首页 / 词典 / good

  • talk;speak;chat;discuss
  • talk;conversation
  • 说,对话:~天。~心。~论。~话。~判。~吐。恳~。洽~。漫~。~笑风生。

  • 言论,听说的话:笑~。无稽之~。传为美~。

  • 姓。


(说话或讨论) talk; speak; chat; discuss:

  • 同她谈一谈那件事

    speak to her about the matter;

  • 与他谈谈生意

    discuss business with him;

  • 我们一直谈到深夜。

    We talked far into the night.


(所说的话) talk; conversation:

  • 闲谈


  • 老生常谈


  • 无稽之谈

    fantastic talk; silly nonsense


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 谈炎

    Tan Yan

  1. 她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

    She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick .

  2. 你可以跟父母敞开谈性的问题吗?

    Can you talk openly about sex with your parents ?

  3. 克莱尔和菲尔在角落里深谈。

    Clare and Phil were immersed in conversation in the corner .

  4. 当时他们已经谈了好几年的恋爱了。

    At that time they had been courting for several years .

  5. 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。

    These street gangs have become the terror of the neighbourhood .

  6. 她在同丹谈恋爱?你是在开玩笑吧!

    She 's going out with Dan ? You 're joking !

  7. 他整个晚上大谈人生的意义。

    He spent the evening philosophizing on the meaning of life .

  8. 走出屋外这事就不要再谈了。

    Don 't let this go further than these four walls .

  9. 这一对朋友无话不谈——彼此之间毫无秘密。

    The two friends shared everything ─ they had no secrets .

  10. 报告对这个问题谈得很肤浅。

    This report has barely skimmed the surface of the subject .

  11. 我和他们谈了以后就给你打电话。

    I 'll call you after I 've spoken to them .

  12. 你不觉得和她谈一谈会有用吗?

    Don 't you think talking to her would do some good ?

  13. 我怎样才能和汤姆谈呢?他会很失望的。

    How can I face Tom ? He 'll be so disappointed .

  14. 我想和你谈点私事。

    I 'd like to talk to you about a personal matter .

  15. 我不想再谈此事。

    I have no desire to discuss the matter further .

  16. 我不知道他在谈什么。

    I didn 't know what he was talking about .

  17. 我不懂你在谈什么。

    I don 't know what you 're on about .

  18. 我们在电话里谈了一个多小时。

    We talked on the phone for over an hour .

  19. 再见!下次再谈。

    Bye for now ! I 'll catch you later .

  20. 我得推心置腹地和她谈一谈。

    I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with her .

  21. 她开始东拉西扯地大谈电视的弊端。

    She went into a long ramble about the evils of television .

  22. 我们有个默契:吃午饭时谁也不许谈工作。

    We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch .

  23. 如果你仍然不放心,就找医生谈一谈。

    Talk to your doctor if you 're still worried .

  24. 他一谈政治便流于夸夸其谈。

    He tends to overstate his case when talking politics .

  25. 他们谈这,谈那,无所不谈。

    They were talking of this , that and t'other .

  26. 现在我们来谈问题的症结。

    Now we come to the crux of the matter .

  27. 老这么谈吃的勾起我的食欲了。

    All this talk of food is making me hungry .

  28. 我认为我们最好不要再谈这个话题。

    I think we 'd better drop the subject .

  29. 他和一个真正的怪人在谈恋爱。

    He 's going out with a real freak .

  30. 在她开始谈她工作的时候,他走神了。

    When she started talking about her job , he just tuned out .