
  • 网络retail therapy;Shopping Therapy
  1. 购物疗法让我的头都要炸了。

    Retail therapy was making my head explode .

  2. 他们搞不懂购物疗法或逛街有什么意义。

    Men simply can 't seem to understand the meaning behind retail therapy or window shopping .

  3. “购物疗法”是指为了调整情绪或精神状态而进行的购物行为。

    Retail therapy is shopping with the primary purpose of improving the buyer 's mood or disposition .

  4. 汪汪把校花甩掉的时候,校花气得跑到商场去玩一把“购物疗法”了。

    Our school darling went to the mall for a little retail therapy the day after Wang Wang dumped her .

  5. 人们常说购物疗法可以弥补一个人感情生活的不幸,如今有新的研究揭示了其中的原因。

    Retail therapy is often said to make up for a poor love life – and now new research has shown why .

  6. 购物疗法一向是众多女性的乐事,对她们而言,再没有什么比逛商店更好的事情了。

    Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than a trawl round the shops .

  7. 大家不要把负面反馈当作暴饮暴食或采取“购物疗法”的借口,而是要把它看作一次改变的机会。

    Instead of viewing it as an excuse to binge eat or resort to retail therapy , see it as an opportunity to change .

  8. 虽然我很赞成去做一些能提升心情的活动,但是购物疗法无疑是种昂贵的方式。

    Although I 'm all for indulging in activities to boost your mood , retail therapy is definitely a pricey way to do it .

  9. 在运河上坐船探索这个城市,闻一闻阿姆斯特丹郁金香博物馆漂亮郁金香的花香,逛逛卡尔弗尔市中心商店来个购物疗法。

    Explore the city by water on a canal cruise , smell some beautiful tulips at the Amsterdam Tulip museum , and hit the city center shops of Kalverstraat for some retail therapy .