
  1. 人民监督员制度的法理基础及现实思考

    The Jurisprudence Foundation and the Actual Thought of the People 's Supervisor System

  2. 人民监督员制度是一种新生事物,理论基础还比较薄弱。

    Because it is a new system , the theory basis is weak .

  3. 人民监督员制度是实践中的新生事物。

    The System of the People 's Supervisors is a new thing in practice .

  4. 关于人民监督员制度理论和实践问题的探讨&从人民监督员的视角分析

    Discussion on Issues Relating to Theory and Practice of the People 's Supervisor System

  5. 我国人民监督员制度研究

    Research on the System of People 's Supervisor

  6. 首先界定人民监督员制度的性质及其与其他监督的关系。

    Firstly , it determinates relationship between property of the institution and other supervisions .

  7. 人民监督员制度的法治价值及其实现

    Value of the People 's Supervisor System on the Rule of Law and Its Realization

  8. 人民监督员制度的正当性与有效性质疑

    Challenging the People Supervisors System

  9. 人民监督员制度为检察机关执法社会化创造了良好的开端;

    People 's supervisor system provides a favorable commencement for the socialization of law enforcement of procuratorial organs ;

  10. 三是人民监督员制度是人民监督员对人民检察院自侦案件进行的事后监督。

    Finally , the system of the People 's Supervisors is supervision afterwards for the cases directly accepted by the People 's Procuratorates .

  11. 现行的人民监督员制度是检察机关的内部监督,但是该制度又具有很强的外部监督的属性;

    The current people 's supervisor system is an internal one in procuratorate organs though , it has very strong external properties as well .

  12. 文章从我国宪政的价值和目标出发,论证人民监督员制度存在的宪政理论基础。

    The article expounds and proves the constitutional rationale the institution sets on , which from the value and target of constitutional government in China .

  13. 第二部分分析了人民监督员制度建立的意义,即在我国建立此制度的必要性。我国检察机关性质与职权冲突,造成检察机关直接立案案件的监督没有相应的外部监督机制。

    The second part has analyzed the System of the People 's Supervisor 's significance , also is the necessity of this system in our country .

  14. 介绍了司法实践中对不起诉制约机制进行了一定的改革和尝试,主要是主诉检察官制度与人民监督员制度,并分别对其进行了评述。

    Introducing some reforms to the restriction mechanism of non-prosecution : the system of public prosecutor case-in-chief and the people supervisor system and making comment on them .

  15. 不应当将人民监督员制度改造成为检察机关的外部监督,而应当通过完善相关的制度,来保障人民监督员的外部属性。

    Therefore , we should improve relevant principles to ensure the external properties of people 's supervisors instead of reforming it into an external one in procuratorate organs .

  16. 目前试行的人民监督员制度实质上是一种间接客观监督,其运作模式以及权威性和公信力存在先天缺陷。

    Current tentative people ′ s supervisor system is a type of indirect supervision system , which has inherent limitation in its working mechanism , authority and public credibility .

  17. 在完善外部监督制约机制方面,提出要设立司法审查制度、完善人民监督员制度和辩护律师的诉讼地位等建议,并落实到司法实践过程中。

    To improve the outer supervision and restriction , the suggestion is made to set up the judicial review rule and the supervision principal rule , the counsel lawsuit status .

  18. 由人大对检察机关是否正确实施人民监督员制度,接受人民监督员的监督进行监督,并要求报告工作等;

    Furthermore , the congress should take the responsibility to oversee whether procuratorates perform this system correctly and are supervised by people 's supervisors , and to require the procuratorates to report .

  19. 目前有三种典型的民众参与检察的模式,美国通过大陪审团体现民众参与检察,日本检察审查会制度也是一种典型模式,我国推出的人民监督员制度是另一种典型模式。

    There are three systems for that , namely the grand jury in the USA , the auditing system for procuratorial work in Japan and the mass participation in procuratorial work in China .

  20. 人民监督员制度能起到明显的监督效果,关键在于该制度能以内部监督的形式融入检察机关的工作程序中;

    The reason that the people 's supervisor system produces fairly prominent supervisory effects lies on the fact that this system penetrates into the procuratorate organs ' working procedures with its internal supervising pattern .

  21. 在大概介绍了人民监督员制度的内涵和特点之后,本文的主体由三个部分组成:人民监督员制度的理论基础、人民监督员制度的现实问题和人民监督员制度的发展和完善。

    After introducing the connotation and the characteristics of the people supervision system , there are three parts in the article : the theories , the problems and the developments of the people supervision system .

  22. 为了顺应公民参与司法的国际化潮流,加强检察机关查办职务犯罪案件的外部监督机制,创立了人民监督员制度。

    The people 's supervisor system has been established to enhance external supervisory mechanism of investigation the official crimes by procuratorial organs and to comply with the international tide of participation in justice of public .

  23. 我国在学习和借鉴美国大陪审团制度与日本检察审查会制度的基础之上建立了具有中国特色的人民监督员制度。

    China to learn from the grand jury system in the United States and Japan will review the prosecution on the basis of the establishment of a system with Chinese characteristics of the people of supervisors system .

  24. 人民监督员制度是针对检察院直接受理的侦查案件而建立的一种社会监督制度。

    The system of people 's supervisor remains one kind of society supervision systems which aim at the detection case directly dealt with by the procuratorate . From the experiment to now , it has brought great success .

  25. 对比研究改革中的日本检察审查会制度,发现我国人民监督员制度的问题所在,并对此制度加以改进完善,以期使我国的司法监督体系更为科学。

    Compared with the reforming Japanese prosecute judgement system , we discovered the problems of the people 's supervisor system , and attempt to perfect this system that will make the judicial surveillance system more scientific in our country .

  26. 本文就人民监督员制度的相关问题作些初步探讨,文章从人民监督员制度的背景、意义、法理基础等五个方面进行论述。

    This article makes a preliminary discussion on the System of the People 's Supervisor related question , the article elaboration its background , the significance , the legal principle theory of law foundation and so on five aspects .

  27. 人民监督员制度是我国检察机关在现行法律规定的框架内,为落实宪法精神,为完善直接侦查案件的外部监督机制,主动接受人民监督的一项制度创新。

    The system of people 's supervisor is a system innovation for the prosecutorial department initiatively accepting people supervision in order to improve the exterior supervision mechanism of directly investigating law case and put into effect constitution spirit under the existing laws and regulations .

  28. 人民监督员制度的确立对确保在职务犯罪侦查工作中更好地做到立检为公,执法为民,进一步提高侦查水平和办案质量具有重要意义。

    System of the people 's supervisor is meaningful for ensuring that prosecutorial organizations implement " duty for the public and law enforcement for people " in the course of investigating crimes by taking advantage of duty , improve investigational level and working quality of case handling .

  29. 2003年10月,针对检察权外部监督的缺位,最高人民检察院推出了人民监督员制度。

    In October 2003 , because of the lack of outer supervision on procurators ' powers , the supreme procurators ' court built a people 's inspector system .

  30. 根据《最高人民检察院关于实行人民监督员制度的规定(试行)》,人民监督员的角色实际上是检察顾问,因而改革的意义也就只停留在政治意义上。

    According to " the Regulations on the people supervisors system by the Supreme People 's Procuratorate ", in fact , the role of the people supervisors is the " procuratorial advisors " and the reform therefore is of only political significance .