
liáng cè
  • measuration
量测[liáng cè]
  1. 大比例尺航片主要测树因子量测分析

    The analysis of main tree measuration factors by using large scale aerial photos

  2. 被控对象是下游河段,控制量测包括下游河段水质浓度、河段排污量。

    The controlled object of the model is the lower reach , and its water concentration and pollution discharge are the control measuration .

  3. 露点湿度计可提供湿度的绝对量测值,因此它基本上是自动标定的

    Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating .

  4. 基于解析解的GPS伪距量测定位趋近算法

    An approach algorithm of GPS pseudo range measurement positioning based on analytic solutions

  5. 在随机分派与手术进行前,量测病患的血脂肪、介白素-6与C反应蛋白浓度。

    At the time of randomization and before surgery , patients had measurements of lipid , interleukin-6 , and C-reactive protein levels .

  6. RTDGPS量测林地面积的模拟试验

    Simulation experiment of surveying forest land area with RTD GPS

  7. 量测噪声自动加权Kalman滤波

    Measurement Noise Automatic Weight Kalman Filter

  8. 经由模拟及量测结果,次微米光栅可以破坏氮化镓结构内的光波导模态(waveguidemode),使结构内部的光经由次微米光栅萃取出来。

    By simulation and measurement result , sub-micro grating can destroy waveguide mode of GaN epitaxy structure , let light extract from inside of structure .

  9. Gini系数在镜质体反射率量测分析上之应用

    Application of Gini coefficient on the analysis of vitrinite reflectance measurement

  10. 量测噪声情况下基于D-S证据推理信息融合的滑模控制

    Sliding Mode Control Based on Information Fusion of D-S Evidential Reasoning with Measuring Noise

  11. 这种方法采用直接估计增益K,避免了求解系统噪声方差阵Q和量测噪声方差阵R,使系统的稳定性增强。

    This method estimates filter gain matrix K directly , avoids calculating system noise covariance matrix Q and measure noise covariance matrix R , it improves stability of the system .

  12. 基于TDR技术的水分测量系统量测膨胀土含水量偏差分析

    Analysis on Water Content Deviation of Expansive Soil Measured by Moisture Measurement System Based on TDR

  13. 本文基于Fuzzy集合理论,根据待辨识系统的量测数据,应用Fuzzy推理合成规则,提出建立系统Fuzzy模型的新方法,通过建立水泥回转窑热工过程Fuzzy模型,证实了该方法的可行性。

    A new method to establish the fuzzy model of a process by fuzzy reasoning and composition ( FRC ) by the experimental data is presented . This method was successfully applied to the thermodynamic process of a rotary cement kiln .

  14. 利用扩展的Kalman滤波方法,实现量测更新、动态预报,并通过仿真例子进行比较分析。

    Applying Kalman filtering method extended , a renewed measurement and a dynamic forecast are achieved . And also , both the comparision and the analysis are proceeded through simulated examples .

  15. 在AUTOCAD及Matlab5.0软件系统环境下实现位移、偏斜、下沉及沉井三维工况等信息的图文动态显示、输出及量测信息的多部门、多终端共享。

    Dynamic graphical display of information for multi computer users , including the displacement and deflexion and 3D status of well sinking , has been carried into effect under Auto CAD and Matlab software system environment .

  16. 并且在液桥中取了几个典型横截面进行测量,以期对大Pr数液桥的定常速度场有比较全面的定量的量测。

    For more comprehensive studies of the steady velocity fields in a liquid bridge of larger Pr number , we chose several different horizontal cross-sections to measure velocity fields .

  17. 运用模糊集合理论,通对系统输入/输出量测值进行相关分析来建立脉冲TIG焊动态过程的模糊模型。

    Using fuzzy set theory , the fuzzy model of pulse TIG welding dynamic process is built by making relative analysis of input / output data .

  18. 最后通过一个神经网络的数值仿真,说明了滤波器设计方法的有效性。3.研究了一类存在量测数据丢失的非线性随机切换系统H∞滤波。

    The effectiveness of the proposed design algorithm is finally illustrated by a simulation study of neural networks . 3 . The H ∞ filtering problem is investigated for of a class nonlinear stochastic switched system with missing measurements .

  19. 引水隧洞跨度大,现场量测、观察难度较大,尤其是TBM施工掘进速度快,支护跟进迅速。

    Diversion tunnels ' span are large , on-site measurements and observations are difficult , especially in the construction of TBM driving fast and supporting up quickly .

  20. 基于极大似然估计的误差配准(EML)算法考虑了随机量测误差的影响,性能略优于传统的误差配准算法。

    An exact maximum likelihood ( EML ) registration algorithm incorporating the effects of measurement noise is presented .

  21. 模型试验研究中,采用粒子图像测速系统(PIV)对取水口及取水水域的速度场进行了量测,并详细分析了不同工况下的取水口水力特性;

    Under the different water depth and different velocity , detailed X-Y , X-Z plane velocity fields were measured by PIV ( Particle Image Velocimetry ) and carefully analyzed .

  22. 利用软件STK(satellitetoolkit)数据对算法进行了仿真,与直接将太阳电池板电流作为量测值的算法进行了对比。

    The algorithm was simulated based on STK ( Satellite Tool Kit ) data , and the results were compared with those got from the algorithm which using the current generated by solar panels as measurement directly .

  23. 这种基于D-S证据理论的数据关联算法,由于合理利用多源量测信息,有效地克服了传统方法处理数据不确定性时存在的问题。

    By utilizing different information of the measurements reasonably , the new data association algorithm based on D-S evidence theory overcomes the problem of uncertain data in the traditional methods .

  24. 针对红外机动目标跟踪仅有角度量测的特点,引入了基于修正球坐标系的扩展Kalman滤波器,并对目标状态模型及其线性化方程进行了推导,建立了扩展Kalman滤波方程组。

    The extended kalman filter is introduced based on modified spherical coordinates used to infrared maneuver target tracking with angle-only measurements , with emphasis on inducing the mathematical model of target dynamic and the extended Kalman filter equations .

  25. 电子角规是电子经纬仪与PDA的有机结合,电子经纬仪测角精确,配合相应的PDA应用程序,可以准确地实现角规的量测胸高断面积功能。

    Electronic angle gauge is organic combination of electronic theodolite and personal digital assistant . It can accurately survey forest basal area by reason of precise angle-surveying of electronic theodolite and corresponding PDA program .

  26. 仿真实例说明,该算法的估计结果要优于正、逆向滤波估计结果,以及量测噪声不相关的Kalman平滑估计结果。

    Through a simulation example it is indicated that the result of the proposed smoothing algorithm is better than that of the forward , backward filtering or Kalman smoothing algorithm , where the measurement noises are assumed to be uncorrelated .

  27. 针对基于传统量测的负荷建模方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于广域测量系统(WAMS)的负荷建模方法。

    A wide-area measurement system ( WAMS ) based load modeling approach was presented aiming at the disadvantages of existing load modeling methods based on traditional measurements .

  28. 然后给出自动化解决方案,包括更新MES系统进站出站、选择量测工艺、自动量测并收集数据上传,并基于这个方案实现量测设备全自动化选择晶元并进行量测数据可信度分析。

    Then give the solutions including MES track in tract out , select recipe , upload metrology data . At last give the whole auto solution for select wafer and do the data reliability analysis .

  29. 利用捷联寻的导引头给出的量测信息,设计了捷联寻的制导系统的H∞平方根滤波器,估计出弹目相对运动等信息,用于迫弹的最优比例制导,导引迫弹飞向目标;

    H_ ∞ square root filter , using the information measured by the strapdown seeker , and is then designed to estimate the relative movement variables between the ammunition and target . Optimal proportional guidance law , using the estimated information , is finally used to guide the ammunition .

  30. 量测了在水深0.5m的情况下波浪、水流通过水平沙床所产生的床沙输移。

    Measurments were made for the bed sand transport caused by the wave and current travelling over a horizontal sand bed with a water depth of 0.5 m.