
  • 网络Event Detection;incident detection
  1. 文章还提出了一种带约束的有色Petri网模型来构造事件检测引擎。

    This paper also proposes a constrained colored Petri net model to construct event detection engine .

  2. 采用组合着色Petri网构造基于空间关系的复合事件检测模型,充分利用事件公共表达式简化Petri网;

    Compositional colored Petri net is adopted to construct composite event detection model based on spatial relation , which fully utilizes common event expression .

  3. 基于直觉模糊ART神经网络的群事件检测方法

    Technique for detecting group events based on intuitionistic fuzzy ART neural network

  4. 传送器(transport)是一个事件检测端点(检测外部事件)。

    A transport is an endpoint that detects ( external ) events .

  5. 基于改进的BP网络的高速公路事件检测

    Freeway traffic incident detection based on improved BP neural network

  6. 基于DSP的管道典型异常事件检测识别系统研究

    Study on Recognition System for Pipeline Typical Abnormal Events Based on DSP

  7. 基于手机定位的高速公路自动事件检测(AID)方法研究

    Study on Freeway Automatic Incident Detection ( AID ) Based on Mobile Phone Positioning

  8. 介绍了智能交通系统(ITS)研究中一个重要的领域自动事件检测(AID)。

    This paper introduces automatic incident detection ( AID ), a significant part of ITS .

  9. 大规模RFID复杂事件检测优化技术研究

    The Study On Detecting Optimization Of Large-Scale RFID Complex Event

  10. 基于Petri网工作流模型的复合事件检测的分析和分解

    Analysis and Decomposition of Composite Events Detection Based on the Petri Net Workflow Model

  11. 基于Fisher判别的城市快速路自动事件检测算法研究

    Automatic Incident Detection Algorithm Based on Fisher Discriminant for Urban Expressway

  12. 乱序RFID数据流上的复杂事件检测方法

    A Method for Detecting Complex Events over Out-of-order RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) Data Streams

  13. 最后对交通事件检测研究提出展望,提出使用软方案和硬方案可以有效地提高AID效率。

    At last this paper looks forward to AID research and concludes that capacity of AID can be improved by using soft-method and hard-method .

  14. 基于视频RGB色值稳定性的交通事件检测研究

    Traffic Incident Detection Study Based on Video Color Stability of Image Regions

  15. 基于小波分析和SOM网络的交通事件检测算法

    An Algorithm for Traffic Incidents Detection Based on Wavelet Analysis and SOM network

  16. 基于小波变换和LS-SVM的事件检测算法

    Incident detection algorithm based on wavelet transform and LS - SVM

  17. SVM算法与神经网络算法相比具有避免局部最小,实现全局最优化,更好的泛化效果的优点,是高速公路事件检测的一种很有潜力的算法。

    SVM is an effective algorithm in incident detection and superior to neural network in global optimization and good generalization ability .

  18. 文章采用一种新的模式识别技术&支持向量机(SVM),来进行高速公路的事件检测。

    This paper presents the application of a recently-developed pattern classifier called support vector machine ( SVM ) in expressway incident detection .

  19. 基于Logit模型的城市道路交通事件检测仿真

    Simulation of Logit-based Traffic Incident Detection for Urban Road

  20. 回顾了几种传统的交通事件检测算法,提出从多层前向人工神经网络角度建立模型,并运用BP算法予以实现。

    Several traditional algorithms used in traffic incident detection are reviewed . A detection model based on artificial neural network is proposed and implemented with a BP algorithm .

  21. 构造5个命题,并通过对5个命题的证明米详细分析事件检测技术信息融合D-S方法的有效性。

    Analyzing validity of information fusion D-S method of incident detection technology based on proving five propositions.10 .

  22. 基于OWL本体和SWRL的事件检测的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Event Detection Based on OWL and SWRL

  23. 一种基于ATMS的动态交通事件检测系统

    A Dynamic Traffic Incident Detection System Based on ATMS

  24. 在主动规则中,本文在对主动规则分析的基础上针对其中的事件检测论述了一个基于染色Petri网的复合事件检测的方法。

    In the aspect of Active Rule , this paper described a measure of composite event detection based on Colored Petri-net on analysis of the Active Rule .

  25. 将系统的图像采集、异常事件检测、显示等功能都在一片FPGA内实现,提高了系统的集成度。

    The image acquisition , the abnormal emergency detection and result display are all accomplished within the same chip of FPGA , which improves the integration of the whole system .

  26. OTDR事件检测和定位算法

    Event Detection and Location in OTDR Data

  27. OTDR事件检测方法研究

    Research on OTDR Events Detection Method

  28. 高速公路事件检测(AID)系统可以有效的减少交通延误、保障道路安全,减少环境污染,是智能交通管理系统的重要组件。

    Expressway incident detection ( AID ) system can effectively reduce traffic delays , ensure road safety and protect environment , which is an important part of Advanced Traffic Management and Information System ( ATMIS ) .

  29. 在非压缩域视频中文字的检测与提取(TDE)方面,本文着重研究了文字事件检测、候选文字区域的检测与分割、非文字区域滤除、单字分割以及视频文字识别(VideoOCR)等内容。

    In uncompressed domain , text event detection , candidate text area extraction , non-text area filtering , character separation and video OCR were analyzed , respectively .

  30. GA-SVM在高速公路交通事件检测中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of GA-SVM in Freeway Traffic Incident Detection