
  1. 本文设计了系统相关的基础GIS数据平台和数据库平台,并详细分析了燃气输配管网综合管理系统的软硬件体系结构,主要模块的功能用途。

    With the basic theory of GIS , the gas pipeline network geography management information system including the basic GIS platform and the main moduls .

  2. 本文先容了济南-淄博线自然气输配管网SCADA系统,主要包括系统总体结构及各部分的功能与实现。

    In this paper , we introduced the SCADA system lying in the Ji-Zi line , including the overall structure and the subsystems'function and implement .

  3. 根据本文的研究成果,综合利用GUI技术、计算机图像技术、OLE技术、DDE技术、数据库技术、面向对象技术等计算机技术,编制了天然气集输配管网系统优化设计及运行软件。

    With GUI technology , image technology , OLE technology , DDE technology , database technology , directed to object technology , optimistic design software of natural gas pipe network system is programmed .

  4. 用MTLAB分析流体输配管网的初步研究

    Primary Research about the Analysis of Pipe-network for Fluid Supply by MATLAB

  5. 为了使SCADA系统在成都市燃气输配管网系统中发挥更完善的功能,本文就计算机硬件、网络通信、软件领域的新技术在SCADA系统中的引入及应用入手进行有益的探索。

    In order to make SCADA system exert more perfect function in Chengdu GTDS , the research did some beneficial work on introduction and application of the new technique in the fields of computer hardware , network communications and software .

  6. 建立起SCADA城市燃气生产指挥系统,实现对城市燃气输配管网中的各调压箱,计量箱,商服计量间及CNG加气站等的所有现场生产数据进行实时采集与监控。

    A SCADA Urban Gas production chain of command , the city gas pipe network transmission of the pressure tank measurement boxes , uniforms and CNG measuring stations , all the data at the scene of production , acquisition and control .

  7. 事故状态下环状燃气输配管网的计算

    Calculation of Transmitted Gas in Annular Distributing System under Accident Condition

  8. 燃气输配管网结构分析中的结构因素

    Structural Factors in Structural Analysis of Gas Transmission and Distribution Network

  9. 燃气输配管网安全评价体系的研究

    Research on Safety Assessment System of Gas Transmission and Distribution Network

  10. 基于故障树方法的输配管网燃气泄漏风险决策

    Risk Decision for Gas Leak of City Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline

  11. 城市燃气输配管网的可靠性评价

    Reliability Assessment of Gas Transmission and Distribution Systems in City

  12. 燃气输配管网完整性管理的探讨

    Discussion on Integrity Management of Gas Transmission and Distribution System

  13. 流体输配管网水力计算软件的开发

    Software development for hydraulic calculation of fluid supply pipework

  14. 无线集中抄表在燃气输配管网分析及应用

    AMR Analysis in the Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Network Analysis and Application

  15. 城市燃气输配管网系统危机管理的研究

    Study on City Gas Distribution Network System Crisis Management

  16. 提高燃气地下输配管网控制力的几点思考

    Several Ponderations over Heightening Control Capability to Underground Pipeline Network for Fuel Gas Transportation

  17. 天然气输配管网调度自动化监控系统的应用系列传输设备网管系统

    Application of Monitoring System for Scheduling Automation of Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Network

  18. 燃气输配管网系统优化设计

    Gas Transmission and Distribution Network Optimization Design

  19. 在评价基础上进一步进行风险决策,并且提出预防城市燃气输配管网泄漏事故的合理措施。

    Though the assessment of the risk decision can be concluded and proper preventive measures are advance .

  20. 在暖通空调领域,涉及大量的流体输配管网分析问题。

    In the domain of HV & AC , there are many problems about pipe network for fluid supply .

  21. 燃气输配管网的压力级制、管网型式、阀门配置和管径配置等是管网结构的内容。

    The pressure range of gas transmission and distribution network , network type , valve arrangement , pipe diameter arrangement , etc.

  22. 青浦采用的加湿技术在近一年的运转中,输配管网没有出现异常情况。

    In nearly one year 's operation afterQingpu County adopted dampening technology , transmission and distribution pipeline network sees no unussalphenomenon .

  23. 第六章对我国天然气输配管网准入制度的立法设计做了构想。

    Chapter 6 makes several proposals for designing the future admission system of the long-distance transmission and distribution pipeline network in China .

  24. 建立了室外输配管网管径优化设计的数学模型,并采用优化算法进行优化计算。

    Build the mathematical model of optimal design of outdoor transmission and distribution pipeline network diameter and use optimization algorithm to optimize the calculation .

  25. 水力计算是流体输配管网设计过程中关键的环节。

    Hydraulic calculation is the key to the design of fluid supply pipework . Hydraulic calculation by manual operation is complicated and often results in miscalculation .

  26. 天然气输配管网制度的构建对整个行业的监管有效实施有着总要作用。

    In order to effectively regulate the natural gas industry , it is essential to construct the legal system to control the long-distance transmission and distribution pipeline network .

  27. 但是目前,在大多数城市燃气输配管网中,对各调压站的监控仍采取人工记录、逐级汇报的方法。

    Now , the method for the all transform station monitor is adopted by manual record and step-by-step report in most of city gas deliver and piping network .

  28. 集中供热系统是一个系统工程,是由热源、输配管网、热用户组成的一个严密的整体,同时又是一个复杂的综合工程。

    The Central heating system is a systematic project , and consisted of heat source , transmission and distribution pipe network , also is a complex and integrated projects .

  29. 甲烷因其资源丰富,含氢量高,输配管网四通八达,作为制造燃料电池的氢源有很现实的意义。

    Because of the abundant resources , high hydrogen content and the transmission and distribution network in all directions , methane in the manufacture of hydrogen for fuel cells have a very real significance .

  30. 因为管道材料的质量、地基沉降、输配管网上的设备和附件的选择、管道施工、运营管理等等方面因素的影响,容易造成燃气泄漏事故。

    Because the quality of pipe materials , foundation settlement , distribution of pipe-line equipment and accessories selection , pipeline construction , operation and management aspects and so on factors easily lead to gas leakage .