
ɡòu xiāo hé tonɡ
  • purchase-and-sale contract;sales agreement;purchase-and-sale agreement;purchases and sales agreement
  1. 请您将这份《购销合同》复印一份。

    Please make a copy of the trading contract .

  2. 船舶燃油购销合同的选择

    How to choose the fuel sales contract

  3. 卖方可能为履行购销合同而订购了原材料。

    Seller may have placed for the purchase of materials and supplies to fulfill this purchase order .

  4. 从一起购销合同纠纷案谈定金罚则的适用

    Implications from the Disputes over a Purchase and Selling Contract on the Application of the Penalty Regulations for Deposits

  5. 天然气购销合同由于天然气的特殊性而与一般商品合同有较大的区别。

    Natural gas purchase and sales contracts are greatly different from general commodity contracts because of the particularity of natural gas .

  6. 在国外,客户出于各种各样的原因,如融资、所得税、遗产税、赠与税、购销合同及公司产权转换等,要求进行企业价值评估。

    In America , the business valuations are performed due to various reasons such as financing , income taxation , inheritance tax , donation tax , sales contracts and ownership transformation between entities .

  7. 系统主要模块包括基本信息管理、购销合同管理、出入库管理、库存盘点管理等功能模块。

    Systematic major modular includes the basic information management , the contract management , output and entrance storehouse management and stock of purchase and sale to check inventory etc. function modular about raw material .

  8. 供应链金融即是以上思想的实现,在该种模式下商业银行通过借助与中小企业有产业合作关系的大企业的担保、或者以两者之间的购销合同为担保,来共同分担中小企业贷款风险。

    The effective way to achieve the above idea is supply chain financial models which are passed through commercial banks and cooperative relations of the credit of large enterprises , or assured purchase order between them .

  9. 此前的购销合同已于2008年12月31日过期,促使俄罗斯新年当天切断向乌克兰供气,导致1月7日向欧洲方面供气停止,导致寒冬中欧洲民众断供,对此双方相互谴责。

    The previous contract expired on December 31 , prompting Russia to cut-off gas to Ukraine on New Year 's Day . Both sides blame each another for halting deliveries to Europe on January Seventh , during an unusually cold winter .

  10. 产品出现了质量问题,农产品认证机构可通过查找申报材料、审核意见、生产记录、购销合同等原始资料进行快速追溯,可很便捷地找到问题的源头。

    Once there are some problems in the quality of products , the accreditation body of agricultural products can soon find the causes by rapid tracing application materials , audit opinions , production records , purchase and sale contracts and other original data .

  11. 用户对煤炭质量有特殊要求的,由供需双方在煤炭购销合同中约定。唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。

    Where customers have special requirements for coal quality , they shall have to reach an agreement with the seller in a purchase and sale contract . Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens , into a middle-class family .

  12. 订单农业是农户与客户通过签订农产品购销合同来组织农业生产的新型农业生产经营模式,是发展我国现代农业和农村经济的必然选择。

    The so-called order-mode agriculture is that the farmer organizes agricultural production according to the sales contract signed by him with his client . This new mode of agricultural production operations is the inevitable selection for China to upgrade her agricultural economy to a modern one .

  13. 国际商务购销英文合同的篇章分析

    Textual Analysis of International Business Purchase & Sales Contract in English