
cǎi zhǒng
  • collect seeds;seed collecting
采种 [cǎi zhǒng]
  • [seed collecting] 采集种子

采种[cǎi zhǒng]
  1. 红松适宜采种期的研究

    Study on the best period of seed collecting of Korean pine

  2. 短叶十三号萝卜当年采种技术初探胡萝卜采种技术研究

    A study on techniques for the short-leaf radish No.13 seed collecting in the same year

  3. 结果表明:①影响九叶青花椒发芽率和成苗率的主导因子是脱粒方式(A)和采种时间(B);

    The result showed that the main factors influencing seed germination and seedlings rate are ways of threshing ( A ) and the time of collecting seed ( B ) .

  4. 基于UG的自行升降式采种机虚拟设计与研究

    The Virtual Design and Research for self dyadic promotion and demotion seed collecting machine based on UG

  5. 以线椒FY8052为试材,采用DTOPSIS法对7种线椒采种技术进行综合评价。

    Using DTOPSIS method , 7 kinds of seed collecting techniques of FY8052 were generally evaluated .

  6. 长江下游地区露地越冬采种甜菜的适宜播期为8月上旬,移栽期在9月中、下旬,移栽期秧龄在8~10片叶,适宜栽植密度52500株/hm2。

    The optimum sowing date of overwinter seed collecting beets in the early of Aug. in the low reaches of Changjiang River , transplanting period is in the mid-late of Semp . the transplanting seedling age is 8 ~ 10 leaves with 52500 plants / ha .

  7. 本文对影响甜菜露地越冬采种种子产量的主要因素间关系进行了研究分析,并根据种株生育性状、群体动态指标提出了获得300kg产量所采取的栽培措施。

    The relationship among the main factors which affecting the seed yield of outdoor wintering seed collecting were analysed , and the cultural measures were put forward for obtaining 300 kg seeds by mu which according to the growth characters of seed plant , population dynamic index .

  8. 采种甜菜原地保护越冬栽培技术

    The cultural techniques of covering overwinter mother beet in original plot

  9. 露地越冬甜菜采种施肥技术研究

    Study on Applying Fertilizer Technology of the Over Winter Seed Beet

  10. 不同采种方法对辣椒种子质量的综合影响

    Comprehensive Effect of Pepper Seed Quality with Different Seed Collecting Methods

  11. 振动采种机整机框架的强度分析

    Intensity analysis of the frame construction of the vibrating seed harvester

  12. 甜菜露地越冬采种冻害发生的调查

    The Study on the Cold Damage in over-wintering Sugarbeet Mother Plant

  13. 振动采种机振动参数的选择与计算

    Selection and calculation of vibrational parameters of the vibrating seed harvester

  14. 不同采种期金钱松种子品质的研究

    A Seed Quality Study of Pseudolarix amabilis in Different Collection Periods

  15. 缘毛雀麦适宜采种期的研究

    A Study on Suitable Seed Harvesting Time for Fringed Bromegrass

  16. 香椿种子的发芽率与采种方法及贮藏技术的相关性研究

    Relationship Between Germination Percentage and Seed Collection and Storage of Chinese Mahogany

  17. 采种梯夹树机构的优化设计

    Optimum design of clamping tree mechanisn on seed collecting stepladder

  18. 临海市阔叶树采种基地营建与管理技术探析

    Establishment and Management of Broadleaf Tree Seed Base in Linhai

  19. 大白菜的扦插繁殖及其在采种上的应用

    Propagation of Chinese Cabbage by cutting and its application to seed production

  20. 甜菜露地越冬采种种子生产力的研究

    The Study on the Seed Producing Capacity of over & wintering Sugarbeet

  21. 新疆甜菜露地越冬采种的气候因素

    The Climatic Factors on the Seed Production of Over Wintering Sugarbeet in Xinjiang

  22. 蓝花楹采种时期与种子贮藏及其萌发特性的研究

    Researches on Collecting Time and Storage and Germination Characteristics for Jacaranda Acutifolia Seeds

  23. 油松最佳采种时期的研究

    Studies on optimum seed collecting periods of Pinus tabulaeformis

  24. 授粉温度对黄瓜网室采种产量的影响

    Effecfs of Temperature During Pollination on Cucumber Seed Yield Under Net House Conditions

  25. 环境因子与育种、采种之关系。

    Environmental factors on crop breeding and seed production .

  26. 嫁接黄瓜采种试验研究

    Study on Seed Collection of the Grated Cucumber

  27. 南繁采种甜菜因土栽培的技术研究与应用效果

    The Techniques and Application for Seed Sugarbeet Cultivation Based on Soil in South China

  28. 大白菜小株采种种株的光合特性

    Photosynthetic Characteristics in Seed Plants of Chinese Cabbage

  29. 天达2116对采种甜菜生理指标及产质量的影响

    Effects of Tianda-2116 on physiological indices and yield and quality of seed sugar beet

  30. 种子大年要注意采种、育苗,扩大人工种群;

    The artificial population should be expanded by collecting seeds in good harvest years .