
shì wù yuán
  • office clerk
事务员 [shì wù yuán]
  • [office clerk] 办公室的一般工作人员,尤指分管后勤或伙食的办公人员

  1. 他曾经希望继续当一名全职的职业事务员。

    He had hoped to continue as a full-time career officer

  2. 一位老学士,一位歌手,还有一位年轻的事务员。

    An old maester , a singer , and a young steward .

  3. 找工作一位没有工作的男士到微软找一个办公室事务员的差使。

    A jobless man applied for the position of " office boy " at Microsoft .

  4. 记住别提有关他的鼻子的事情.琼恩雪诺,莫尔蒙总司令指名要你当他的私人事务员.

    Make no comment about his nose . Jon Snow , Lord Commander Mormont has requested you for his personal steward .

  5. 我只看出这是艾里沙爵士的报复.这下他可遂心愿了.事务员不过就是佣人!

    I see Ser Alliser 's revenge , that 's all . He wanted it and he got it . Stewards are nothing but maids !

  6. 因为教区事务员身体病弱,他就在那里好心地照管孩子们;由于他那神秘的钩子所起的作用,他在孩子们中间享有很高的威望。

    and where he was good enough - the lawful beadle being infirm - to keep an eye upon the boys , over whom he exercised great power , in virtue of his mysterious hook .

  7. 陶德,工程兵.葛兰,游骑兵.山姆威尔,事务员.梅沙,游骑兵.戴利恩,事务员.

    Halder to the builders . Pyp to the stewards . Toad to the builders . Grenn to the Rangers . Samwell to the stewards . Matthar to the Rangers . Dareon to the stewards .

  8. 我很想帮你忙,可惜我当不了游骑兵.我就是个当事务员的命.当事务员也很光荣的.

    I wish I could help you , but I 'm no Ranger . It 's the steward 's life for me . There 's honor in being a steward . Not much , really .

  9. 在国家档案馆公布的一份1995年的简报中,一名事务员称应首先确认报告中的外星人乘飞行器到地球的目的,并称他们看起来并无“敌意”。

    In a 1995 briefing now published by the National Archives , a desk officer said the purpose of reported alien craft sightings " needs to be established as a matter of priority , " adding there did not appear to be " hostile intent . "

  10. 笔译事务秘书办事员她是办公室女职员。

    Translation secretary / clerk She 's an office girl .

  11. 联合国食品权力事务特别报告员,坚信投机者们推动了价格的浮动。

    Olivier de Schutter , UN rapporteur on the right to food , is in no doubt that speculators are behind the surging prices .

  12. 联合国难民事务高级特派员办公室记载着在马来西亚的12000人,但是他们承认实际人数可能是这个数字的两倍。

    And the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) has documented 12000 in Malaysia , but admits there may be twice that number .

  13. 五月提交的第一个拟让消费者事务司授权巡视员强制执行一个鲜为人知的州法律,要求店主用英语标志商店的名称。

    One , introduced in May , would authorize inspectors with the city Department of Consumer Affairs to enforce a little-known state law that requires businesses to display their names in English .