
  • 网络Crossover;crossover vehicle;Cross;CUV
  1. 特斯拉如果真的能卖出预期的数字,那么其销量的半数将来自现有的ModelS轿车,其它一半则来自明年年初才会量产的ModelX七座跨界车。

    Half the sales would come from the aging Model S sedan and the other half the new Model X seven-seat crossover that goes into production early next year .

  2. 宝马还将推出一款为中国设计的X3跨界车车型。

    BMW will also introduce a version of its X3 crossover designed for China .

  3. 小型车和跨界车(crossover)成为该计划下人们购买的主要车型。

    Small cars and crossovers have dominated the vehicles bought under the scheme .

  4. IHSAutomotive汽车业高级经济学家乔治马利亚诺(GeorgeMagliano)表示:在美国,跨界车仍是最受欢迎的车型。

    The crossover is still the most popular vehicle in the US , George Magliano , senior auto economist at IHS Automotive , said .

  5. 与此同时,一种新的小型SUV&又叫CUV或紧凑跨界车,正在占领以往大型SUV的市场。

    Meantime , a new breed of small SUV called cuvs or compact crossovers is taking hold .

  6. 所有跨界车将以QX加数字代表车型。

    All crossovers will be identified with a QX , plus a number indicating size .

  7. 分析人士表示,包括别克(Buick)在内的沃尔沃对手可能会采取与沃尔沃同样的举措。别克是通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下品牌,它在中国的山东省针对中国市场生产昂科威(Envision)跨界车。

    Analysts say rival manufacturers may replicate Volvo 's move , including Buick , the General Motors brand that builds its Envision crossover SUV in China 's Shandong province for the Chinese market .

  8. 现在日产又推出了一款乱七八糟的Juke跨界车,再次挑战了消费者审美品味的极限。

    The reviewers ' judgment of the crosscabrio is not necessarily final .

  9. 无论是轿车方面的雪佛兰科鲁兹(ChevroletCruze),还是跨界车方面的ChevyEquinox,都为该公司贡献了大量的市场份额。

    It is getting a big lift from the Chevrolet Cruze on the car side , as well as the Chevy equinox crossover .

  10. 他们神往的可能是这种车,但到了真正掏钱的时候,他们买的车往往还是离不开三个热门类别:紧凑型和小型车、紧凑型SUV、跨界车。

    Those may be their wants , but the cars they actually buy often fall into one of three popular segments : compact and midsize car , compact SUV , or crossover .

  11. 一款更小的车型Verano,还有一款尚未命名的小型跨界车也在筹划中。

    An even smaller car , the Verano , and a yet-to-be-named small crossover vehicle are in the pipeline .

  12. 而且,Countryman依然保持着一些跨界车的特点,比如有后车盖,采用四轮驱动,离地距离很短,放物品的空间小到可笑的地步。所有这些都是传统迷你车的特点。

    Although the Countryman has some crossover characteristics like a rear hatch and all-wheel-drive , the ground clearance is minimal , and the cargo space is laughable & all traditional MINI traits .

  13. 福特汽车公司计划今年晚些时候在印度钦奈的一家工厂生产翼博(EcoSport)紧凑型跨界车。

    Ford plans to export its ecosport small crossover from a plant in Chennai later this year .

  14. 某些车型的销售好于整体车市的行情,这包括部分紧凑车及跨界车例如通用雪佛兰(Chevrolet)的Equinox,福特(Ford)的Escape。

    Certain segments have outperformed the overall market , noticeably compact cars as well as crossover utility vehicles like the Chevrolet ( GM ( GM , Fortune 500 ) ) equinox and Ford ( f ( F , Fortune 500 ) ) escape .

  15. 紧凑车市场是豪华车市场最大的一个分支,同时通用和凯迪拉克也希望打开这个突破口,为以后销售CTS、XTS等体型更大的豪华车、乃至SRX跨界车和攀登者SUV等铺平道路。

    The compact sedan category is the biggest segment in luxury vehicles and a portal through which GM and Cadillac hope to attract consumers to larger luxury sedans such as the CTS and XTS , to the SRX crossover and Escalade sport-utility vehicle .

  16. 今年晚些时候,随着MKC车型投放市场,预计林肯汽车销量将实现增长。林肯MKC是一款小型跨界车,以福特翼虎(Escape)(在中国被称为六和(Kuga))为蓝本开发,但外形不同。

    Later this year , the brand 's sales should jump as it begins selling the MKC , a small crossover built on the same underpinnings as the Ford Escape -- known as the Kuga in China -- but with a different look .

  17. 这两款跨界车都能搭载七名乘客。

    Both of the big crossovers can carry seven passengers .

  18. 不知道这究竟意味着自由客将放弃强悍的越野能力,乖乖地变身成另一台跨界车?

    Does this mean the liberty will forego its Rubicon rating and become just another crossover ?

  19. 目前在全球范围内,跨界车都是最受市场欢迎的车型,在豪车板块也一样受到追捧。

    Crossovers are the hottest vehicle segment worldwide and have proliferated among the luxury brands as well .

  20. 比如你说日产公司雄心勃勃也好,有勇无谋也好,但它还是毅然推出了这款敞篷跨界车,结果恶评如潮。

    The crosscabrio is the ambitious or perhaps foolhardy attempt to create a crossover with a convertible top .

  21. 可以说驾驶这辆强悍跨界车带来的乐趣要远远超过在外面观赏的乐趣。

    you can say it 's a lot more fun to drive the mighty thing from looking at a compact wagon from the outside .

  22. 昂科雷七座跨界车于2007年问世,现在已是别克系列中最老的车型,已到了更新换代的时候。

    The enclave seven passenger crossover , introduced in 2007 , is now the oldest car in the Buick lineup and due for a makeover .

  23. 大众和吉利这两家公司都打算在新兴市场制造他们的豪华跨界车。大众选定了墨西哥,而吉利则是以中国作为其制造基地。

    Both companies , Volkswagen and Geely , have plans to manufacture their luxury crossovers in emerging markets , VW in Mexico and Geely in China .

  24. 两家厂商注定将发生一场遭遇战:它们都将推出一款令人过目不忘的大型跨界车,目标群体均是购买力相当的富裕消费者。

    The two automakers are positioned for a skirmish : Each is introducing an impressive , new large crossover aimed at roughly the same affluent buyers .

  25. 如果美国汽车行业杂志《沃兹汽车》(Wardsauto)的专家最新编撰的最佳引擎榜单可作为一种指示,那么在当代轿车、卡车和跨界车的引擎盖下面正发生一场静悄悄的革命。

    There 's a ( not so ) quiet revolution going on under the hoods of today 's cars , trucks and crossovers if the latest list of best engines compiled by the experts at WardsAuto is any indication .

  26. 相对来说,美国的沃尔沃经销商对新款车型更加渴望,因此这次开售对他们来说事关重大。而美国的奥迪经销商拥有大大小小的新款轿车和跨界车,生意已经红火了好一阵子。

    The stakes are quite high for U.S. Volvo dealers , who have been relatively starved for new products , while U.S. Audi dealers have enjoyed a prosperous run with a spate of new sedans and crossovers , large and small .

  27. 在我开始评论这款2012年全新的斯巴鲁跨界车之前,我想声明一点,斯巴鲁的名声可能会干扰我。评论其中的某些车型真的让我感到有点棘手。

    Before I start telling you about this all new 2012 Subaru presenters , one thing I want to make it kind of bugs me about Subarus , is Subaru honors , really some of them , they can be a little touchy .

  28. 而奥迪ShootingBrake和沃尔沃XC双门跑车都是插电式混合动力车,跨界概念车。

    The Audi Shooting Brake and the Volvo XC Coupe are both plug-in hybrid , concept crossovers .

  29. 最近我写了一篇关于日产(Nissan)美人奴跨界敞篷车(MuranoCrossCabriolet)的文章,颇有些感慨。要创造一种全新的汽车设计理念真不是件容易的事啊!

    When writing about Nissan 's Murano CrossCabriolet recently , I was reminded how difficult it is to create a new automotive concept & and how harshly the market treats original ideas .

  30. 但目前来说,美人奴跨界敞篷车成为“年度差评车”,已经是板上钉钉的事。

    But for now , it is safe to label the crosscabriolet the most disrespected car of 2011 .