
tuì huàn
  • exchange a purchase;exchange (replace)a purchase;change
退换 [tuì huàn]
  • [exchange (replace)a purchase] 退还不合适的,换取合适的(多指货物)

  • 缺页或装订上有错误的书,可以退换

退换[tuì huàn]
  1. 门票不可退换。

    Tickets cannot be exchanged or money refunded .

  2. 如果保修有限制,根据条款你也许可以要求退换或者退款。

    If the warranty is limited , the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund

  3. 药品售出,概不退换。

    Once medicines leave the store they may not be returned .

  4. 包管退换。

    Merchandise will be exchanged if found unsatisfactory .

  5. 产品不合规格,保证退换。

    Replacement is guaranteed if the products are not up to the standard . ; We undertake to replace the specifications .

  6. 货物出门,若未损坏,可以退换。

    Goods sold , if not damaged , are returnable .

  7. 此前,苹果公司允许香港和澳门的用户在购买手机14天内凭借包装盒和原始小票免费退换未损坏的手机产品。

    Apple had previously4 allowed customers in Hong Kong and Macao to return the undamaged products for free , with the original receipt and packaging , within 14 days of the pick-up date .

  8. 色差问题退换我们不承担运费的哦,介意的MM要慎拍。

    Returned color difference problem we do not carry the freight of Oh , mind MM be careful .

  9. 在一个电子商务中,对“产品”的定义除了上述四点外,还包括订单履行(fulfillment)、商品包装、客户服务、退换货策略。

    If you work at a true e-commerce company , then the definition of " product " is broadened to include the fulfillment , packaging , customer service and return policies .

  10. 尽职调查的工作将更为繁重,整个交易可能会花费更长时间,因为买家将假定适用货物出门概不退换(caveatemptor)原则。

    Due diligence will be more onerous , and the whole affair is likely to take much longer , because the purchaser will assume caveat emptor applies .

  11. 随着B2C电子商务业务量的迅速增长,如果消费者发现购买的商品与网络商品描述不同,或者商品有质量问题,或者后悔买了原本不该买的商品时,退换货就产生了。

    With the rapid growth of B2C e-commerce business , if consumers found the goods is different with the Description , or the products have quality problems , or consumer is regretted that the goods was not supposed to buy , Returns has generated .

  12. 购物时商场规定,“打折、特价商品不能退换”。

    Shopping malls refuse to change discounted and special offer goods .

  13. 礼品不设退货或退换现金。

    Gifts redeemed are non-returnable and cannot be exchanged for cash .

  14. 如果这个不适合,你让我退换吗?

    If this does not fit , will you exchange it ?

  15. 就可以换货或获得退款。本店恕不退换货物。

    And you can exchange the item or get a refund .

  16. 特例特价商品售出后无质量问题不能退换。

    You can 't return specific merchandise without any quality problem .

  17. 在本店购买的商品七天内可以退换。

    Goods purchased in this store is refundable within seven day .

  18. 你为什么不退换这件衬衫呢?

    Why didn 't you return the shirt or exchange it ?

  19. 很抱歉,打折商品不能退换。

    I 'm sorry , discounted products cannot be exchanged .

  20. 演出票售出后概不退换;

    No refunds or exchanges if the tickets are sold .

  21. 探讨我国关于消费者退换货的现有法律规定并提出修改意见。

    Our country 's rules concerning exchanging goods ' and modifying opinions .

  22. 处理客户投诉,退换货以及咨询服务。

    Handling the complaints , returning and changing the goods , consultation .

  23. 你当然可以力争说该店应该退换这些商品。

    You could reasonably argue that the store should replace these goods .

  24. 退货或退换费用由顾客负担。

    The cost burden of return or refund is borne by customers .

  25. 我可以把货物退回吗?本店恕不退换货物。

    Can I return the goods to you ? We cannot exchange goods .

  26. 迎新奖赏不可转让,退换或兑换现金。

    The welcome award is not transferable , returnable or redeemable for cash .

  27. 本店货物售出概不退换。

    Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable .

  28. 如果这件衬衫不合身,我能再拿来退换吗?

    If this shirt doesn 't fit , may I return it latter ?

  29. 兑换的礼品不可退货或退换现金。

    Gifts redeemed are non - returnable and cannot be exchanged for cash .

  30. 巳售出之门票,恕不退换。

    All tickets sold cannot be refunded or exchanged .