理平台涉及到多个信息实体,各个信息实体的管理方法相似,软件功能相同,对软件的架构提出了挑战。

    As an enterprise management platform , it involves a number of information entities .

  29. 企业项目管理组织平台设计研究

    Organization Platform Design of Project Management for Enterprise

  30. 核电建设企业综合管理信息平台的设计与应用

    The design and application of integrated management information platform for nuclear power construction enterprise