
  • 网络Resource Group
  1. 为了确保这一点,我们把服务IP地址包含在资源组中。

    To ensure this , we include this service IP into the resource group .

  2. 因为IP地址需要保持高可用性,所以它属于资源组。

    Since the IP address needs to remain highly available , it is a part of the resource group .

  3. 要在资源组中添加的下一个资源是服务IP。

    The next resource that we will add into the resource group is a service IP .

  4. 在RationalQualityManager中,核心思想之一是您可以通过使用那些实验室资源组管理整个团队甚至团队之间的资源。

    In Rational Quality Manager , one of the core ideas is that you can manage your resources across the team or even across teams by using those lab resources groups .

  5. 这就是声明JNDI名称并将其与JMS资源组关联起来所需的操作。

    That 's it for declaring JNDI names and associating them to JMS resource groups .

  6. 资源组:这是集群中的节点能够管理的服务IP地址、应用程序服务器和共享卷组的一个逻辑分组。

    Resource group : This is a logical grouping of service IP addresses , application servers , and shared volume groups that the nodes in the cluster can manage .

  7. 一个AIX系统可能包含多个资源组,并且通常为每个资源组定义一个卷组。

    A single AIX system might contain multiple resource groups , and there typically is one volume group defined per resource group .

  8. 定义资源组odrg

    Define the resource group od_rg

  9. PowerHA把资源组当作单一单元处理。

    PowerHA handles this as a single unit .

  10. 单击面板底部的ForActiveMQ链接以创建新的JMS资源组。

    Click the For ActiveMQ link at the bottom of the panel to create the new JMS resource group .

  11. 下一节将介绍如何使用Geronimo控制台创建JMS资源组。

    Let 's get started and jump into the next section , which covers how to create a JMS resource group using the Geronimo console .

  12. 资源组采用的数据块/索引节点的动态分配、带统计信息的动态位图等技术使得BWFS具有高效率的空间管理能力。

    The space managements are performed concurrently against the RG The techniques of dynamic data / inode allocation strategy and dynamic bitmap with summary information bring efficient space management to BWFS .

  13. 下一步是配置资源组。

    The next step is to configure a resource group .

  14. 这些是对资源组服务地址的引用。

    These are references to a resource group service address .

  15. 这个向导帮助您快速设置一个新资源组。

    This wizard will help you quickly set up a new resource group .

  16. 正如前面指出的,资源组是资源的集合。

    As defined earlier , a resource group is a collection of resources .

  17. 故障恢复策略:这决定资源组是否执行故障恢复。

    Fallback policy : This tells whether or not the resource group will fallback .

  18. 它会保持资源组高可用性。

    It keeps the resource groups highly available .

  19. 在资源组中添加应用服务器

    Adding an application server to resource group

  20. 您需要为虚拟服务器创建或选择一个资源组。

    You will need to create or select a resource group for your virtual server .

  21. 这个小组通常对您定义的实验室资源组有高级的访问权限。

    The team always has exclusive access to the group of lab resources that you define .

  22. 逻辑卷名也应该基于前面定义的资源组名。

    The logical volume name should also be based upon the previously defined resource group name .

  23. 创建一个实验室资源组可以使您能够跟踪和管理多个在一起的资源。

    Creating a lab resource group enables you to to track and manage multiple resources together .

  24. 表4中描述了资源组名中每个成分的详细信息。

    The detailed information for each component of the resource group name is described in Table 4 .

  25. 故障转移:这是资源组从一个节点转移到另一个节点的情形。

    Failover : This is a condition in which resource groups are moved from one node to another .

  26. 您可以通过小组区域查看所有的实验室资源组,从而可以了解谁对什么资源有访问权。

    You can view all lab resource groups by team area to see who has access to what resources .

  27. 然而,一个资源组可能包含几个卷组,这取决于应用程序的需求。

    However , a resource group might contain several volume groups , depending upon the requirements of the application .

  28. 这里所使用的资源组的概念,要比高可用性实体的范畴更大一些。

    The concept of a resource group is used here in a larger sense than just as a high-availability entity .

  29. 以敏捷制造方式中制造资源组构为背景,讨论了供应商组构的多准则特征与多目标特征。

    Multi-criteria and multi-objective features in the process of vendor selection are discussed under the background of resource combination in agile manufacture .

  30. 使用资源组名作为这种方法的基础,可以将其扩展到比本文中所介绍的更大的范围。

    The use of a resource group name as the basis of this methodology can be expanded beyond the scope presented here .