
  • 网络integrated control
  1. 城市客车信息集成控制网络性能测试技术的研究与应用

    Research on Performance Testing Technology of City Bus Information Integrated Control Network and Its Application

  2. 开发了一个基于Project平台的工程项目施工成本集成控制系统,并将其用于实际工程中。

    Developing a system of cost integrated control and apply it in a practical project .

  3. 基于PLC控制的三巷掘进局扇集成控制系统的设计

    Design of Three-tunnel Drilling Local Fan Integrated Control System Based on PLC

  4. 甘蔗糖厂压榨生产线PLC集成控制

    PLC Integrated Control on the Productive Line for Grinding Cane in Sugar-refinery

  5. 计算机与PLC集成控制系统在干冰生产过程中的应用

    Application of Computer and PLC integration control system in dry ice production process

  6. 汽车电动助力转向与主动悬架系统的H∞集成控制

    Integrated H_ ∞ control of electrical power steering and active suspension systems of an automobile

  7. FoxPro中多个BROWSE与多个GET窗口的集成控制技术

    The integrated controll technique of browse and get windows in FoxPro

  8. ERP集成控制企业生产运营业务

    ERP Integration Controling Enterprises Production

  9. 预测步长自调整的ASS与EPS灰预测模糊集成控制

    Grey Predictive-Fuzzy Integrated Control of ASS and EPS System with Self-adjusting Step

  10. 带有质量特性约束的SPC与EPC集成控制的经济设计

    Economic design of integrating SPC with EPC based on quality feature constraints

  11. 最后,根据实际需要,实现了DSP控制单元的通讯功能,并设计了集成控制、采集和分析功能的上位机软件。

    Finally , paper realizes the communication between DSP and the host computer with the function of controlling , sampling and analyzing .

  12. FCS与DCS混合式集成控制系统研究

    Composite Control System Based on FCS and DCS

  13. 基于PROFIBUS现场总线的集成控制系统在污水处理行业的应用

    Application of integration control system based on PROFIBUS in the sewage vocation

  14. 基于模态切换机制的AMT换挡过程发动机转速集成控制

    Integrated Control on Engine Rotational Speed in AMT System Based on Modal Switching Mechanism

  15. 提出了基于EPA(EthernetforPlantAutomation)协议的车间数字设备集成控制系统的体系结构;

    The system configuration of numerical equipment integrated control system of workshop based on EPA ( Ethernet for Plant Automation ) was put forward in this paper .

  16. 针对钢管连续退火水煤浆炉工艺控制要求,选用可编程序控制器S7-200(PLC)作为下位机的集成控制(IPC+PLC系统)方案。

    A control system ( IPC + PLC ), using s7-200 as field controller is proposed for the steel tube annealing process .

  17. 本文针对七一八研究所水电解制氢温度控制对象的特点,提出了一种带史密斯预估的模糊自适应PID集成控制系统。

    Aiming at the features of existing temperature control loop for hydrogen generation by water electrolysis , one kind of fuzzy self-adaptive PID integrated control loop with Smith prediction is put forward .

  18. 车辆动力学集成控制(IntegratedVehicleDynamicsControl,简称IVDC)通过协调转向系统、制动/驱动系统以及悬架等子系统来进一步提升车辆的综合性能。

    Integrated Vehicle Dynamics Control ( IVDC ) can improve vehicle handling performance by coordinating and integrating the steering system , brake / traction system , active suspension and so on .

  19. 一种适用于二维CMOS风速计的集成控制电路,是采用恒温差的控制模式,能同时测量风速和风向。

    This paper describes the controlling circuit of a two-dimensional CMOS silicon wind sensor , which exploits CTD controlling mode and can simultaneously measure both the wind velocity and direction .

  20. 控制策略采用高速集成控制芯片DSP实现,并根据系统要求进行软件设计,实现了控制板上的信号采集、运算、故障检测、电路驱动等功能。

    Control strategy uses high-speed integrated control chip DSP , and according to the requirements , designs software to gather signal in control board , operation , fault detection , circuit driver and so on .

  21. 介绍了PT与PLC集成控制系统的基本组成、功能、系统软硬件设计与监控技术以及该系统在碱锰电池生产线上的应用。

    The basic constitution , function , software and hardware design and monitor technology of the PT & PLC Integrated Control System were introduced , and the system is used on alkaline battery assembly line .

  22. 经道路试验验证,此ABS/ASR集成控制系统能够很好地实现ABS制动防抱死和ASR驱动防滑转控制功能,有效提高了汽车的加速动力性和行驶安全性。

    The real road test results show that the new system can perform both ABS and ASR control quiet well , which improves accelerate ability and running safely efficiently .

  23. 从根本上定义了系统的构造和功能,其实质是完成CAN-BUS集成控制式电控汽车底盘的方案设计。

    Fundamentally defining the system structure and function , its essence is to complete chassis design of the electronic control vehicle with CAN-BUS integrated control .

  24. 简要介绍了一种基于工控机和PLC集成控制的阴极套管分选机的总体构造,详细阐述了分选机测控系统的软硬件设计。

    This paper briefly introduces the construct of a cathode thimble grouping machine which based-on integrated control of industrial control computer and PLC . And it expatiates on the design of the software and hardware of the machine 's measuring and controlling system .

  25. 为了方便控制多媒体室中的投影机、计算机、视频展示台、DVD、音响系统、电动屏幕等多媒体设备,出现了多媒体集成控制系统。

    To conveniently control the multimedia devices such as projector , computer , video presenter , DVD , sound box and screen in the multimedia room , the Multimedia Integrated Control System ( MICS ) emerges .

  26. 史密斯模糊集成控制方法在S7-200PLC中的实现

    Realization of Smith-Fuzzy Control Method in S7-200 PLC

  27. 柔性化制造系统主要由局域网、数控车间DNC集成控制系统、车间生产管理信息系统和产品工艺设计系统等组成。

    Flexible manufacturing system is mainly composed of local area network , numerical control workshop 's integrated control system , workshop 's production management information system , and processing design integrated system .

  28. 本论文通过对国内外DNC技术发展现状的研究,根据加工车间具体的需要,设计了一种基于工业以太网的嵌入式DNC集成控制系统。

    This paper studied on the development of the DNC technology in home and abroad , researched on the basic requirement of manufacturing workshop , designed a kind of Embed DNC integrated control system base on industrial Ethernet .

  29. 在此基础上,分析了EPS和主动悬架这两个子系统间的相互关系,建立了整车模型,提出了基于多变量自适应控制集成控制策略,并进行了仿真计算。

    Based on these researches , this dissertation analyzes the relationship between two sub-systems , EPS and active suspension , sets up the model of a full vehicle , suggests the control scheme based on multi-variable adaptive control integration , and does the simulating calculation .

  30. 基于此,本文对直接影响车辆的行驶平顺性和操纵稳定性的两个电子控制系统&主动悬架(ASS)和电动助力转向系统(EPS)进行了集成控制研究。

    Based on this point , this paper carries through the study of integrated control in active suspension system ( ASS ) and electric power steering system ( EPS ) . They are two sub-control systems of chassis which directly influence ride comfort and handling stability of vehicles .