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  • randomization
  1. S-盒随机化与随机化DES链式结构

    The S boxes randomization and the chained texture of randomizing des

  2. Banach不动点定理及其随机化

    Banach Fixed-point Theorem and Its randomization

  3. 设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。

    The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball 's path to randomise its movement

  4. 随机化应答技术(RandomizedResponseTechnique,RRT)的出现有效解决了这一问题。

    The randomized response technique ( RRT ) solve this difficult problem .

  5. 应用依赖随机化末端连接物聚合酶链反应技术研究重铬酸钾对大鼠肺p53基因DNA损伤

    Applying randomized terminal linker-dependent PCR to detect the DNA damage of p53 gene in rat

  6. 目的借助Excel软件进行随机化分组。

    Objective : To apply Excel Software to the randomized block design .

  7. 自反Banach空间中的非线性相补问题及其随机化

    Nonlinear complementarity problems and their random versions in reflexive Banach Spaces

  8. 多适应证、多中心临床试验随机化方案及SAS程序

    Randomized protocol and SAS program of multi-center clinical trials for many indications

  9. 文章在可分实Banach空间中将此结果随机化。

    In this paper , the result is randomized in the separable real Banach space .

  10. 疾病亚型分配不等的多中心临床试验随机化方案及SAS程序

    The randomized protocol and SAS program of multi-center clinical trials for unequally distributed subtype of disease

  11. 为了随机化i5/OS测试的变量选择,我们创建了一个RationalPerformanceTester自定义代码的包,来对数据池中的元素进行随机存储。

    To randomize variable selection for i5 / OS testing , we created a package of Rational Performance Tester custom code to randomly access elements in a data pool .

  12. 作者使用孟德尔随机化方法评价了遗传性血清高CRP引起COPD的假设。

    The authors tested the hypothesis that genetically elevated plasma CRP causes COPD using a Mendelian randomisation design .

  13. 结论用Excel软件进行随机化分组简单、快速、准确和方便。

    Conclusion : The application of Excel Software in the randomized block design is simple , rapid , exact and convenient .

  14. 值得注意的是,我们还同时获得了经典Nash均衡的随机化结果。

    It is worth noting that we obtain the existence results of the randomized classical noncooperative Nash equilibrium .

  15. 实验的设计按照完全随机化的原则,按照患儿就诊顺序进行编号,按随机数的奇偶将患儿分为A、B两组。

    Experimental design according to the principle of completely random , in accordance with the treatment order , according to the parity of the random number , divided children into A , B groups .

  16. 其次通过将回归系数和方差权函数随机化方法分别讨论了非线性随机系数模型、随机权函数模型的异方差检验,得到了score检验统计量;

    Secondly , we respectively detect the tests for heteroscedasticity in nonlinear models through randomized regression coefficients and variance weight functions , and two score test statistics are obtained .

  17. 另外,还介绍了用于SoC功能验证的关键方法,包括断言和RTL形式验证,Farm,随机化测试激励和功能覆盖等。

    Some other techniques are also introduced in this paper including : Assertion and RTL Formal verification , Farm , Random Test Stimulus and Functional Coverage .

  18. 这五种序列随机化方法分别是:1)根据序列长度和蛋白质平均氨基酸组成随机产生序列(ACL);

    The five randomization approaches were : 1 ) maintaining the sequence length and the average amino acid composition of proteins ( ACL );

  19. 证明并验证了随机化的Paris公式不能通用于疲劳裂纹扩展的单一样本和总体条件均值。

    It has been proved and interpreted that the randomized Paris Law can not be used both for the sample behavior and for the conditional mean value of population of FCP .

  20. 最后,探索模型中参数估计的统计推断,研究了随机化Logistic方程中的参数的极大似然估计的渐近性,相合性,并对参数作了假设检验。

    At last , statistical decision problems of the estimation of the parameters will be explored for randomized Logistic equations , asymptotic properties , consistency and hypothesis testing of MLEs of parameters are studied .

  21. 该算法通过对WEP加入一些随机性来随机化数据,并防止未授权用户的访问。

    The algorithm randomizes the data and prevents access from unauthorized users by adding some randomness to it .

  22. Lukasiewicz三值逻辑系统中的随机化研究

    Stochastic Study in Lukasiewicz 's Ternary Logic System

  23. 鱼油对植入埋藏式心脏复律除颤器患者室性快速性心律失常及死亡的影响:ω-3脂肪酸与室性心律失常(SOFA)随机化研究

    Effect of fish oil on ventricular tachyarrhythmia and death in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators : The Study on Omega-3 Fatty acids and ventricular Arrhythmia ( SOFA ) randomized trial

  24. 结合Theil-Sen和RepeatedMedian方法,提出一种新的随机化方法,获得效率和鲁棒性的折衷。

    Combined with Theil-Sen estimator and Repeated Median estimator , a new randomized method is proposed and has a good tradeoff between efficiency and complexity .

  25. 指令表随机化(ISR)技术是一种新型的保护系统免遭任何类型注入码攻击的通用方法。

    ISR ( Instruction Set Randomization ) is a new , general approach for safeguarding systems against any type of code-injection attack .

  26. 目的运用依赖随机化末端连接物聚合酶链式反应(RDPCR)技术检测环境中混合污染物的DNA损伤作用。

    Objective To detect DNA lesions induced by complex pollutants existing in environment using the technique of randomized terminal linker , dependent PCR ( RDPCR ) .

  27. 这种方法能有效地检测到慢速扫描、随机化扫描和分布式扫描,并能检测出分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击。

    This method could detect slow scans , random scans and distributed scans effectively . And it could detect DDoS ( distributed denial of service ) attacks as well .

  28. 1.1动物分组:选用清洁级健康成年SD大鼠72只,雌雄各半,按照随机化原则分为对照组及大黄组6组。

    1.1 Animal groups distribution : choose 72 clean healthy adult SD rats , female and male half respectively , these rats were divided randomly into control group and rhubarb group , no marked weight difference after grouping .

  29. 介绍了日本密码学家NakaoY等四人新近提出的一种改进型DES密码体制&随机化DES体制(RDES)。

    This paper introduces a new improvement version of DES cryptosystem & RDES presented recently by four Japanese cryptographers Nakao Y and others .

  30. 传统的干扰消除方法包括交织多址(IDMA)的迭代干扰消除技术、干扰随机化、干扰重构。

    Traditional interference cancellation techniques include interleaved multiple access ( IDMA ) iterative interference cancellation technology , interference randomization , interference reconstruction .