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qīng sōng
  • relaxed;light;unwind;unworried
轻松 [qīng sōng]
  • [light;relaxed] 不感到有负担、不紧张

  • 她看来很轻松

轻松[qīng sōng]
  1. 这篇文章读起来并不轻松。

    The article is not exactly light reading .

  2. 在漫长的一天结束时我们都需要一点轻松的调剂。

    We all needed a little light relief at the end of a long day .

  3. 这位世界冠军昨晚三个回合就被轻松击败。

    The world champion was humbled last night in three rounds .

  4. 那一端的接线员欢快而轻松。

    The telephonist at the other end was cheery and casual .

  5. 他有一种能够使人感觉轻松自在的本领。

    He had a genius for making people feel at home .

  6. 这辆轿车跑长途,开起来很轻松。

    It 's a relaxing car to drive long distance .

  7. 他神态轻松潇洒,给人成功的印象。

    He looked relaxed and elegant and had the patina of success .

  8. 他轻松地将球推过守门员,送入网中。

    He nudged the ball past the goalie and into the net .

  9. 当你紧张的时候,就很难显得轻松自然。

    It 's difficult to look natural when you 're feeling nervous .

  10. 她轻松地躺着享受夏日傍晚的宁静。

    She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening .

  11. 事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气。

    She sighed with relief that it was all over .

  12. 他看起来很轻松,有绝对的自信完全能控制住自己。

    He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself .

  13. 他的讲课学生们都能轻松地听懂。

    His lecture was readily intelligible to all the students .

  14. 轻松点儿!你对这事太紧张了。

    Relax ! You 're getting too uptight about it .

  15. 这个节目着眼于政治较轻松的方面。

    This programme looks at the lighter side of politics .

  16. 荷兰队以5:1轻松战胜了凯尔特队。

    The Dutch team romped to a 5 – 1 victory over Celtic .

  17. 能够最后讲出真话似乎使她感到轻松。

    Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to relieve her .

  18. 他们以5:1轻松取胜。

    They won in a 5 – 1 romp .

  19. 男孩的肺部恢复通畅后,呼吸开始比较轻松。

    The boy 's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily .

  20. 他的演讲少有轻松幽默的地方。

    There was little comic relief in his speech .

  21. 在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。

    In the final game Sweden easily overcame France .

  22. 这个传球使齐达内将球轻松踢进门。

    The pass left Zidane with a simple tap-in .

  23. 为使生活轻松些我们买了一台洗碗机。

    We bought a dishwasher to make life easier .

  24. 他一年轻松写出五本书。

    He knocks out five books a year .

  25. 新招收的成员轻松顺利地完成了训练。

    The recruits have waltzed through their training .

  26. 我怡然自得地轻松了几个小时。

    I spent a few hours quietly relaxing .

  27. 他弹起吉他来显得轻松自如。

    He made playing the guitar look effortless .

  28. 工党在2001年轻松取胜。

    Labour swept to victory in 2001 .

  29. 她故作轻松地做了自我介绍。

    She introduced herself with studied casualness .

  30. 那条狗在她身旁轻松地奔跑。

    The dog loped along beside her .