
huò bì pínɡ jià
  • currency parity;par value of currency
  1. 这些货币平价兑换。

    This currency exchanges at par .

  2. 对货币汇兑平价的检验表明,在经济发展水平相似的条件下,货币汇兑平价构成市场汇率的基础。

    Evidence from test of exchange parity of money shows that under circumstances of similar level of economic development , the formation of exchange rate in the market is based on the exchange parity of money .

  3. 诚然,澳元汇率已从1澳元兑1.096美元的高位跌落,但目前仍处于1.058美元的点位,而1月份这两种货币基本是平价。

    True , the Aussie has dropped from its peak of $ 1.096 , but it is still at $ 1.058 , up from near parity in January .