
yù móu
  • premeditate;deliberate;plan beforehand;plan in advance
预谋 [yù móu]
  • [premeditate;plan beforehand] 做坏事之前进行谋划,也指这样的谋划

预谋[yù móu]
  1. 在过去五年苏丹西部省份Omaral-Bashir确实犯下了令人发指的罪行:大规模杀戮,群奸以及有预谋的灭绝数以百万的人民。

    A dreadful evil has indeed been perpetrated in Sudan 's western province these past five years : mass killing , mass rape and the deliberate uprooting of millions of people .

  2. 有预谋用毒气毒害某人的行为。

    The deliberate act of poisoning someone with gas .

  3. 这次杀人不是预谋的。

    The killing had not been premeditated .

  4. 法官最终作出判定,没有足够证据证明那是有预谋的。

    The judge finally concluded there was insufficient evidence of premeditation .

  5. 这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的,更不用说其手段的高明。

    It was both deliberate and malicious , not to mention clever .

  6. 这一证据证实了他们的观点,即此次突发暴力事件是有预谋的。

    This evidence supports their contention that the outbreak of violence was prearranged .

  7. 这显然是有预谋的压制反对派声音的企图。

    This was clearly a premeditated attempt to silence opposition voices .

  8. 我们这几个预谋者一个接一个地咒骂他,恶狠狠地骂个不停。

    We started abusing him , one conspirator after another adding his bitter words .

  9. 我们可以成为有预谋的物理学家的受试对象,也能呆在喧闹MRI机器里。

    And we didn 't hae any problems snoozing in the noisy tube of an MRI machine as a test subject for some wily physicists either .

  10. 陪审团判决那一拳是在恐慌下击出的,并非预谋。vt.假定;

    The jury decided that the blow was struck in a moment of panic and had not been premeditated .

  11. 就认为这是政府预谋准备接管你的电台。

    Consider this a government conspiracy to take over your station .

  12. 官员称调查显示这是一起有预谋的凶杀案。

    Officials say it appears to have been a targeted attack .

  13. 警方认为这起枪击事件是有预谋的。

    Police do not believe the shooting was a random act .

  14. 你知道,这事并无预谋就这么发生了。

    There 's nothing premeditated about it , you know-it just happened .

  15. 你为什么咬我?你一定是有预谋的。

    Why did you bite me ? You bit me on purpose .

  16. 因为它并不是意外,是你预谋的。

    Because it was no accident , you planned it .

  17. 一种是故意放箭,有预谋,有计划地执行的;

    Fig2.The1st one is an intentional and scheduled action for malicious purpose ;

  18. 这不是面对挑衅的突然反应,而是长期预谋的行动。

    This was nosudden response to provocation , but a long-planned move .

  19. 他们对于人类一直是有预谋的。

    They 've always had plans for the human race .

  20. 这不可能是一个误会,这肯定是有预谋的。

    It could not be a mistake , it is surely premeditated .

  21. 机器会选出恶意和伤害的预谋。

    The machine identifies malice and an intent to harm .

  22. 最令人不安的正是这种预谋杀戮的构想。

    It is the idea of premeditated killing that is most troubling .

  23. 非法地杀人但没有预谋。

    Unlawful killing of a human being without malice .

  24. 这整个事情好像是预谋的。

    The whole thing looked like a put-up job .

  25. 当地官员正在调查这是不是一次有预谋的袭击。

    And officials are investigating whether it was deliberate .

  26. 非故意非预谋杀人罪可基于过失犯罪而成立。

    Involuntary manslaughter can be based on criminal negligence .

  27. 受害者的弟弟预谋了这件事。

    He insists the victim 's younger brother must 've set it up .

  28. 有预谋的攻击、凶杀、冒犯行为等

    A premeditated attack , murder , insult , etc

  29. 她因预谋一起撞车事故而受到起诉。

    She was prosecuted for rigging a car crash .

  30. 每次攻击都是预谋好的相差一天

    Each attack was premeditated , one day apart .