
The banks made too many risky loans which now can 't be repaid , and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped .
As a result , loans from the Asian Development Bank are unnecessary .
Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest .
The problem : banks don 't have enough places to lend out all that yuan and earn interest .
That is , for every dollar a bank collects in deposits , it can only lend out 75 cents .
Due to the boom period of money lending out much more special , so in bubbles collapse bank losses will be particularly heavy .
When the banks initially whined that they were loaned to the hilt and beyond legal limits , Morgan famously snapped , You 've got your reserves .
They can not lend them all out and , if they convert them back to dollars to lend , they have to hedge , an expensive proposition .
So if the banks have to hold up to30 % more capital now then that is billions that they cannot lend to get the economy going again .
The money it can lend and invest , at any moment , is its excess of cash and bank balances over required reserves and minimum cash requirements .
But being able to borrow at zero in the US and lend at , say , 9 per cent plus in Brazil has unleashed a possibly dangerous surge of hot money into emerging markets .