
kè jiān
  • break;class interval
课间 [kè jiān]
  • [recess;break] 学校两节课之间间歇的时间

  • 课间休息

  1. 在首尔西面的仁川,高中教师LeeKyoung-shin说,一些学生把手机藏起来,在课间甚至课堂上用。

    ' Some of them hide their phones and use them during the break or even in class , ' said Lee Kyoung-shin , a high-school teacher in Incheon , west of Seoul .

  2. 关于构建大课间体育活动课程的若干思考

    Reflection on the Construction of Physical Education During the Long Break

  3. 上完头两节课,有十分钟的课间休息。

    The first two classes are followed by a break of ten minutes .

  4. 课间休息时来见我。

    Come and see me at break .

  5. 凡是被抓住的孩子在课间游戏时要被留在屋里。

    Any child who is caught will be kept in at playtime .

  6. 在课间,学生们连一个方便凑在一起的地方都没有。

    There wasn 't even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes

  7. 课间休息铃响了。

    The bell went for the break .

  8. 课间休息的时候,小学生们常在操场上做游戏。

    Pupils often play games in the playground during breaks .

  9. 他总是说他在学校最喜欢的是课间休息。

    He always said that his favourite thing at school is recess .

  10. 学校里孩子们有课间休息。

    The children have a break between classes at school .

  11. 平时,学校的学生有时会来找他说他们感觉不舒服,或者告诉他在课间休息时发生的事情。

    On a regular day , students at the school sometimes come up to him to say they 're not feeling well or other times to tell him about something that happened at break .

  12. 课间休息时我还会做一些其他的事情,比如下棋和剪纸。

    Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting .

  13. 所以,和你一样,我在课间休息时经常独自一人,这种状态持续了很多天。

    So , like you , I spent many days at recess standing alone .

  14. 所以我在课间一个人站着无所事事。我该怎么办?

    So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing . What should I do ?

  15. A:事实上,从一年级到五年级,课间休息是一天中我最不喜欢的时光。

    A : In fact , recess was my least favorite part of the school day for Grades I to 5 .

  16. 课间休息的时候,汤姆继续和艾美逗乐,一副得意洋洋、心满意足的样子

    At recess Tom continued his flirtation with Amy with jubilant self-satisfaction .

  17. 课间休息时,操场上回响着欢快的声音

    During the break , the sports ground rang with happy shouts .

  18. 2018年,小云儿的妈妈在驾校学车,课间休息时给同学们看女儿的跳舞视频。

    In 2018 , the mom went to learn driving at a driving school and showed her daughter 's dancing videos to her classmates during breaks .

  19. 基于真实病例的PBL教学在国际学生外科课间实习中的应用

    Application of PBL based on real cases in surgical practice for international students

  20. PBL教学法在内外科护理学课间见习中的应用

    Application of Problem-based Learning in Students ' Clinical Probation of Medical Nursing and Surgical Nursing

  21. break尤用作工间或课间的休息今天上午我们有两节课,课间有些休息时间。

    Break applies especially to a rest during the working day or at school We have two lessons this morning , but there 's some free time in between .

  22. 一天课间休息时,她出现在人头攒动的操场,打扮成一个复活节兔子(EasterBunny),她蹦了一会,然后蹦着回了家。

    One day she turned up in a packed schoolyard at break-time dressed as an Easter bunny , hopped around for a while , and then hopped off home .

  23. 课间,同学们可以参加各种各样的活动。

    After classes the students join in all kinds of activities .

  24. 课间休息时,操场上回响着欢快的叫声。

    During the break , the sportsground rang witn happy shouts .

  25. 约翰和他的同学朱迪在课间休息。

    John and his classmate , Judy , rest during intervals .

  26. 实践要求驱动下的土地信息系统课间实习教学方案研究

    During-Course Teaching Scheme of Land Information System Driven by Practical Requirements

  27. 孩子们课间在操场上到处奔跑,渲泄多余的精力。

    The children ran around the playground , letting off steam .

  28. 课间10分钟休息方式初探

    A preliminary studying of rest way in ten minutes between classes

  29. 小学生在课间通过“集体洗手操“”学习正确洗手方法。

    Students do hand washing exercise on the Global Handwashing Day .

  30. 学生课间餐食品营养价值动物实验研究

    Study on Nutritive Value of Middle School Students Food during Break