
yī yè qiū
  • securinega suffruticosa
一叶萩[yī yè qiū]
  1. 一叶萩的化学成分研究

    Studies on chemical constituents from leave of Securinega suffruticosa

  2. HPLC法测定硝酸一叶萩碱注射液的有关物质及含量

    Determination of Securinine Nitrate Injection by HPLC

  3. 目的探讨新型γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)受体拮抗剂左旋一叶萩碱中枢升压作用的GABA能机制与肾交感神经紧张性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the interaction between GABA ergic mechanism of central pressor effect and renal sympathetic nerve tone induced by 1 - Sec .

  4. 一叶萩碱是一种GABA受体特异性拮抗剂,具有显著的中枢神经系统兴奋作用,已经成为神经内科重要的临床用药、及常用的工具药。

    Securinine showed effective CNS-stimulating impacts as a kind of stereospecific antagonist of GABA . It has been used as an important clinic drug or common tool medicine .

  5. 首先利用离子交换树脂法及硅胶柱层析技术自一叶萩叶中,提取、纯化得到右旋一叶萩碱(dSE),为代谢研究准备了合格药物;

    At first , dSE was extracted , isolated and purified by ion-exchange resin and silica gel chromatography for preparing the qualified material for metabolism research .

  6. 一叶萩碱A环的引入

    Introduction of Ring A in the Total Synthesis of Securinine

  7. 手性药物一叶萩碱的立体选择性代谢研究

    Study on the Stereoselective Metabolism of Chiral Drug Securinine

  8. 一叶萩碱对5种神经递质受体和蛙脊髓膜电位的影响

    Influence of securinine on 5 kinds of neurotransmitter receptors and membrane potential of frog spinal cord

  9. 一叶萩碱的高效毛细管电泳手性分离及其大鼠体内立体选择性代谢研究

    Study on the chiral separation of securinine by high-performance capillary electrophoresis and its stereoselective metabolism in rat

  10. 经验证结果表明一叶萩碱的抗疲劳活性非常明显,并且这种功效随着腹腔注射剂量的提高而增强。

    Results show that the anti-fatigue activity of Securinine is very obvious , and this effect is enhanced as intraperitoneal injection doses are improved .

  11. 除此之外,一叶萩碱经由国内外学者研究发现还具有抑制肿瘤增生、抵抗细菌感染、抗疟疾、有效抑制病毒分子的反转录复制等诸多的生物学活性。

    In addition , domestic and foreign scholars find that Securinine also has wide range of biological activities for the resistance to malaria , antibacterial , antiviral and the like .