
dài kuǎn fú wù
  • loan servicer
  1. 此外,据贷款服务机构学生贷款市场协会(SallieMae)介绍,通过你银行账户的借记卡自动还款可以让你的利率降低0.25个百分点。

    In addition , paying through automatic debits from your bank account could reduce your interest rate by 0.25 percentage point , according to loan servicer Sallie Mae SLM + 1.61 % .

  2. 如果借款人拖欠的及时偿还抵押贷款的贷款服务商(银行或其他金融公司),贷款人可接管财产,在这个过程被称为赎回。

    If a borrower is delinquent in making timely mortgage payments to the loan servicer ( a bank or other financial firm ), the lender may take possession of the property , in a process called foreclosure .

  3. 位于加纳的UTHoldings创建于1997年,提供贷款服务。

    UT Holdings , in Ghana , started out in 1997 granting loans .

  4. 协助客户申请融资及贷款服务。

    Assistance in handling of trade finance and bank loan .

  5. 一年贷款服务收取的总额。

    The total amount required to service a loan in a given year .

  6. 这家公司提供贷款服务给想要买新车的人。

    The company offers financing for those who want to buy a new car .

  7. 目前,银行通过积极的电话营销及其它促销方式,提供信用卡和贷款服务。

    Banks now offer credit cards and loans through aggressive telemarketing and other promotions .

  8. 根据布什总统公布的这项计划,抵押贷款服务商将同意自愿将利率冻结5年。

    Under the plan , mortgage servicers would agree to the five-year rate freeze voluntarily .

  9. 各种利好因素包括:抵押贷款服务商一直在建立机制应对违约情况;

    Among the positives : Mortgage servicers have been putting the infrastructure in place to deal with defaults ;

  10. 能否为广大农民提供简单快捷的贷款服务,是当前影响农村经济和社会发展的关键性问题。

    Providing simple and quick loan services for farmers is key issues on impacting rural economy and social development .

  11. 银行通常适用这种模式,它们分别划分成小额银行业务、信用卡和抵押贷款服务。

    Banks often fit this model with separate divisions for retail banking , credit card , and mortgage services .

  12. 为了使借贷者保有他们的住房,当局必须继续向各大银行施压以使其提供更多更好的按揭贷款服务。

    The administration must continue to press banks for more and better mortgage workouts to help borrowers keep their homes .

  13. 因此,现在你知道你怎样才能避免你的眼前的财务危机所利用快速垫款贷款服务。

    So now , you know how you can avoid your immediate financial crisis by availing fast payday loan services .

  14. 他和其他政府官员,会同放贷者,贷款服务机构,投资者和其他人士,商讨了此计划的条款。

    He and other government officials met with lenders , loan servicers , investors and others to work out terms of the plan .

  15. 贷款服务商收款并与房主打交道的公司通常代表它们的投资者行事,而这些投资者之间常常存在利益冲突。

    Mortgage servicers companies that collect payments and work with homeowners typically act on behalf of those investors , who often have competing interests .

  16. 一种称作“立马有望”,这项措施将房屋业主和贷方和抵押贷款服务商以及其他相关方面召集在一起共同寻求止赎的途径。

    One is called HOPE NOW , and it brings together homeowners and lenders and mortgage servicers , and others to find ways to prevent foreclosure .

  17. 他表示,如今摩根大通按揭贷款服务部门有23000名员工负责解决和清理相关问题,远高于2008年的6800人。

    He said JPMorgan now has 23,000 employees working on modifications and cleaning up the problems in its mortgage service business , up from 6,800 in 2008 .

  18. 住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的信用贷款服务。

    Housing is a consumer credit banks and other financial institutions to meet the needs of the residents to buy housing and the provision of credit services .

  19. 预计贷款服务商每成功修订一笔贷款将获得800美元,贷款投资者估计会赔偿贷款服务商与修订有关的一定费用。

    Servicers are expected to be paid $ 800 for a successful modification and loan investors are expected to reimburse servicers for certain fees associated with the modification .

  20. 数字的差异源自于一系列妥协,让银行得以把税收减免、抵押贷款服务协议及其它资产纳入一级资本的计算。

    The difference comes from a series of compromises allowing banks to add tax credits , mortgage servicing agreements and other assets into their calculation of their tier one capital .

  21. 为了放慢抵押权丧失的过程,州政府也采取了一点点措施,但是抵押贷款服务机构修改的贷款还不是很多,因此形势未能发生重大改观。

    The state has done a little bit to try to slow down the foreclosure process , but the mortgage servicers haven 't been modifying enough loans to make a big difference .

  22. 在这种类型中,可以将服务作为重复使用的业务功能的单一访问点进行重用,如针对不同类型的客户的贷款服务或支付处理服务。

    Here , the service can be re-used as a single point of access for a recurrent business function , such as loan processing services for different customer types or a payment processing service .

  23. 我一直对住房市场感兴趣,也知道我有为自己工作的自律性,但我担心的是宣传自己所需要的金钱。她目前是加州按揭贷款服务公司ProMortgage的经纪人。

    I had always been interested in the housing market , and knew I had the self-discipline to work for myself , but I was concerned with the amount of self-promotion that was required .

  24. 银行开展小企业贷款服务,是一项从当前我国国情及银行业实际情况出发,在银行传统业务基础上加以创新,完全可以实现双赢的业务。

    Loan service for small-sized enterprises provided by the banks is an innovated business , which can gain beneficial results for two resolved parties , based on traditional banking services , considering China 's present situation and banking reality .

  25. 即便是现在,政府也应重新探讨这个问题,寻找减少和/或加速止赎的方法&要么不让贷款服务商再管理这项业务,要么给予陷入困境的借款者减少本金的新选择。

    Even now , the administration should revisit this issue and look for ways to reduce and / or expedite foreclosures , either by taking them out of loan servicers ' hands or by giving distressed borrowers new options for reducing principal .

  26. 个人住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的贷款服务,它是社会经济发展和银行金融发展的必然选择。

    Individual housing consumer credit are loan services which provided by banks and other financial institutions to meet the needs of the residents to purchase a home , it is the inevitable choice that help socio-economic development and the banking and financial development .

  27. 各种利好因素包括:抵押贷款服务商一直在建立机制应对违约情况;贷款损失金额比较稳定,并有可能减少;住房市场出现复苏迹象。

    Among the positives : Mortgage servicers have been putting the infrastructure in place to deal with defaults ; losses on the loans have been steady and could get smaller ; and the housing market looks like it could be turning the corner .

  28. [方法]分别为25个HIV/AIDS家庭和25个普通健康家庭提供了小额无息贷款服务,以发展适合目标家庭需求的创收性生产项目,一年后50个贷款户均如数还清贷款。

    Methods : the service of small sum of loan but without interest was offered to 25 families with HIV / AIDS and 25 normal families simultaneously in order to develop feasible housing productive programs , and after one year all of the families paid off the loan .

  29. 贷款提供服务有三种版本。

    The loan provisioning service has three variations .

  30. 一个印度人走进纽约城市银行要见贷款客户服务经理。

    An Indian walks into a New York City bank and asks to see the loan officer .