
  • 网络capitalization;Capital;total capital
  1. EVA取决于税后净经营利润、资本总额、加权平均资本成本率三个因素。

    EVA depends on the after-tax net operating profits , capitalization , weighted average cost of capital rate of three factors .

  2. 根据spreadbettorIG整理的数据显示,腾讯的市场资本总额大约为2463.5亿美元。而阿里巴巴的市场资本总额为2420.4亿美元。

    Data compiled by spreadbettor IG showed Tencent 's market capitalization was around $ 246.35 billion , compared with Alibaba 's market capitalization of $ 242.04 billion .

  3. 国际金融研究所(instituteforinternationalfinance)数据表明,以2010年为例,流入拉美的私人资本总额超过2800亿美元,差不多是世行和美洲开发银行当年合计贷款额的10倍。

    In 2010 , for example , total private capital inflows to Latin America topped $ 280bn , according to the Institute for international finance . This was nearly 10 times the combined amount that the world bank and the IDB loaned that year .

  4. 外商投资企业为有限责任公司,责任应限为(注册资本总额)。

    The foreign capital enterprise shall be a limited company .

  5. 净值对资本总额的比率

    Ratio of net worth to total capital

  6. 东京交易所按市场资本总额来算位居世界第二,排在纽约之后。

    The Tokyo Stock Exchange is the biggest in the world by market capitalisation after New York .

  7. 根据目前的资本总额来看,公司的股票市值大约是120亿美元。

    The stock market values the company , according to its current capitalization , at about $ 12 billion .

  8. 手工业资本家因其人数众多,所占资本总额大而占居主导地位。

    Because the big population , the handicraft capitalists covered a large part in the total capitals and occupied a leading position .

  9. 例如,一家公司从事了许多需要支出大量资本总额的计划和工作。

    For example , a corporation engages in a number of initiatives and efforts that require the expenditure of large capital sums .

  10. 除了近几年中的几个短暂时间段外,通用电器一直是世界上市场资本总额最高的公司。

    Except for a few brief periods in recent years , General Electric has had the highest market capitalization of any company in the world .

  11. 一些人则想使其影响力同占全球市场资本总额一半的美国股票市场不相上下。

    Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America 's equity markets , which account for almost half of global market capitalization .

  12. 领取《企业法人营业执照》的,设立登记费按注册资本总额的千分之一缴纳;

    When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person , the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital ;

  13. 有人想使其影响力与占全球市场资本总额一半的美国股市的地位相对称。

    Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America 's equity markets , which account for almost half of global market capitalisation .

  14. 这家公司日前披露称,它已经从现有投资人那里额外募集到了600万美元的投资,从而使它募集的资本总额达到了3900万美元。

    The company today reveals it has raised $ 6 million in additional funding from its existing investors , bringing the total funds raised to $ 39 million .

  15. 问题在于,一个项目的吸引力不仅取决于回报率,还要看投入的资本总额。

    The problem is that the attractiveness of a project depends not just on its rate of return , but on the amount of capital invested in it .

  16. 万家的资本总额约为100亿元,而赵微的龙薇文化传媒的注册资本只有200万元。

    While Wanjia 's capitalization was about 10 billion yuan , Zhao 's company -- Longwei Culture and Media -- had registered capital of only 2 million yuan .

  17. 对于曼德尔来说,经济体所生产的总剩余价值,是将要实现的利润总额的最高限值,是可以限定的资本总额的最高限值。

    For Mandel , the total surplus value produced constitutes a limit to the amount of profits to be realised , the amount of capital that can be valorised .

  18. 第二十一条汽车金融公司应实行资本总额与风险资产比例控制管理。

    Article 21 An auto financing company shall meet the requirement on the capital to risk assets ratio , and the capital adequacy ratio shall not be less than ten percent .

  19. 前项法定盈余公积已达本公司资本总额时,得不受前项规定之限制。

    If the legal reserve mentioned in the preceding paragraph has reached the level of the company 's capitalization , the restrictions cited in the preceding paragraph shall no longer apply .

  20. 产业资本家虽然人数少,但其投资单个企业的资本总额远远超过其他行业的单个企业的资本总额,因而在社会政治经济生活中具有举足轻重的作用。

    Though they were few industrial capitalists , the majority of the enterprises they invested were modernized companies , so they played a crucial role in the society 's political and economic life .

  21. 2005年,在欧洲的风险投资市场上,英国的风险资本总额占欧洲风险投资额的40 ̄50%,在欧洲是当仁不让的大哥大,在世界范围内仅次于美国。

    In the VC market , UK accounted for about 50 % of the total volume in Europe in 2005 : the strongest development in Europe and the second biggest market next to that of the USA.

  22. 韦尔奇不仅没把它打碎,而且对它进行了改造,使它的发展超出了任何人的预料:公司的市场资本总额由140亿美元增加到今天的4000多亿美元。

    Not only did Welch not break it , but he transformed it as well and multiplied its value beyond anyone 's expectations : from a market capitalization of $ 14 billion to more than $ 400 billion today .

  23. 自欧洲债务危机于2009年末在希腊爆发以来,欧盟创设了一套复杂的援救机制来支撑受困国家及其摇摇欲坠的银行业,该机制的认缴资本总额高达7000亿欧元。

    Since the region 's debt crisis erupted in Greece in late 2009 , the European Union has created complex rescue mechanisms to prop up distressed countries and their shaky banking sectors , setting aside a total of 700 billion euros .

  24. 第六十三条企业对外投资如占被投资企业资本总额半数以上,或者实质上拥有被投资企业控制权的,应当编制合并会计报表。

    Article 63 Consolidated financial statements shall be prepared by the enterprise , where it owns 50 % or more of the total capital of the enterprise it has invested or otherwise owns the right of control over the invested enterprise .

  25. 因此,解冻全球金融市场需要大幅增加银行的资本总额,不仅是恢复到原有状况,也不仅是针对有毒证券化资产本身,还应根据目前和今后将变得“有毒的”那部分资产进行调整。

    To unfreeze the global financial market therefore requires significant increases in bank capitalisation , not just to the status quo ante , and not just to account for the toxic securitised assets themselves , but to adjust for the stuff that is getting toxic right now and tomorrow .

  26. 越南表现不佳是由于其市场的广度和宽度,因为目前整个股票交易市场的资本总额仅有200亿美元,而且还处于初始阶段,还有很大的发展空间。所以我们将会看到更多的国有企业及私人企业。

    Vietnam is underperforming is because of the width and the depth of the market because right now the entire , you know , stock exchange market capitalization is only about 20 billion dollars and given that they are still in a very primitive stage and there is a lot of room for growth .

  27. 包括短期证券在内的财政部国际资本流动总额,即所谓Tic流动,3月份净购买量上升1160亿美元,高于2月份的965亿美元。

    Total Treasury International Capital , or Tic flows , which includes short-term securities , rose a net $ 116bn in March , up from $ 96.5bn in February .

  28. 但中国移动现在才建立自己的4G网络,今年必须为此投入750亿元人民币,使全年资本支出总额增加五分之一,达到2252亿元人民币。

    But China Mobile is only now building its 4G network - a task that necessitates spending Rmb75bn this year , which would bring total capital expenditure up by a fifth to Rmb225.2bn .

  29. 考虑到这一数目几乎是过去半年美国股权资本融资总额(据dealogic的数据)的3倍,找到这些资金将困难重重。

    Finding that kind of money will be tricky considering the sum is almost three times total US equity capital raisings during the last half a year , according to Dealogic data .

  30. 资本形成总额,按货物类别和所有人分列

    Gross capital formation by type of good and owner