
There are46 commodities subject to export license in2006 ( 312 HS codes of8 places ) . They are separately subject to export quota license , tender of export quota and export license .
Quota license : products may pass through between the Processing Zone and other countries without hindrance .
The Quota License Affairs Bureau under the MOFTEC ( hereinafter referred to as " QLAB ") is the issuing authority of textile quotas authorized by the MOFTEC .
Although GATT / WTO is against restriction on imports by means of quota or license , ILS will prevail for good .
After the WTO , under the influence of factors that tariff concession , quota , licensing system loosening and monopoly sales canceling gradually , domestic cigarette market open further , tobacco trade can 't rely on the support and protection of national tobacco 's monopoly system totally .
Quota licenses are not needed except for cases otherwise regulated by the nation .
Quotas would be allocated to applicants no later than 60 days after closure of the application period .
Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota and / or licensing control .
The quota and license management system pertains to the import of oil products , also covering both state-owned trade and non-state-owned trade .
The public behaviors of government are compulsive and they are able to create rare artificially , suck as license , quota , examining and approving of government etc.
Since the functions of traditional means , tariffs , quotas and licenses , in international business control are weakening , the technical factor in trade becomes more and more popular .
With the development and perfection of multilateral trade system , traditional trade measures , such as tariffs , quotas , import licensing and so on , are more and more strictly limited .
With its entering WTO , China 's tobacco market will further open up and tobacco industry will suffer from great impact due to tariff concessions , relaxing controls of quota and license granting and other facts .
After joining in WTO , quota , import license and other non-tariff barriers will be broken down step by step and the tariffs will be reduced . Our domestic industries especially infant industries will face more and more competition .
Over the decade , we have completely fulfilled our commitments by gradually lowering tariffs on imported goods , abolishing all import quotas , licenses and other non-tariff measures , liberalizing access to foreign trade operation , and substantially reducing the threshold for foreign investment .
Entrance into WTO , China further falls tariffs and eliminate quantitative restriction measures such as import quota and import license , so it is unavoidable for foreign commodities and service to swarm into our markets .
The commonly adopted export restrictions are export taxes , export quotas , export licensing , the minimum export price .
Because of its flexibility and invisibility , technological trade barriers have become the most usual protectionism practice among developed nations .