
  • 网络Emergency reserve
  1. 本文研究一种模拟方法来定量地评估规划中的抽水畜能电站的事故备用效益。

    This paper studied a kind of simulation method to evaluate quantitatively the emergency reserve benefit in pumped-storage station .

  2. 我们有一台三百千瓦的事故备用发电机。

    We have an emergency-standby electric generator with a capacity of 300 kilowatts .

  3. 上海的液化天然气应急事故备用站的LNG储槽是国内第一座冷冻液化气储槽,文章介绍了该储槽的施工技术,并总结了施工中的经验和教训。

    Shanghai LNG emergency storage station is the first frozen-LNG station of its kind in China . The author introduces the techniques , sums up his experience and draw his moral in construction .

  4. 龙滩水电站共装设9台单机容量700MW的水轮发电机组,水头变幅达82m,在电力系统中担任调峰、调频和事故备用任务,机组设计、制造难度已达到甚至超过当今世界水平。

    The Longtan Hydropower Station is designed to install 9 hydro-generating units with an installed capacity of 700 MW each and a water head variation of 82m . It will play a role of peak regulation , frequency modulation and emergency standby in the power system .

  5. 事故备用发电机带负荷跳车的原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Accident Spare Generator Stopping Immediately It Carries Load

  6. 抽水蓄能电厂事故备用效益实用算法

    A practical evaluation method of fault reserve benefit for pumped storage power plants

  7. 定量评估抽水蓄能电站事故备用效益的模拟法

    The simulation method for quantity evaluation of the emergency benefit in the pumped-storage station

  8. 由于负荷跟踪和事故备用是两项可选择的辅助服务,从而构成了过网服务的3个水平。

    Since the ancillary services are optional , there could be three wheeling service levels .

  9. 水电站事故备用动态效益评估方法的研究

    A Research on the Approach for Quantitatively Evaluating the Dynamic Benefits of Emergency Reserves of Hydropower Stations

  10. 抽水蓄能电站具有运行灵活、启动迅速的特点,其在电力系统的动态效益主要表现在紧急事故备用、负荷跟踪、调频和同步调相上。

    It can serve for synchronous spinning reserve , load following , frequency control and synchronous condenser operation .

  11. 本文用概率方法计算电力系统实际所需负荷备用、抽水蓄能电站能提供的空闲容量和多余事故备用电能。

    Probabilistic method is used to calcuate the real load reserve needed by power system , the margin capacity and energy supplied by pumped-storage station .

  12. 提出的从新的角度计算电量损失的算法可更准确的评估事故备用效益,并尝试了一种新的负荷跟踪功能的模拟算法。

    For true evaluating fault reserve benefit , from a new point of view calculating energy loss is advanced . A load following functional simulate new method is attempted .

  13. 本文提出了水电站(包括常规水电站和抽水蓄能电站)以其空闲容量向系统提供补充事故备用之动态效益的定量评估方法。

    The dynamic benefits are of significance to economic benefits evaluation of emergency reserves of hydropower stations , and to optimum planning and operation of power system as well .

  14. 动态效益则是由于蓄能电站启动迅速、运行灵活,在承担系统调频、调相、负荷调整和紧急事故备用等动态任务,满足系统动态运行需要而产生的经济效益。

    Dynamic benefits come from its fast starting and flexible operation , including frequency regulation , synchronous condenser operation , fast coverage of steep load gradient and synchronous spinning reserve .

  15. 在考虑市场因素的前提下,分析了抽水蓄能电站节煤效益、调频效益、调相效益、事故备用和黑启动效益的计算方法。

    Taking the market element into account , the computation methods of coal-saving benefit , frequency modulation benefit , phase modulation benefit , emergency auxiliary benefit and black-start benefit are established .

  16. 黑启动电源有很多种,抽水蓄能电站是电力系统中具有调峰、调频和事故备用等多种作用的特殊电源。

    There are many kinds of black start power sources ; the pumped-storage power plant is a special power source with functions of peak and frequency modulation as well as emergency backup .

  17. 东风水电站在贵州电网中承担着调峰、调频和事故备用的重要任务,随着形势的发展变化,现需要对其进行扩建改造。

    The Dongfeng Hydroelectric Station undertakes the important task of tune summit , frequency modulation and spare for accident in Guizhou province electrical network , now as the development of changing situation , need to carry out extension for it to rebuild .

  18. 检查事故电源处于备用状态。

    Check whether the emergency power supply is in standby mode or not .

  19. 如果主站点发生全站点事故,远程备用数据库会接替主数据库,从而保持数据可用性。

    If a complete site failure occurs at the primary site , data availability is maintained by having the remote standby database take over as the primary database .