
  • 网络capital outflow;Funds outflow
  1. 鉴于国际收支帐目必须平衡,答案当然是本港有净资金流出。

    Given that the balance of payments must be in balance , the answer , of course , is that there has been net capital outflow .

  2. 《华尔街日报》估计在截止今年9月的一年内流出中国的资金数量达到2250亿美元,这同时包括合法和非法的资金流出额。

    The Journal 's $ 225 billion estimate for the year ended in September captures both legal capital outflow and some of the illicit flow .

  3. 规模最大的此类基金&SPDRGoldShares周二遭遇其6年历史上的最大规模的资金流出,令其黄金持有量降至去年5月以来的最低水平。

    The largest such fund , SPDR Gold Shares , suffered the largest outflow in its six-year history on Tuesday , sending its holdings to the lowest since May .

  4. 韩国资金流出总额为9.65亿美元,同时韩元汇率跌至两年低点。在数据出炉口,韩国央行(BankofKorea)周四意外降息,对经济放缓做出回应。

    Korean outflows totalled $ 965m , as the won crept towards a two-year low . The Bank of Korea responded to a slowing economy with a surprise rate cut yesterday ( after the cut-off for this data ) .

  5. 过去10周,新兴市场基金也遭遇200亿美元的赎回&美林(MerrillLynch)称,这是10周的期间内规模最大的资金流出。

    There was also $ 20bn in redemptions in the past 10 weeks by emerging market funds – the largest outflow in any 10-week period , according to Merrill Lynch .

  6. 目前中国已开辟了许多资金流出的途径。

    Many routes for taking out funds have been opened up already .

  7. 美国高收益基金继续录得小量资金流出。

    Us high yield funds continue to see small out ? Ows .

  8. 但该公司表示,预计不会遭到大量资金流出。

    But the fund manager does not expect to see significant outflows .

  9. 上周存款和资金流出苏格兰,就是一个兆头。

    The shift of deposits and money out of Scotland this week is a harbinger .

  10. 这些资金流出导致私人银行业务盈利趋弱,给投行业务的缓慢复苏蒙上阴影。

    The outflows led to weaker private banking earnings , overshadowing a slow recovery in investment banking .

  11. 此举出乎市场意料,并导致大量资金流出股市、流入国债市场。

    That move took markets by surprise and fuelled heavy flows into bonds and out of equities .

  12. 资金流出有助于解释中资银行今年以来贷款增速放缓的原因。

    The outflow helps explain why China 's banks have been slow to increase lending this year .

  13. 在阿富汗,每年有逾10亿美元大宗资金流出该国。

    In Afghanistan , more than $ 1bn in bulk cash flows leave the country every year .

  14. 迄今为止,资金流出规模不大,但银行家表示,他们的客户仍感到紧张。

    The capital outflows have thus far been modest , but bankers said that their clients remained nervous .

  15. 随着风险偏好出现少许回升,货币市场基金在第二季度出现相当大规模的资金流出。

    Money market funds saw sizeable outflows in the second quarter as a modicum of appetite for risk returned .

  16. 这意味着,中国投资者获准进行多元化海外投资之后,资金流出规模可能达到约6万亿美元。

    That represents a potential outflow of about $ 6 trillion , as Chinese investors are permitted to diversify overseas .

  17. 但多数上市基金管理公司都明白,如果金融市场大幅下跌和业绩下滑导致资金流出,市场对它们的估值就会下降。

    But most listed fund managers know valuations will fall if financial markets stumble and performance falters , triggering outflows .

  18. 反之,每当有人从货币发行局购入外币(即资金流出港元),货币基础便会收缩。

    It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board ( outflow from Hong Kong dollars ) .

  19. 当资金流出中国时,这套体系就会产生相反的作用,能够助力经济增长的资金数量会减少。

    When money leaves , that system swings into reverse , and there is less money available to fund growth .

  20. 对资金流出和市场快速波动的担心将会让市场在短期内进入一个整固时期。

    Concerns over fund outflow and high market velocity will see the market entering into a consolidation period over the short term .

  21. 虽然在1月末才开始有大量资金流出,摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数从去年秋季起就已经落后于富裕国家的指数了。

    Although significant fund outflows started only in late January , the MSCI EM has lagged behind rich-country indices since last autumn .

  22. 主要的担忧是,这些因素可能会导致新兴市场资金流出,企业因此倒闭。

    The major concern is that all these factors could cause cash to flood out of emerging markets and companies this fall .

  23. 曾在去年吸引资金流出黄金市场的风险资产(包括新兴市场的股票和债券)现如今已不具昔日魅力。

    Risky assets that drew cash away from gold last year , including emerging-market stocks and bonds , are looking less appealing .

  24. 这些邻国担心,会有大量资金流出日本,从而压低日元汇率、提高该国出口商的竞争力。

    They worry that floods of money will leave Japan , pushing down the currency and improving the competitiveness of its exporters .

  25. 这些措施似乎在鼓励资金流出从而减轻人民币升值的压力,并给A股降温。

    The policy direction seems to encourage more fund outflow to ease pressure on RMB appreciation and to deflate the A share market .

  26. 资金流出完全是由国内外汇基金推动的,这一迹象表明,投资者不愿承担新兴市场汇率风险。

    The outflows were driven solely by local currency funds , an indication that investors do not want exposure to EM currency risk .

  27. 作为该地区最大增长来源的中国,对资金流出和外国银行的在岸运营实施了严格控制。

    China , the region 's biggest source of growth , controls tightly the movement of money offshore and foreign banks ' operations onshore .

  28. 该公司表示,这些基金出现资金流出是因为“美国次贷相关信贷紧缩严重影响了投资者信心和全球经济增速”。

    EPFR said the outflows were because " the credit squeeze linked to the US subprime debt mess weighed on investor confidence and global growth " .

  29. 采购部门作为企业的重要职能部门,是企业资金流出量的相对较大的业务部门,也是企业采购成本所占比重最大的部门。

    Procurement sector as an important business functions , is the largest business sector of capital outflows , but also the largest cost of doing business sector .

  30. 相反,在资金流出时,市场人士向货币发行局出售当地货币,货币基础便会收缩。

    In the other direction , when there is an outflow of funds and the domestic currency is sold to the currency board , the monetary base will contract .