
  • 网络non-equilibrium development strategy
  1. 耗散结构理论及非均衡发展战略揭示了发展极在区域经济发展中有至关重要的作用。

    The theory of dissipative structure and non-equilibrium development strategy post the crucial role of growth pole in regional economic development .

  2. 非均衡发展战略观存疑

    Leave a Question Open in " non-Balanced Development Strategy View "

  3. 非均衡发展战略在干旱区县域城镇体系规划编制中的实践&以内蒙古阿拉善左旗为例

    Unbalanced development strategy for urban system planning in arid area

  4. 关于西部地区实施非均衡发展战略的思考

    On Carrying Out The Strategy Of Unbalance development In The Western Region

  5. 论西部开发以城市为增长极的非均衡发展战略

    On Unbalanced Development Strategy of Exploiting West China Based on Speeding up the City Building

  6. 非均衡发展战略是制约农村体育发展的制度性原因。

    The " non-balanced development strategy " is an institutional reason for restricting sports development in the countryside .

  7. 由于与“长三角”和“珠三角”在空间上紧密相连,经济发展程度不同,所以在建设海峡西岸经济区的过程中福建制定好非均衡发展战略就显得尤为重要。

    So it is very important that Fujian works out non-balanced development strategies in the process of the development of the economic zone on west side of strait .

  8. 中国经济区纵向同质性划分为东、中、西“三大部,”实施梯度推移的非均衡发展战略。

    With the implementing of the gradients-elapsing strategy for unbalanced development , the districts of China were divided into three homogenous regions in length : East , Midland and West .

  9. 本章认为在非均衡发展战略时期,广西北部湾经济区发展相对落后,是自然因素和国家政策因素共同作用的产物。

    The chapter argues that in the unbalanced development strategy period , the development of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone is relatively backward , is the product of natural factors and policy factors .

  10. 进而结合区域经济社会发展实际,提出了西部地区以城市为增长极的非均衡发展战略构想。

    Considering the actual situation of regional economic development , the writer presents the strategic idea of unbalanced development in western exploitation by making use of the leading and growing offect of major city building .

  11. 上世纪80年代以来,为了适应改革开放的需要,我国实行了非均衡发展战略,使沿海地区得以率先发展。

    Since the 1980s , in order to meet the reform and opening up policy , our country has implemented a non-balanced development strategy , which made the coastal areas take the lead in development .

  12. 因此我们必须认清形势,采取有力措施来解决这个问题,具体有力措施诸如有政府应继续倡导、实施区域经济非均衡发展战略模式;

    Therefore we must recognize the pure situation , adopting the emollient measure to resolve this problem , concrete should initiate continuously such as the government , not balanced development in field of operation economy strategy mode ;

  13. 前者主要表现为农村的职业分化、农村的专业化经营、农村的人力资本变化、农村的家庭结构变化、非均衡发展战略、自然资源禀赋差异、农村内部性别之间的差距等;

    The former is the occupation differentiation , the specialization management , the improvement of the human capital , the change of family structure , the non-balance development strategy , the difference of resource gift and the gap in gender .

  14. 通过比较两大战略相同内容如产业结构调整和技术升级、空间非均衡发展战略、对外开放等,得出全国地区发展战略的主要内容。

    Industrial structure shift and regional unbalanced development , open to other regions are the there same contents of the two strategies , from the comparison , from the supporting policies of the three contents , we may find the contents of national region development strategy .

  15. 文中对影响朝阳市经济发展的内外部环境进行了分析,提出了朝阳市经济发展的战略指导方针和经济发展目标,即分阶段非均衡发展战略。

    It analyzed both internal and external environment which could influence economic development of Chaoyang city . And advanced ( put forward ) strategic guiding principle and economic developing objective ( goal ) of Chaoyang municipal economic development , that is : strategy of unbalanced development by stages .

  16. 宁夏黄河经济及其非均衡协调发展战略

    The Development Strategy of Ningxia Yellow River Economy and Its Uneven Coordination

  17. 要采取非均衡协调发展战略;

    Adopt strategy of imbalance and harmony ;

  18. 实施非均衡的发展战略;

    Implement the strategy of disequilibrium development .

  19. 非均衡的发展战略使得我国城乡收入分配机制发生了根本性的变化;

    Non-balanced development strategy has enabled urban and rural income distribution mechanism to have a fundamental change .

  20. 中国的城市化道路应与非均衡协调发展战略相适应。

    The road to urbanization in China should be in harmony with the strategy of unbalanced coordinate development .

  21. 进而提出安阳旅游开发应采用点轴开发模式,实行非均衡性发展战略,突出重点,分步骤、分层次发展,最终实现安阳旅游业的腾飞。

    A conclusion can be drown that Anyang tourism would be developed rapidly by adopting the " point-line " mode in development .

  22. 随着中国非均衡经济发展战略的实施,在经济快速增长的同时,我国东西部间的发展差距呈现不断扩大之势。

    With the economic development in China , the gap of the regional economic between Eastern area and Western area is becoming more broadening .

  23. 本文探讨了湖南区域开发系统模式&据点开发、轴线开发、网络开发三阶段模式,并建议,四大产业带、四大经济发展圈的开发应实施非均衡协调发展战略。

    This paper deals with the model , namely , three stage development of spot , axis , and network in the regional development system in Hunan .

  24. 坚持科学的发展观,实行非均衡协调发展战略是当今中国区域经济发展战略的理性选择。

    Sticking to the scientific opinion of development and carrying forward the strategy of the imbalanced and coordinated development is a reasonable choice for the strategy of China 's regional economic development .

  25. 改革初期,为加快经济发展,我国选择了以东部为重心的非均衡梯度发展战略。

    In order to accelerate the economic development , China has chosen the Non-balanced Gradient Development Strategy which gives priority to the eastern part of our country in the initial period of the reform .

  26. 由于历史、政策、体制等多方面原因,我国一直实施的是非均衡的发展战略,农民这一庞大的群体为国家的发展做出了巨大的贡献。

    Due to historical , policy , institutional , and many other reasons , China has implemented a non-balanced development strategy , a large group of farmers that the development of the country has made tremendous contributions .

  27. 要实现产业结构由二元向一元的转变和经济的跨越式发展,必然要实施非均衡的发展战略。

    Non-equilibrium development strategy should be adopted in order to realize the transformation of industry structure from duality to unity and the leapfrogging development of economy , which determines that the financial development is non-equilibrious in transitional China .

  28. 非均衡发展的经济战略是差距扩大的宏观因素;

    The economic strategy of the unbalanced development is a macro - factor of increasing difference .

  29. 非均衡的经济发展战略使得经济增长速度和社会分配的公平程度出现了背离的状况。

    Non-balanced economic development strategies make the economic growth and the fairness degree of social division appeared deviation .

  30. 改革开放以后,国家实行非均衡区域经济发展战略,导致各区域间、各省之间甚至各省内的经济差异不断扩大。

    After reform and open policy , the country implements the non-balanced regional economies developmental strategy , causes each regional , between provinces even in the provinces economical difference unceasingly to expand .