
cān chā
  • fork
餐叉[cān chā]
  1. 用餐叉把肉叉走,分到4个盘里。

    Remove the meat with a fork and divide it among four plates

  2. 艾米莉·波斯特研究所(EmilyPostInstitute)的专家们重新定义了“礼仪”一词,不再过于关注陪护以及餐叉摆放位置等繁文缛节,而是更多地强调了人际关系。

    The experts at The Emily Post Institute modernize the term " etiquette " to be less about chaperones and dinner fork placement and more about relationships .

  3. 除了一餐叉色拉,他什么都没吃。

    He hadn 't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad

  4. 把餐刀和餐叉摆在桌子上。

    Set the table with knives and forks .

  5. Munchies网站主办人西蒙·克洛斯最近拜访了中村,亲自试用这款餐叉后,他表示这种“食品黑客”的形式是他最难忘的美食体验之一。

    Munchies host Simon Klose , who recently visited Nakamura to try out the fork himself , called this form of ' food hacking ' one of the most profound eating experiences he 's ever had .

  6. 需要餐叉,就做一把餐叉。

    I needed a fork , I made a fork .

  7. 她吃完巧克力泡夫,放下了餐叉。

    She finished her eclair and laid down her fork .

  8. 我希望下葬时右手握住一把餐叉。

    I want to be buried with a fork in my right hand .

  9. 这个抽屉里盛放着我们所有的餐叉。

    This drawer contains all the forks we own .

  10. 可以给拿个新餐叉吗?

    And could you bring me a new fork ?

  11. 他切下一块肉,用餐叉叉

    He cut off a piece of the meat and impaled it on his fork

  12. 他用餐叉指了指他的碟子,亲切地问道。

    He says sweetly , motioning his fork .

  13. 一个餐叉或一个干草叉的尖头。

    A prong on a fork or pitchfork .

  14. 餐叉:吃鱼的时辰,鱼餐叉是用来替换正餐叉的。

    Fish fork : in place of the dinner fork when fish is served .

  15. 她把餐叉整整齐齐地叠好后立即又收拾起餐刀来。

    She put the forks in a neat pile and started on the knives .

  16. 珍妮:你也买了餐叉吗?

    Jane : Did you also get fork ?

  17. 沙拉餐叉:吃沙拉、肉、饼、心以及冷盘时用。

    Salad fork : salads , fish , pies , pastries , and cold meats .

  18. 沙拉叉放在您左边的最外层,在你的餐叉的后面。

    The salad fork is on your outermost left , followed by your dinner fork .

  19. 谢尔顿:泰国自19世纪后半期起使用餐叉。

    Sheldon : Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th Century .

  20. 他用餐叉敲着酒瓶打拍子,用朝气蓬勃的高音唱起来。

    He Beat rhythm with his fork against a Bottle , singing in a youthful soprano .

  21. 餐巾可能放置在餐盘中,也可能摆放在餐叉左侧。

    A napkin might be placed on the plate or to the left of the forks .

  22. 那个曾打了他的儿子一巴掌的法国男子用餐叉敲击着酒瓶打起了拍子,

    The Frenchman who had slapped the boy beat rhythm with a fork against a bottle .

  23. 她说道:我看到了它,觉得它是一把不错的餐叉。

    " I saw this and I saw that it was a good fork ," she said .

  24. 开胃食品餐叉:吃海鲜、胃水果、虾时用,吃泡菜、榄的时候也可以用它。

    Cocktail fork : seafood or fruit cocktail , lobster , and for serving pickles or olives .

  25. 根据一样调查显示,使用大号餐叉的人要比使用使用小号餐叉的人每顿少吃掉一些食物。

    Diners who use them eat less than those with smaller forks , according to a study .

  26. 外边的餐叉是用来吃色拉的。餐叉,贱金属制,外镀贵金属

    The outside fork being for the salad . table fork of base metal plated with precious metal

  27. 说话时脸上没有表情但手指却交叉着;交叉的餐叉;交叉着手臂坐着。

    Spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers ; crossed forks ; seated with arms across .

  28. 向德国人赠送礼品时,不宜选择刀、剑、剪、餐刀和餐叉。

    Gifts to the Germans , the inappropriate choice knife , sword , scissors , knife and fork .

  29. 我们的餐刀餐叉不如它们看上去那么贵重;它们是镀银的。

    Our knives and forks are not as valuable as they look ; they 've been plated with silver .

  30. “喏,大人,”庇皮诺一面说,一面给他一把钝口的小刀和一只黄杨木做的餐叉。

    " Here , excellency ," said peppino , offering him a little blunt knife and a boxwood fork .