首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 加一满勺盐。

    Add one heaped tablespoon of salt .

  2. 他儿子一满18岁,他就送他参军了。

    He sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached eighteen .

  3. 君王规定带他们进宫的期限一满,宦官长就领他们进见拿步高。

    And when the days were ended , after which the king had ordered they should be brought in : the Prince of the eunuchs brought them in before nabuchodonosor .

  4. 女主人给拿出一满壶热气腾腾的咖啡。

    The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee .

  5. 不过今天我开车时有一满车人。

    But it was a full bus when I took off today .

  6. 的人,此时他正拿着一满瓢甜酒凑到他的嘴边;

    Held a gourd full of rum to his mouth ;

  7. 中火烧热油锅,热锅,勺入一满大勺的面糊。

    In a flat bottom pan , heat up the oil on medium heat .

  8. 一满水槽没有洗的盘子。

    A sink full of unwashed dishes .

  9. 在内卡河,一帽子的雨水就能使水位上涨,一满筐的雨水就会使水决堤!

    A hatful of rain makes high water in the Neckar , and produces an overflow .

  10. 斯蒂芬倒了第三杯。一满匙茶把浓浓的牛奶微微添上点儿颜色。

    Stephen filled a third cup , a spoonful of tea colouring faintly the thick rich milk .

  11. 他吃了一满口袋爆米花。

    The bag is full to the bursting point . he ate a large bag of popcorn .

  12. 坦妮娅:阿佛洛狄忒的温泉?嗯,我想你不想看到一满船一满船的游客吧。

    Tanya : Aphrodite 's spa ? Well , I thought you didn 't wantboatloads of tourists .

  13. 喔,您买了一满车啊,有服装、食品、玩具、家电等等。

    B : Oh , you got a full trolley of garments , food , toys , home appliance and so on .

  14. 上月晚些时候,一帮窃贼偷走了6牵引拖车的土豆和一满卡车来自佛罗里达种植户的黄瓜。

    Late last month , a gang of thieves stole six tractor-trailer loads of tomatoes and a truck full of cucumbers from Florida growers .

  15. 就是依照他的措施,当时期一满,就使天上和地上的万有,总归于基督元首。

    In him and under him God wanted to unite , when the fullness of time had come , everything in heaven and on earth .

  16. 他又奉上素祭,从其中取一满把,烧在坛上,这是在早晨的燔祭以外。

    He also brought the grain offering , took a handful of it and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning 's burnt offering .

  17. 我们不能等踪丝消失,因为他一满十七岁,就会失去你母亲给你的全部保护。

    We can 't wait for the Trace to break , because the moment you turn seventeen you 'll lose all the protection your mother gave you .

  18. 瓶盖噗地一声掉了,他看见一满瓶啤酒。我们盖上瓶塞子,把瓶子放回热水中。

    The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of beer . We put back the cork and we put the bottle back into the hot water .

  19. 按梅瑟的法律,一满了他们取洁的日期,他们便带著孩子上耶路撒冷去献给上主。

    And after the days of her purification , according to the law of Moses , were accomplished , they carried him to Jerusalem , to present him to the Lord .