
luó ji jiě shì
  • logical interpretation
  1. 从分析过程来看,其推理体系的逻辑解释与一般战术要求相符合,这也是DS证据推理理论在潜艇威胁判断上的首次应用。

    Analysis shows that the reasoning system logic was in reason and accorded with tactical rules . This was the first time that D-S evidence theory was applied in submarine threat estimation .

  2. 新制度经济学的范式转换及其全新的逻辑解释力

    The New Institutional Economics'Model Transformation and Its Brand-new Logic Interpretation Power

  3. 市场规模、地区投资吸引力与地区经济差异的逻辑解释及实证

    Market Size , Regional Investment Attraction and Disparities of Regional Economy

  4. 理想化的、浪漫的经历都被冷漠的事实和逻辑解释。

    Poetical , romantic experiences are replaced by cold fact and logic explaining .

  5. 非政府组织生存与发展的逻辑解释社会关系的逻辑

    On the Subsistence and Development of the NGO_s The Logic of the Social Relation

  6. 自动文摘的逻辑解释

    The Logic Explanation of Automatic Abstracting

  7. 可以说,利用一阶逻辑解释存在问题的方法是比较成功的。

    It may be said that the way by which for explaining existential issue is preferably successful .

  8. 就科学知识的发展问题主要有逻辑解释、认知解释和社会解释之分。

    There are logical explanations , cognitive explanations and social explanations on the question that scientific knowledge how to develop .

  9. 如今,这一理论仍然是生物学的基础,并对地球上的生物多样性提供了逻辑解释。

    It is still the foundation of biology and provides a logical explanation for the diversity of life on Earth .

  10. 进而,通过文献归纳,从产业特征角度给出了该局面的一个逻辑解释;

    Further , through the literature review , the article offers a logical explanation for the situation from the perspective of industry characteristics .

  11. 运用理论对实践问题的表现、产生原因进行逻辑解释,展开学术性思考,这也是本文研究的重点。

    Applying theory to found the performance and causes of practical issues , then logical explanation about them , expand academic thinking , which is also the focus of this study .

  12. 当我们不能用逻辑解释我们认为某些东西是坏的或就那事而言是好事,我们更倾向于完全忽视它或是使用错误的逻辑立即将之遗弃。

    When we can 't explain logically why we think something is a bad or even for that matter a good idea , we can tend to either ignore it completely or use faulty logic to dismiss it out of hand .

  13. 只有按照第二种认识,才能对马克思列宁主义的发展作出一以贯之的、科学的、逻辑解释,才有助于帮助学生逐步确立马克思主义的科学信仰。

    Only in accordance with the second kind of understanding , to the Marx doctrine development make one principle runs through it all . Scientific and logical explanation , to help students gradually established in the Marx doctrine for the advancement of science and scientific belief .

  14. 没有任何逻辑能够解释Gigi神奇逃脱并从离家那么远的残骸回家的原因了。

    There have been no logical explanations for Gigi 's miraculous flee and convey home from a break at present away .

  15. 除非意识到这项运动起了变化,否则就不会有合逻辑的解释。

    That 's not logical unless something about the sport has changed .

  16. 对所有那些死因都将会有一个完全合乎逻辑的解释。

    There will be a perfectly logical explanation for all those deaths .

  17. 以我的看法,这是今天最合乎逻辑的解释。

    In my opinion this is the most logical explanation to date .

  18. 运用逻辑来解释事情,而不是运用权威。

    Use logic to explain things , not authority .

  19. 好吧,肯定有个简单而合乎逻辑的解释。

    Ok . I 'm sure there 's a simple , iogical explanation .

  20. 恐怕只有一个合乎逻辑的解释:我正经历着中年危机。

    There was only one logical explanation : I was having a mid-life crisis .

  21. 多值逻辑的解释问题

    Some Issues about the Explanation of Multi-value Logic

  22. 用符合逻辑的解释来赶走任何恐惧。

    Soothe away any fears with logical explanations .

  23. 唯一合乎逻辑的解释是,这个城市是由死者的灵魂居住。

    The only logical explanation was that the city was inhabited by the souls of the dead .

  24. 其思维的内在逻辑是解释循环;

    Meanwhile , the experience has precipitated an internal logic of thought , that is , hermeneutical cycle .

  25. 唯一符合逻辑的解释就是这些方形小颗粒是冰。

    The only logical explanation is that the material was ice that vaporized over the four day time span .

  26. 本文给出了原子命题的详细而又符合客观实际的制约逻辑语义学解释。

    This thesis has given atomic proposition a detailed explanation which conforms to the objective and practical semantics of Lin 's Entailment Logic .

  27. 回到源宇宙的后生物常与宗教圣象联系起来,因为它们的出现缺乏合乎逻辑的解释。

    Artifacts returned to the Primary Universe are often linked to religious iconography ; as their appearance on Earth seems to defy logical explanation .

  28. 科林·布朗,“深奥”的总裁,说道:“我们这里是一个科学中心,我们确信这一定有符合逻辑的解释。”

    Colin Brown , chief executive of The Deep , said : " We are a scientific centre and we 're sure there must be a logical explanation . "

  29. 本选题来源于汉语内涵逻辑语义解释系统研究,首先提取多义词或兼类词的抽象类义,再通过抽象类义的析取与情境参数的合取,来描写具体情境中的词的语义。

    This essay comes from the study of Semantic interpreting system of Chinese Intensional Logic . First , we withdraw abstract thesaurus of polysemous words or homonymy ; then study disjunction of abstract thesaurus , and conjunction of abstract thesaurus and situation parameter for word senses in real situation .

  30. 普通逻辑难以解释关系命题的逻辑性质,不仅在于这些所谓的逻辑性质本身容易陷入窘境,而且在于它与普通逻辑应该研究的逻辑性质相去甚远。

    The common logic difficult to explain the logic quality of the relation Proposition , not only it lie in these so-called logic quality itself easily falling into awkward situation , but lie in it is too far apart from the logic quality of the common logic should study .