
  1. 住宅专项维修资金的运行及相关问题的讨论

    House special purpose keeping fund 's operation and relative problem discussion

  2. 我国住宅专项维修资金制度存在的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Residence 's Special Maintenance Fund System in China

  3. 按照国家有关规定交纳专项维修资金;

    Paying special maintenance funds pursuant to the relevant provisions of the state ;

  4. 第四部分是我国物业小区住宅专项维修资金法律制度的完善。

    The fourth part is our special maintenance funds for residential property Community legal system .

  5. 专项维修资金存在的主要问题和解决方法路网桥梁维修加固资金的最优分配

    KEY PROBLEM AND SOLUTION The optimum distribution of fund for bridge reinforcement in road network

  6. 决定专项维修资金使用、续筹方案,并监督实施;

    Deciding the scheme on the use and future raising of special maintenance fund , and supervising the implementation thereof ;

  7. 该办法对住宅专项维修资金的交存、管理和使用虽起到了一定的规范作用,但也存在着制度上的不完善和不健全的地方。

    Even though this regulation provides criterion of payment and administration of residential maintaining fund , however , there are institutional imperfection and faultiness .

  8. 由于住宅专项维修资金涉及面广、资金额庞大且管理环节众多,因住宅专项维修资金所引发的争议与日俱增。

    As a special maintenance funds covering a wide range , controversy caused by the huge amount of money and many aspects are growing .

  9. 住宅专项维修资金俗称住宅建筑物的保命钱,它关系到建筑物以及社区共用部分设施设备在若干年后的维修,是牵涉到社稷民生的大事。

    Residential maintaining fund , commonly known as the life insurance of residential buildings , is related to the maintaining of buildings and social common sharing facilities for years .

  10. 住宅专项维修资金已经成为我国物业小区和谐建设的重要组成部分。同时,住宅专项维修资金法律制度在实际运行过程中又存在一些突出的问题。

    Community residential maintenance funds has become an important part of building a harmonious Community . Meanwhile , community residential maintenance funds has some outstanding issues in the course of running .

  11. 从我国物业小区住宅专项维修资金制度的若干立法入手,分析了我国现行法律对物业小区住宅专项维修资金保护的积极方面、立法缺陷及问题产生的原因。

    In the view of a number of legislation , analyzing the existing laws on the property of our special maintenance funds to protect residential communities the positive side and defect .

  12. 物业小区住宅专项维修资金是用于保障住宅公用部分、公用设施设备的维修和正常使用的专项资金,被称为房屋的养老金。

    Community residential maintenance funds , known as housing " pension ", are special funds for the protection of normal use of residential common parts , public facilities and equipment maintenance .

  13. 住宅专项维修资金是指法律规定由业主交纳的,专项用于物业保修期满后物业共用部位、共用设施设备的维修和更新、改造的资金。

    Special residential maintenance fund is paid by the owner by law , which is particularly used for maintenance , renewal and restruction of the common parts and common facilities after the expiration of warranty .

  14. 主要介绍了物业小区住宅专项维修资金法律制度产生的法渊、概念、住宅专项维修资金和物业维修基金的区别、物业小区住宅专项维修资金法律制度的建立等内容。

    Introducing the Community residential property legal system , the special maintenance funds of Laws , the difference between the concept of special maintenance funds and residential property maintenance funds , the legal system of community residential maintenance funds established and so on .

  15. 第二是住宅专项维修资金使用难,造成住宅专项维修资金使用难的原因很多,譬如小区房屋空置率高、房屋出租率高、业主的公共意识不强等。

    Second is that the special housing repair funds is difficult to use , this situation is caused by many reason , such as residential housing vacancy rate is high , housing rental rates are high , the public awareness of the owners is not strong .

  16. 专项物业维修资金归集和使用上的权益平衡

    Balance of rights and interests in the collection and employment of maintenance fund